
Chapter 2050

Chapter 2050 Routines
After Yi Tian and Yi Meng competed in the four spirits formation, both sides had a better understanding of the strength of their respective opponents.Later, after the two stopped, Yi Tian led the topic to the Yaozu side step by step, and started investigating with Yi Meng's surname as an excuse.

Unexpectedly, he really has some connection with the Huojiao clan in the demon world. When he mentioned the skeleton of the scorching dragon that fell in the ancient battlefield of the demon world, Yi Meng was shocked and asked for the exact situation.

It's just that the bones of the scorching dragon had already been refined by himself, and even the flesh and blood were refined into blood essence to reshape Yishun's body.Even if Yi Meng went to the demon world to investigate the demon battlefield, it would not help.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian coughed lightly and said: "Actually, you can't find that skeleton even if you go now. After so many years of wind and rain erosion, the scorched dragon skeleton has long since collapsed. Keep the memories of those years. I also learned about this situation from their mouths."

Hearing this, the excitement on Yimeng's face instantly calmed down, he lowered his head and thought for a while before saying, "If my guess is correct, what you saw should be my father's skeleton."

"I have been skeptical about this for a long time. After all, with my current experience, I only saw two scorching dragons in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit," Yi Tian said, "But I didn't expect your father to be with the demon world. Emperor Yuanhao is involved."

"They are brothers in the first place," Yi Meng said disdainfully, "My father probably fought his last breath for my uncle back then."

"Oh, how do you know, could it be that you escaped to the spirit world to avoid disaster?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"The situation is similar to what you guessed, but at that time I hadn't hatched with me. It was my mother who took me away from the demon world and came to the spirit world to seek refuge," Yi Meng said: "At that time, Lihuo Palace or Wuye was still in power. I guess he is now Should it fly up?"

Yi Tian smiled and waved his hands and said: "Master, the old man is still retreating in the hinterland of the sect, but as you said, it is estimated that the time to ascend to the fairyland is not far away."

"But I'm afraid Wuye hasn't made up his mind yet. After all, it's not a good thing to ascend to the fairy world with the mark of Luotian Xiangong on his body," Yi Meng said.

Yi Tian's face didn't change when he heard this sentence, but he was secretly surprised, he didn't expect to learn about Luo Tianxian Palace from Yi Meng's mouth.And according to what he said, there must be a deep-seated reason why Master Wuye didn't make up his mind to ascend to the ascension. Could it be that Luo Tianxian Palace is so unpopular in the fairy world, or is there some powerful enemy in the sect that forces the descendants of the sect to ignore it? Dare to soar easily.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian turned his eyes to Yi Meng, who was in front of him, and immediately asked, "Why do you know my master very well? Didn't you say that you hadn't hatched when you came to the spirit world?"

But Yi Meng waved his fist and said, "Boy, I think your bone age is not more than three thousand years old. Presumably, you are also Uncle Wu Ye's apprentice. How dare you talk to me like this."

"Then what should I tell you?" Yi Tian said impatiently: "How can I say that I am also the suzerain of Lihuo Sect now, regardless of age and status, I should be on the same level as you."

"For Uncle Wuye's sake, I don't have the same knowledge as you," Yi Meng replied, "Because I left the demon world in a hurry, so after I settled down in the spirit world, I was lucky to have Uncle Wuye use Li Yanzhen Fire hatching helped me to be born, otherwise do you think I would be so polite when I see people from the Fire Palace?"

Unexpectedly, the master had helped him back then, and Yi Tian's expression softened a little at this time. Finally, everyone can get on with each other no matter what, then the next words will be ready to start.Then he asked tentatively: "According to what I know, Luo Tianxian Palace has disintegrated into the current three factions of the spirit world 5 years ago. Why is the master still afraid of being caught in the fire?"

"I don't know about that, and I don't know the specifics very well," Yi Meng said: "But I heard from my mother that there were people from the fairy world who came to track down Luo Tianxian Palace more than 5 years ago. Then you have to ask your master."

It should be directly related to the sudden disappearance of Master Miaodizi, and this is the direct reason why Master Wuxiang fell into the devil's way and became a demon saint.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said with a serious face: "I also know about that. The disappearance of the master Miao Dizi and the fall of the Wuxiang master to the demon world also happened at the same time."

"Actually, we later people only got a rough idea of ​​the situation at that time. If you want to find out, you must find the demon saint Bao Tan and ask for it." It is estimated that the strength of the devil will not be able to ask anything when he sees the devil."

Yi Tian Xindao said it well, but this matter cannot be avoided, and he has to wait until his strength has been promoted to the next level before he has the opportunity to find out.

Looking at Yi Meng in a blink of an eye, it seems that he knows a lot, Yi Tian rolled his eyes and still wanted to get some valuable information from him.Then he asked: "I see that you are entrenched here for thousands of miles and no one will come, so what should you do if you are lonely on weekdays? Will you miss the prosperity of the spirit world and find a chance to go to the hinterland of the spirit world?"

"I have nothing to miss about those things in the spirit world," Yi Meng said disdainfully, "I've seen them for 3 years, even if you fought with demon monks some time ago, I was just rough Just hold back a glance, nothing to meddle in."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was also aggrieved for a while. In the eyes of this master, the battle between himself and the demons was nothing more than playing around.

Then I heard him say: "Besides, I'm not just squatting here, I was also ordered by the Mahayana monks of the three sects to guard the entrance of the fragments of the virtual world here."

"The entrance to the fragments of the virtual world, could it be that this is the crack in the fragmented space of the Luotian Immortal Palace found by the ancestors of the three sects?" Yi Tian was overjoyed, but there was no sign of joy on his face, and said: "Could it be that you are guarding the space Is the crack related to the fragments of the fairy world of the Luotian Immortal Palace in the sect?"

Yishun hurriedly silenced his voice and stared at Yi Tian before sighing: "Actually, don't be too persistent, these space cracks are not as simple as you imagined. There are not a hundred people who go in, and you can Those who come out alive are naturally dragons and phoenixes among people. I don’t think the three Mahayana monks will let you in and out at will, and it will be difficult for me to explain to them if you are trapped inside.”

"Is it really that difficult and dangerous inside?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"At least in the 3 years I have been guarding, no one has come out alive," Yimeng replied solemnly.

But the more Yimeng said that, the more Yi Tian felt itchy. If he went in and explored, he might be able to find the secret of Luotian Immortal Palace.It's just that crisis and fate coexist, and it's not that simple to retreat completely.

(End of this chapter)

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