
Chapter 2051

Chapter 2051
After talking with Na Yimeng, Yi Tian learned that he had been in charge of guarding the entrance to the gap between the fragments of the Immortal World for tens of thousands of years, so he must have some understanding of the situation of Luotian Immortal Palace.Yi Meng glanced over and saw Yi Meng looking bored, and Yi Tian smiled lightly and thoughtfully said: "Then I don't know how much fellow Taoist Yi Meng knows about this fragment of the fairy world, why don't you go in and explore it yourself?"

Yi Meng rolled his eyes and replied with a playful look in his eyes: "My old man hasn't lived enough yet. This is basically a situation where ten deaths and no life will be entered into the fragments of the fairy world. Only a fool will go."

"Isn't that the ancestors of the three sects of the spiritual world and Feng Lingzi, the founder of the Luo Tianxian sect, came out alive?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's just these four people. You must know that there were no less than a hundred people who entered that year. Even Luo Tianxian Palace's direct line disciples had dozens of them at most, but I haven't met any one who came out," Yi Meng said disdainfully.

"It seems that you haven't seen those disciples of the Luotian Immortal Palace entering it, maybe they are framing me," Yi Tian said casually, but actually locked his eyes on Yimeng to see how he responded.

I saw Yi Meng waved his hand and said: "Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I heard this information from my mother. She has been here for tens of thousands of years before me, so she naturally knows a lot of inside information. "

"So it's not so easy to get out of the fragments of the fairy world in Luotian Immortal Palace, and it's not so easy to come out alive," Yi Tian said with emotion.

"Of course, I don't see that the Mahayana monks of the three schools of the spirit world haven't made up their minds to go and investigate inside for a long time," Yi Meng suddenly mentioned.

That's right, just a word to wake up the dreamer, Yi Tian quickly went through the situation of the master and the two uncles in his mind.It has been at least 4 to [-] years since they entered the Mahayana period. It is reasonable to say that after such a long period of time, their cultivation base has already reached the peak and they are at least [-]% sure of wanting to ascend.

But they stayed in the spirit world. Originally, I thought they were there to guard the spirit world, but now it seems that they have other purposes.

If they can explore the fragments of the fairy world and come out alive, they will definitely have more confidence in ascending by then.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's desire to find out became more and more intense, and Yi Meng who was in front of him seemed to be aware of this, and his expression changed slightly: "I advise you to think twice before you act, you must know that this is the way to go. The fragments of the fairy world are extremely dangerous, and I also learned that the entrance of the fragments of the fairy world is not only the one I guard here, but there is another entrance deep in the original spirit world."

"Why is there such a thing?" Yi Tian said with a horrified expression, "There are multiple passages in the void fragments of the fairy world?"

"As far as I know, there are only two places, but the fragments of the fairy world that these two places lead to are completely separated," Yi Meng said: "I heard that the founder of Luotian Immortal Palace went to another place. Afterwards, the three elders of Luo Tianxian Palace jointly investigated it. It’s just that my mother was sent to guard here in order to restrict the entry of outsiders.”

Hearing this, Yi Tian suddenly realized that the founders of the three schools of emotion and Feng Lingzi did not enter the same fragment of the fairy world.Although they are all fragments of the fairy world from Luo Tianjie, they seem to be broken into two places.The place that Senior Feng Lingzi visited should be the highlight, and the founders of the three factions just scooped up some bones and drank some soup.

Lowering his head and contemplating for a moment, the puzzled look in Yi Tian's eyes gradually became clearer, and then he said in a deep voice, "Since I'm here, I still want to go in and find out, otherwise if I miss such an opportunity, I don't know when I will meet it next time."

Yi Meng said with a helpless expression: "It's all up to you to decide, the entrance is about [-] miles away from here, because there is a strong wind blowing out of the crack, so entering it is equivalent to going backwards." OK."

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yimeng, for your pointers. Is there anything else important that I can tell you?" Yi Tian asked.

Yi Meng thought for a while before saying: "Actually, my mother also entered it 2 years ago, and you must have guessed the reason."

"Is it a problem of running out of life energy?" Yi Tian asked cautiously.

"That's right," Yimeng said with a gloomy expression, "In fact, people say that there is a limit to the longevity of the monster race. Unless they can enter the real tenth level, otherwise the appearance of the ninth level peak alone is nothing more than a limit." It’s just been suffering for tens of thousands of years.”

"Then I don't know what Fellow Daoist Yimeng means, but you want me to wait for the opportunity to find Lingtang's whereabouts while going to the fragments of the fairy world?" Yi Tian asked.

"My mother's name is 'Yi Min', who was originally a heavenly girl from the Huojiao clan in the demon world. After leaving the clan, she came to the spirit world with my father," Yi Meng explained: "5 years ago, when the Yuanhao dynasty in the demon world fell, My father refused to listen to dissuasion and insisted on returning, leaving only my mother here."

"Even if I can find her, Yilingtang's life energy may be exhausted. Fellow Daoist Yimeng should understand what I mean," Yi Tian said.

"This matter can be done according to God's will, and Sect Master Yi doesn't need to be too persistent," Yi Meng said, took out a palm-sized golden dragon scale and put it in his palm, and then cast a spell on it with a few auras before handing it over. : "This is my mother's Ni Lin, which contains my breath, which can be used as a token to prove your identity. If you don't find your mother, then this piece of Ni Lin is given to Sect Master Yi."

Stretching out his hand to take the piece of inverse scale, Yi Tiantuo only felt that it weighed a thousand catties in his hand, and the palm secretly worked hard to hold it firmly in his hand.Immediately, he used his divine sense to sweep back and forth on this piece of reverse scale with a surprised look on his face.Sure enough, the remnants of spiritual pressure fluctuations on this piece of reverse scale are in the same line as Yimeng in front of him, and this is a connection that only close relatives have.If you see 'Eup Min', the other party will definitely recognize it.

Furthermore, this piece of inverse scale seems to be no more than the size of a palm, but in fact, the aura inside it is strong and can be used to refine weapons, at least it can become a mid-level heavenly weapon.After putting away this piece of reverse scale, Yi Tian met Yi Meng in front of him and had nothing to say, then he cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry to bother you today, thank you fellow Taoist Yi Meng for your guidance. Before entering the fragments of the fairy world, I will also Inform the sect so that they can feel at ease."

"Sect Master Yi cherishes it. There are many dangers and obstacles in going to the fragments of the fairy world, but it is also accompanied by great opportunities. Those who have great perseverance must not get out." Yi Meng also cupped his hands and replied, "I hope Sect Master Yi will not forget my entrustment. If you can find me Mother is the best, if you can't find it, it's God's will, so don't blame yourself."

"I don't worry about this matter, Fellow Daoist Yimeng, don't worry," Yi Tian flew towards the pointed direction after the aura flashed all over his body after he finished speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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