
Chapter 2052 Query of Immortal Fragments

Chapter 2052 Fragment of the Immortal World Ten Query
With the clues left by Uncle Wu Ang, Yi Tian found that the originally clueless exploration gradually became clear.After reading the travel notes, I realized that this place is just a corner of the Chuangong Hall of Luotian Immortal Palace, and I don't know why it collapsed from the Immortal World to this point.Although the immortal spirit power contained in it is powerful, it is also mixed with a lot of chaotic power. It is not known whether it was originally absorbed when it fell into the spirit world or mixed with other places.

The size of this place is far beyond my imagination. At that time, Uncle Wu Ang did not enter the vicinity of the Chuan Gong Hall first, but walked around in a circle.It's just that it took more than half a year to find the boundary of the fragments of the fairy world even after a week of flying like this.

As for the three ruins among them, he inspected all over the place and finally found the fragments of the "Lingwei Cave Sky Chaos Source Power Explanation Sutra".It's just that he hasn't practiced Chaos Source Power, so naturally it's useless for the time being.

In the Jade Slips, he also mentioned that there were two late-stage disciples of the Zongmen who came in together after the fusion. Yi Tian estimated that they were the two middle-stage monks who had met before.It's just that they didn't expect that after ten thousand years, their strength would only increase to that in the middle of the fusion.

In addition, if they can't cooperate with the Upper Immortal Realm, they won't be able to bring down the Tribulation Thunder. Their cultivation base has not been baptized by the Thunder Tribulation, so they are naturally much weaker than the normal mid-stage monks.

If I didn't know it, I would calmly kill them directly, but now I secretly grow a heart of compassion.After all, they were all seniors of the sect ten thousand years ago, and they suffered again for no reason.If conditions permit, I can follow the example of Uncle Wu Ang and send them into reincarnation, which can be regarded as respecting the fellowship.

As for the remnants of the "Lingwei Cave Sky Chaos Source Power Explanation of Doubts" in his hand, it just happened to meet his most urgent needs now.After dispersing the divine thoughts, first check the surrounding situation, and after confirming that there are no creatures approaching within a hundred miles, Yi Tian took out the formation plate and set up a warning formation.

Afterwards, I sat on the eye of the array and took out the fragmented scroll and began to study it slowly.

After analyzing the above golden seal characters word by word, Yi Tian had the answer in his heart. It turned out that this chaotic source force was the uncivilized original source force.It can be decomposed into Xuanhuang Qi and used for cultivation, but the true immortals in the fairy world have also made mistakes. After absorbing the Xuanhuang Qi and their own evolution, they directly split into two different individuals, Xuanqi and Huangqi. .

"Isn't this the same as dividing oneself into black and white in the Zen of Good and Evil?" Yi Tian said to himself.But after taking three breaths, he shook his head and directly denied his inference. After all, the Zen method of good and evil separates the two extremes in the monk's heart. In principle, they are still two spiritual practitioners, just like their own teacher Like Zun Wuye.

And this fragment of the "Lingwei Cave Heaven Chaos Source Power Interpretation of Doubts" really stated that absorbing the chaos source force, decomposing it into black and yellow qi, itself will change accordingly, and go in two different directions over time.

In the final analysis, it is completely divided into two into two unrelated individuals, with the memory and thinking of the ontology at the same time.However, his cultivation has dropped to [-] to [-]% of the original level, and it will take a long time of practice to make up for the lost cultivation.

I believe that I will never do this. If I divide myself into two, I will at least fall to the level of the early stage of fusion or even the level of the late stage of distraction. If I want to practice back to the level of the current late stage of fusion, I don’t know it will be the year of the monkey. .

However, it is also mentioned in the scriptures that the orthodox method is to completely refine the source of chaos and then integrate it into the Nascent Soul.Afterwards, the Nascent Infant will mutate into a Chaos Immortal Infant.

Looking inside the Niwan Palace, Yi Tian found that his Nascent Soul spirit body had turned gray and white at this time, exactly the same as what was taught in the scriptures.The only difference is that he is still in the spirit world and has not cultivated into a fairy baby.

And for no reason, he also happened to avoid the most dangerous step to fuse the mysterious and yellow energy into the source of chaos.

The appendix of the Jade Slip Cultivation Technique records all the real immortals in the fairy world practicing this technique. Many real immortals started to fuse early after they had just ascended to the fairy world, but among them, there are only a handful of successful ones.Moreover, Yujian also mentioned that the difficulty of fusion will increase exponentially the higher the level of cultivation.

Many true immortals gave up after trying two or three times, and there were quite a few who became obsessed during the cultivation process because they could not handle the integration properly.

For this reason, the sect collected this technique and marked it as a forbidden technique. This is also to prevent the occurrence of madness caused by sect disciples after practicing.

Over time, as the monks of the Zongmen seldom involved in this technique, the jade slip skills of the "Spiritual Cave and Chaos Origin Power Explanation Sutra" naturally went to the place of use and were hidden away.

Then, for some reason, with the collapse of a corner of the Luotian Xiangong Chuangong Hall, he fell into the spirit world.This fragment of the "Lingwei Cave Heaven Chaos Origin Power Interpretation of Doubts" actually introduces the origin of chaos origin and how to use it.It is also mentioned that how to fuse and refine the source of chaos is all recorded in an exercise called 'The True Solution of Hunyuan'.As for this exercise, it was engraved on the opening chapter of the 'Taishang Qingting Jing'.

Seeing this, Yi Tian remembered in his mind the content described in the remnant volume of the "Lingwei Cave Sky Chaos Origin Power Explanation Sutra".

Turning around, he took out another copy of the 'Tai Shang Qing Ting Jing', Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, it seemed that it was difficult to make up his mind to open it again.Before, I just opened it and read a few words, and I was already dizzy, but when I saw the treasure in my hand, I couldn't touch it, and I was very anxious.

If you can't memorize the exercises above, you will naturally be unable to practice.

After calming down, Yi Tian put away the jade slips of the "Lingwei Cave Sky Chaos Source Power Explanation of Doubts" and sat cross-legged in the eyes of the array, and began to exercise his skills and play tricks.

A few days later, Yi Tian exhaled lightly from his mouth, and then opened his eyes with a trace of clarity.He reached out and took out the 'Tai Shang Qing Ting Jing' jade slip and gently opened it to the opening position, then stared at the jade slip with concentrated eyes and began to silently remember the words on it.

The "Hunyuan True Explanation" exercise is extensive and profound, which expounds the acquisition of chaos source power, refining, dividing and combining, and simple application methods.After looking at it for a while, Yi Tian found that the feeling of dizziness appeared again, so he hurriedly closed the jade slip and put it away.Fortunately, I have already engraved the first layer of the exercises in my mind.

According to this exercise, my current cultivation base is in the late stage of fusion, which is the best time to practice. As long as I have completed the first level of "Fun Fu", I can freely absorb the movement of the two qi, the black and the yellow, and reconcile them into the source of chaos, or Break down the source of chaos into one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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