
Chapter 2053 Guard 1

Chapter 2053 Guard One
After bidding farewell to the one-horned scorching dragon beast Yimeng, Yi Tian turned around and galloped towards the location where the entrance of the fragment of the fairy world he was pointing at was located.Speaking of which, there are only three Patriarchs who can come out of that place alive in the entire spiritual world.As for what Senior Feng Lingzi explored, it was another fragment of the fairy world. Speaking of which, these two places fell into the spirit world after the collapse of the Luo Tian world in the fairy world, but there are many differences between them.

At least Yi Tian knew in his heart that the fragments of the fairyland that Feng Lingzi had explored should be bigger and wider.Although I yearn for it, the current situation seems to be that the opportunity has not arrived.

And the place in front of him is also an excellent situation, at least now Master Wuye and the two senior uncles have not made up their minds to check it out.If I can find some fairy fate from it, maybe I will become the fourth Mahayana monk in the spiritual world.

The distance of [-] miles is just a short time for Yi Tian today, but when Yi Tian flew almost such a distance and looked down in the air, he didn't find any interface cracks, let alone any cracks and gaps. The wind blows out.

Stopping in the air, Yi Tian opened up his divine sense and searched around. It stands to reason that his divine sense can cover tens of thousands of miles without any problem.In order to find out Yi Tian carefully, he still narrowed the range covered by the divine sense to within a thousand miles.Although I didn't find the location of the entrance right away, I also found that there are two places that are very different from the outside world.

Turning his head, the purple light flashed in his eyes, Yi Tian performed the magic pupil technique, stared at the due west three hundred miles away, and began to observe carefully.I saw that among the [-] mountains below, the spiritual energy in the valley less than [-] miles away was the most vigorous, and the surrounding slopes of the valley were full of ten thousand-year-old spiritual plants.

If you put these things in normal times, you can make yourself a little bit excited, but now Yi Tian only cares about the gap position of the entrance of the fragments of the fairy world.He didn't pay much attention to these ten-thousand-year-old Lingzhi.

Turning around, he hurriedly flew towards that valley, and after a distance of fifty miles, he found that the concentration of spiritual power here was almost comparable to the blessed place where the founders of the three sects practiced in seclusion.

To put it bluntly, if I can live here for a long time, I can improve my cultivation to the peak state of the late fusion stage in less than 2000 years.

Flying further, Yi Tian found that the sky above the valley was filled with layers of multicolored rays of light. It should be a spectacle produced by the mixture of the spirit air carried by the wind blowing from the gap and the power of the spirit world.

Not daring to be careless in his heart, Yi Tian still decided that it would be the best policy to go down first and find his way in from the extension of the valley.The multicolored glow was accompanied by a large amount of fog that covered the valley, but my divine sense couldn't penetrate in to investigate the reality.

Slowly falling down and keeping his figure at a height of more than a foot above the ground, Yi Tian slowly flew from the low sky towards the depths of the valley.After a short time, I came to the position of Taniguchi, and then flew forward and suddenly heard the sound of "rustling".

As a monk in the late stage of fusion, his perception ability is extremely strong, far exceeding that of low-level monks, and the strength of his spiritual sense can detect many times more than ordinary monks.But here, the divine sense is blocked by layers of fog and can only detect movements in a radius of three miles around.

After Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, he checked carefully, but he didn't find any monks or spirit beasts here.But the 'rustling' sound coming from under the ground really does exist.

Suddenly there was a sound of 'click, click' in front of him, and Yi Tian looked up to see that it was a towering ancient tree that opened its branches and blocked the road in front of it.A crumpled human face appeared in the middle of the tree trunk, and two fist-sized eyes stared at him for a while before he said, "Who dares to trespass into the Raging Flame Canyon?"

"It turns out that this place is called Raging Flame Canyon. Even Deyimeng didn't go here before, so it seems that he has never been here," Yi Tian said in his heart, "It seems that the spiritual plants here have passed through the gap in the fragments of the fairy world. The nourishment of the fairy spirit has also been cultivated into essence."

After a rough look, the ancient tree in front of him was a ten thousand year old peach tree, more than ten feet tall, and the branches on his body extended to form a canopy that covered a full radius of one mile.The branches are full of peaches, and the ripe peaches are full of fragrance, and each one is the size of a seven-inch sea bowl.

If the peaches here were picked and taken to the outside world, I am afraid that those heavenly alchemists will fight for them with bloody heads.

Withholding his spiritual thoughts back, Yi Tian coughed lightly and said, "I am the lord of the Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world, Yi Tian, ​​who came to investigate the fragments of the fairy world. Who are you and why are you blocking my way here?"

"I've never heard of Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world," said the face on the peach tree, "I am the mountain god Hong Yuxian here. Show the warrant or you won't be able to enter the valley."

"Red Rain Immortal," Yi Tian frowned slightly when he heard the words, thinking that this Peach Blossom Tree Spirit is still an elegant person, once a red rain is another name for the mortal marriage flower.It seems that this name was definitely not given by Hong Yuxian himself, someone else must have given it the name.

Slightly poking out the divine sense, he found a trace of engraving near the face of the peach tree trunk, on which the number 'Yang Chun Hong Yu' was clearly written.

Yi Tian settled down with a smile on his face and said, "I don't know what is the warrant that Hong Yuxian is referring to?"

"Unfortunately, Hong Yuxian is sitting in Luo Tianxian Palace. If you want to enter the valley, you must have the suzerain's warrant or the sect's token," Hong Yuxian said in a deep voice.

"Sure enough, the spirit tree planted by the Zongmen has become a spirit, but now how can I find the warrant of Luotian Immortal Palace?" Now, this is how I can obtain a warrant from you. Could the God of the Red Rain Mountain be more accommodating?"

"Without a warrant, you won't be able to enter the valley," Hong Yuxian said.

Taking a closer look at the peach tree spirit in front of me, whose strength is about the peak of the ninth level, it is only at the late stage of human spiritual integration.With a firm mind, Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "I don't know who made the rules. Only with the warrant of Luotian Immortal Palace can one enter. The spiritual world is so powerful, and Luotian Immortal Palace has long been disintegrated. Now Today, there are three sects that are descendants of Immortal Palace, Lihuo Palace, Taiqing Pavilion, and Feiyu Sword Sect. As the master of Lihuo Palace, I can naturally be regarded as a disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace."

Unexpectedly, the Peach Tree Spirit was stubborn, and said in an old-fashioned way: "Rules are rules, this is set by the suzerain Miao Dizi, if you can't produce the warrant, please go back, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"Oh, I'd like to see what you, the mountain god here, can do to block my steps," Yi Tian said with a displeased expression on his face, and at the same time waved his hand to hold the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand.

Hong Yuxian on the opposite side also frowned and shouted loudly after seeing this: "Those who do not obey the order of the sect and trespass into the forbidden area of ​​the sect will be killed without mercy."

(End of this chapter)

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