
Chapter 2054 Guard 2

Chapter 2054 Guard II

After finally finding the entrance to the gap in the fragments of the fairy world of Luo Tianxian Palace, he did not expect that there was a peach tree spirit planted by the ancestor of the sect Miao Dizi as a guard.But thinking about it is also so important. If the Suzerain of Luotian Immortal Palace hadn't arranged a backup in advance, then any casual cultivator could enter it wantonly.

Even if there is no one in a hundred, as long as someone can come out of it alive, it will definitely have a great impact on the structure of the spirit world.This is also the result of Luotian Immortal Palace Zongmen high-level saying they don't want to see it anymore, so it is very necessary to set up some strong guards here.

At least Yi Tian now understands that Master Miaodizi has set up two defenses here. The first is Yi Meng's mother, a fire dragon at the peak of level nine.And the peach tree spirit in front of him should be the second level.

According to their strength, they are all top existences below the Mahayana stage. If even they can't stop the foreign enemies, it is destiny.After listening to Red Rain Immortal's scolding, Yi Tian didn't care, sacrificed Lingyao in his hand and transformed into thousands of filaments, shooting towards the peach tree spirit's torso.

The latter's face was startled and his whole body shook violently. In an instant, several thumb-thick branches grew from his trunk, and the thick branches connected to the attachments merged together to form a three-foot-high branch wall in front of him.

The sound of 'ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping' was heard endlessly, and Yi Tian could only see his own Lingyaohua Qianjian thread slashing across the branches and walls, leaving three-inch deep fine marks.However, under the sword silk attack, he failed to break through the opponent's defense. On the contrary, he only heard the rushing rustling sound from the ground and the ground at the same time.

Yi Tian looked at it three times and then glanced away, his expression froze instantly, and his spiritual power began to circulate, and he was about to pull away and dodge away.But the black branch above the head covered it, reducing the space for him to maneuver to a minimum.

Dozens of emerald green branches frantically grew under the soles of the feet, and after spreading out in the wind, they instantly became thicker and stronger, rolling towards his hands, feet, head and neck.

The spirit sword in his hand was sacrificed again and looked up at these branches, but he didn't expect that he couldn't cut off a single bit.At the same time, those branches came up from all around to block Yi Tian in a space of one foot, and as more and more branches entangled, they directly locked Yi Tian in the air.

'Ka Ka Ka' Shu Qiang opened it to reveal Hong Yuxian's face, only to see him sizing up his eyes before saying disdainfully: "Another guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Or before he finished speaking, he only heard the sound of "crackling" coming from the wrapped tree branch ball, and an emerald green flame burst out from it and directly ignited the surrounding branches.

Then a Hokage broke through the siege and broke out directly. After landing in the air, he waved the hot flame again and drew a circle in the air. With a 'crash' sound, the roots of the whole peach tree were set on fire, and the green flames flowed upstream along the trunk, no matter how hard the Red Rain Fairy tried to slap it, it couldn't be extinguished.

After three breaths, he could only hear him shouting in a begging voice: "It turns out that the disciples of the Lihuo Hall of the Zongmen have arrived. The old man has no eyes but does not recognize Dajia. Please take back your supernatural powers."

Yi Tian was angry at first, but when he heard that Hong Yuxian was able to reveal the origin of Lihuozong in Luotianxian sect, he naturally softened his heart and stretched out his hand to form a seal to take back Liyan around him.

After ten breaths, Li Yan dissipated, leaving only a puff of scorched smoke rising, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, then turned to Hong Yu and said: "I said earlier that I am the three-point legacy of Luo Tianxian Palace One of the suzerains of Lihuo Palace, this time you can be regarded as convinced."

"This old man is blind and doesn't know the real body of the disciples of the Shangzong. If you offend me before, please ask Haihan," Hong Yuxian replied in a suffocated tone.

Yi Tian looked around and found that his Li Yan had only been burned for ten breaths, but the overheated area was about a hundred feet.These branches scorched by the flames have become pitch black, and it will take at least a hundred years to recover.

But I can't control that much anymore, and then said in an orderly tone: "In this way, I will enter the valley and pass through the gap between the fragments of the fairy world, and quickly make way for me to walk with me."

"Yes, please wait a little longer," Hong Yuxian hurriedly replied, her body shook violently again, and the originally intertwined tree trunks retracted into the ground after being separated, revealing a broad road in front of her.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and after searching with his divine sense, he found that the concentration of aura contained in this road was far higher than that in other places, and he thought to himself, "It's the right road, that's right." '

Just as he was about to drop the cloud and go in, suddenly the voice of Hong Yuxian came from his ear again: "Sect Master Yi, please wait a moment. Is there anything I can do?"

Yi Tian who was in the air stopped and stared at the other party for a while, then asked lightly: "Say something quickly, what's the matter?"

"The old man has been guarding the sect here for tens of thousands of years. Patriarch Miaodizi once said that if any disciples from Lihuo Hall come in the future, they need to pay a visit to the Patriarch Hall in the south of the valley before entering the valley." Red Rain Fairy said.

"Oh, since it is the arrangement of Patriarch Miaodizi, then I should naturally follow it, but I don't know why only the disciples of Lihuo Hall need to go there to pay homage?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"I don't know the details of this matter, I'm just repeating what the Patriarch said back then, if Sect Master Yi thinks it's not necessary, then there's no need to go there," Hong Yuxian said.

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to be in trouble. Speaking of which, the Lihuo Palace he is in is born out of the Lihuo Hall of Luotian Xiangong.If the patriarch Miao Dizi really asked so, then if I didn't go, wouldn't it be against the patriarch's order.But this time I came here to look for the fragments of the fairy world of Luotian Immortal Palace, I had to be careful and do more things than less things.

After weighing it in my heart, I sighed and said, "Okay, I'll go ahead. I wonder if you have anything else to mention?"

"Please Sect Master Yi take a spoonful of 'sweet spring water' in front of the statue of the Patriarch in the Patriarch Hall and feed it to me, I will thank you very much," Hong Yuxian said anxiously.

It seems that this is his main purpose, after hearing this, Yi Tian smiled and replied: "It's easy to say, since it's a matter of convenience, then I will accept it."

After speaking, the spiritual light flashed all over his body and flew to the sky again. After jumping out of the area covered by the canopy of the Red Rain Fairy, Yi Tian identified the downward direction in the air, and finally locked the position of the patriarch with his spiritual sense, and then used the escape technique to slowly fly over.

The Patriarch Hall is located under the southern slope of the valley. Yi Tian looked from a distance in the air and found that there seemed to be a restriction remaining to protect the Patriarch Hall.

After flying close to the clouds and lowering the head of the cloud, he inspected it carefully. It seems that there is a prohibition formation under the boundary here, which is the big formation of sky fire in Lihuo Palace.To say that this formation cannot be deciphered by the direct disciples of Lihuo Palace, fortunately, I have studied it and encountered it in Qingfeng Old City.

(End of this chapter)

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