
Chapter 2055 Test 1

Chapter 2055 Test One
Yi Tian subdued the tree spirit Hong Yuxian outside the gap in the fairy world of Luotian Immortal Palace, and then got the news that there was a Patriarch Hall of Luotian Immortal Palace on the south side of the valley.Yi Tian decided to pay homage after being notified by Hong Yuxian. Although he is the suzerain of Lihuo Palace, his origin can be traced back to the lineage of Lihuotang in Luotianxian Palace.

What's more, now I can find very little information about Feng Lingzi, Miao Dizi and Master Wuxiang in Luo Tianxian Palace.Many of them are just hearsay. If you find some places where they have set foot, you may be able to find some clues from them.

After resigning from the Red Rain Fairy, Yi Tian flew into the air through the colorful thick fog and circled to the south side of the valley. After opening his divine sense, he swept across the boundary below.But after ten breaths, he frowned slightly, and with his speed and detection methods, it didn't take long for him to detect the boundaries of this area clearly.

But after scanning back and forth several times, he still didn't see the existence of the Patriarch Hall of Naluo Tianxian Palace mentioned by Immortal Hongyu.I wondered for a while, could it be that Hong Yuxian deliberately framed himself, but looking back, it was impossible.

After a while, Yi Tian descended from the clouds to the foot of the valley, and then walked slowly along the woods up the mountain.

Not long after entering a tung forest, the colorful fog here is more dense than the outside world.The gaze can only detect the ground more than ten feet away in front of him, and the divine sense can almost only cover the range detected by the gaze.

After walking for several miles in the tung forest, Yi Tian suddenly felt a burst of heat coming from under his feet, his face was overjoyed and he secretly said in his heart, "there is a door, he must have accidentally touched the sky fire formation." '

He looked down and saw that he was in the tung forest, and there was a thick layer of leaves under his feet.After the spiritual pressure fluctuations in the whole body appeared, a swirling wind whizzed around Yi Tian, ​​blowing away the fallen leaves all around.

Looking down, there is a faint red trace on the surface of the stone steps on the ground, which is very similar to the pattern of formation patterns.Yi Tian stretched out his hand to quickly form the seal according to the activation method of the Skyfire Great Formation, and then aimed at the formation pattern below and hit the Taoist formula.

After several flashes of red light flashed in an instant, the pattern on the ground was activated, and Yi Tian turned his gaze to scan the surroundings, only to see that the originally thick colorful fog gradually became thinner.

At the same time, the range that can be detected by the divine sense can gradually be extended. Shaoqing found that there were several red lights gathered not far in front of him.After scanning over there with his divine sense, he found out that the large formation of sky fire here covers about three miles.It is almost arranged in the middle of the entire tung tree forest, and the place where the red light gathers in front of you is where the eyes of the big bursts of fire are located.

Yi Tian didn't leave directly, but turned around again and looked around, but didn't find any buildings similar to the Patriarch Hall.At the moment, he was puzzled and wondered if it was because Hong Yuxian deliberately tricked himself to come here. This time, he had also studied the Heavenly Fire Great Formation, which was one of the best killing formations in Lihuo Palace.So Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless after he was deeply involved. Although he could break out of the formation, he didn't know what kind of formation spirit would be guarding it.

Just as he was thinking, a red flame suddenly flashed at the eye of the formation, and the flame circled in the air and landed not far in front of him.Yi Tian took a closer look and frowned deeply, and a flame figure appeared in the eyes.

After the flames dissipated, a young monk appeared, with his eyes closed and dressed in white Zongmen clothing.On the cuffs, there are the same marks of Lihuo Palace as his own, except that his side has five flowers and this person has seven flowers.

After three breaths, the man opened his eyes, a pair of pitch-black eyeballs had green flames flashing across them.He only heard him slowly opening his mouth and asking: "Who is here?"

When he shows up, Yi Tian will recognize that his true self is the appearance of Master Miao Dizi, needless to say, this must be a trace of the soul left by the master back then.Naturally, Yi Tian didn't dare to do this again, and hastily bowed his hands to follow the ceremony of the younger generation, and said: "Disciple Lihuotang Yi Tian has met Master Miaodizi."

"Although I am not the true deity of Miao Dizi, I am also a remnant of his soul left here, so it's okay to accept your gift," Miao Dizi's avatar said.

"The disciple came here this time under the guidance of Hong Yuxian, and came here to pay homage to the Patriarch Hall of the sect," Yi Tian said respectfully.

"Red Rain Immortal? You should be talking about the peach tree in the fairy world that I planted back then. I didn't expect him to be able to guard it here tens of thousands of years later. It's really amazing," Miao Dizi's avatar said lightly.

"Sure enough," Yi Tian thought inwardly, "It seems that the Red Rain Immortal is rooted here to protect the gaps in the fairy world fragments of the Luotian Celestial Palace because of the great kindness of the sect.It's just that since Master Miaodizi said that it is the fairyland flat peach tree species, the fruits on the tree must be very useful to him, and he will try to box some peaches when he goes back after processing. '

As soon as the thought flashed through my mind, Miao Dizi's avatar said: "Although the flat peaches that grow on the Red Rain Immortal's body are not nourished by the spirit energy, they are still rare treasures for monks in the spirit world. Even if you This kind of cultivation can also benefit a lot from it.”

"Thank you, master, for your advice," Yi Tian said with joy, "It's just that I didn't know that Red Rain Immortal instructed me to come here to visit the ancestor, but I didn't see the hall of the ancestor. I only saw a large formation of sky fire left under this place."

The avatar of Miaodizi turned around and looked at it, Yi Tian only felt that after being swept by his gaze, the whole person seemed to be seen through.The purple electric flame on the seal in the Niwan Palace instantly burst out and protected the entire Niwan Palace.

Knowing that the other party was probing his own reality, Yi Tian didn't change his face, but secretly became wary in his heart, this seal was his biggest secret, if someone noticed it, he might cause some trouble.

Shaoqing only listened to Miao Dizi's avatar and said: "That's right, you have actually practiced the Taiqing Lingjue, Lihuo Nine Changes and Lingyaohua Qianshu of our sect. If you want to enter the Patriarch Hall to pay homage, you have to pass my test." Caike, let me try the strength of the new generation of Luotian Immortal Palace."

Yi Tian heard the words and knew that this must be the test left by the ancestor of Miaodizi, and he would never simply let the descendants of the sect enter the Patriarch's Hall.In this way, there really is such a building here. Thinking about it carefully, what the Taiqing Pavilion is best at is the secret art of space. It is not difficult to open up a small Xumi space in the sky fire formation.

Moreover, there must be a lot of articles in this patriarch's hall, Yi Tian is eager to go in and find out.You can see that Miao Dizi's avatar in front of him has gathered a lot of spiritual pressure fluctuations around him, and his strength has skyrocketed to the peak in the later stage of integration, which is slightly higher than himself.

(End of this chapter)

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