
Chapter 2056 Test 2

Chapter 2056 Test Two

In the southern valley, under the cover of the tung forest, Yi Tian found the large skyfire array arranged here. He was about to find the position of the eye of the array and walked, but found a phantom of fire light in the eye of the array. Waiting for my arrival.

This person was transformed by the remnant soul avatar left here by Master Miao Dizi, after a face-to-face meeting, Yi Tian recognized him on the spot according to the appearance of Master in his memory.

After a brief meeting with Miao Dizi's avatar, after a little questioning, he still said that to enter the Patriarch's Hall, he needs to pass the test.This was basically within Yi Tian's expectations, but when the spiritual pressure fluctuations gathered around Miaodizi's avatar, Yi Tian was shocked to see that his strength had risen to surpass his current level and reached the peak of the later stage of fusion. as strong.

With my current cultivation base, if I want to refine that intensity, I need at least 2000 years of hard work, and Master Miaodizi's understanding of the sect's magic must be far beyond my own. When he was at a disadvantage in terms of comprehension of the law, he had no idea how to confront Yi Tian.

But since Master Miaodizi has drawn the Tao, he can't tolerate himself not taking it.At the same time, the surrounding sky fire formations were also aroused at this time, and a large number of white flames flashed from the ground, igniting a three-mile radius.

It's just that these white flames didn't burn the tung forest, but relied on the big formation of sky fire to cut off their own retreat.Yi Tian fixed his eyes and blurted out with a bitter look on his face: "Master's great handwriting actually used ignorant fire to set up the formation, so even if I want to escape from the formation, I have to spend some effort."

"That's right, you have a bit of eyesight," Miao Dizi clone said: "Then you should also test your strength. If you have cultivated the Lihuo Nine Changes to the seventh floor, you should be able to deal with it calmly."

Hearing this, Yi Tian felt at ease, he had already refined the nine transformations of Lihuo to the eighth realm, and the supernatural power of Wuminghuo had also been perfected.Naturally, the arrangement of formations in the Tianhuo Great Formation couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

After thinking about it, he made a quick move and said in his mouth: "Come." A green flame appeared outside his body and formed a protective film three inches behind.Those ignorant flames aroused in the sky fire formation rushed forward and were directly swallowed by the green Liyan. The next moment, Yi Tian's Liyan protection became more and more solid.

Unexpectedly, Liyan's supernatural power could swallow the ignorant fire of the same level, Yi Tian couldn't help but sighed in his heart: "No wonder Liyan's power is a supernatural power passed down by the suzerain, and its power is really extraordinary."

The avatar of Miaodizi in front of him naturally saw it in his eyes, and said with admiration on his face: "It seems that you have practiced this martial art to an extremely high level, so I won't hold back any more , accept the move."

With a sound of 'huh', an emerald green flame from the flame flashed by and was sacrificed in the hands of Miao Dizi. After he stretched out his hand and shook it, the erratic flame rolled and swelled in the air, and after three breaths, it turned into a ball the size of a fist .Then the fire ball disintegrated into thousands of filaments in the air, and then overwhelming the forehead and pressed over.

Yi Tian is naturally such a human trick, and blurted out: "This is the Liyan Kungfu combined with the Lingyaohuaqianshu." After speaking, he took out the dragon tortoise shield and sacrificed it, then wrapped Liyan on it and turned it into a light film The defense is in front of him.

He only heard the loud "ZZZ" sound, and Yi Tian found that the defensive film of the dragon tortoise shield in front of him had been intensively hammered thousands of times. shaking up.The spiritual power in the body gushed out frantically and injected it into the spiritual weapon to block the invasion of the fire rain and sword silk.

After the first wave of attacks was over, Yi Tian found that all the places under his feet had turned into scorched earth except for the five-foot radius protected by the defensive membrane.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword, then drew a gourd according to the same pattern, sacrificed the Liyan Kung Fu and wrapped it on the Taiyuan Sword, and at the same time sealed and used Lingyaohua Qianshu to control it to split into sword threads in the air flames.Although it is following the same pattern, but different from the tricks performed by Miaodizi's avatar, the tricks used by Yi Tian are blessed by spiritual weapons. Even if they are not as good in cultivation, the power of the tricks is real. Stronger by three points.

Then he reached out and manipulated the sword thread flames in the air to surround Miao Dizi's avatar, and there was a "Zi Zi" sound in the air, which was the sound from the galloping fire thread cutting through the air.

Unexpectedly, there was no panic on the face of Miao Dizi's avatar in front of him, he stared at the flying flames for a while and said: "Sure enough, you have worked hard in this sect's technique, well, I don't hide my clumsiness anymore .”

After that, he stretched out his right index finger and drew a circle in front of him, that space seemed to be cut out to form a separate space domain.A gust of wind came out from behind, and even absorbed all the flames that rushed towards him.

To say that the space supernatural power of the Taiqing Pavilion that I practiced can do similar operations, but it is far less relaxed and freehand than Miao Dizi's avatar.I saw his left hand draw a circle in the air deep in the air and reach in, as if he was taking something.After three breaths, when he withdrew his left hand, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the fire filaments that had been collected in the Sumeru space had been decomposed into Taiyuan wooden sword and a wisp of green Liyan.

"I'll give it back to you," Miao Dizi's avatar raised his left hand and sent Taiyuan Wooden Sword and Li Yan over. Yi Tian reached out to take it in response, but his face became extremely serious.I didn't expect that if I just talked about my understanding and attainments in the exercises, I would still be a little worse than the clone of the master Miao Dizi.

I didn't expect that Miao Dizi could use the unique knowledge of the three schools to the fullest, and he couldn't compare with it at the level he had achieved now.Shaoqing only listened to Miao Dizi and said: "I haven't seen your spatial supernatural powers, why don't we try to fight against each other in the same skill field?"

"If you don't dare to follow orders, please ask the master to teach you." After hearing this, Yi Tian knew with awe that this was Miao Dizi's intention to point out his own skills, so why not try his best.

Stretch out your hands and draw a pattern of a Yin-Yang fish in front of you, and then the Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish spins rapidly in the middle and slowly opens to reveal the Absolute Space that you have opened up to create the Sumeru Space.The space I opened up has a gap about two feet in size that connects to the Sumeru space.

Miao Dizi in front of him still stretched out his right hand and drew a palm-sized circular space, but his left hand also drew a space that formed two interconnected absolute domains.

He only heard him say: "Try it and see if the Xumi space you opened up is better than mine."

Hearing this, Yitian nodded, stretched out his hand and pushed the Yin-Yang Yujueyu in his hand to fly towards the opponent. After a gray-white aura flashed, the palm-sized space Jueyu in Miao Dizi's hand also disappeared in his hand at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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