
Chapter 2057 Test 3

Chapter 2057 Test Three

After fighting against Miao Dizi, Yi Tian found that the other party was proficient in the three schools of spiritual world as himself, but he was much better than himself in the fusion of skills.The combination of Lingyaohuaqianshu and Liyan alone exceeded my expectations.

Next, the two of them simultaneously displayed the spatial supernatural powers, and each of them sacrificed the absolute space in their hands.After a breath, I saw the palm-sized space absolute domain in Miao Dizi's hand appearing in front of Yin Yang Yu.

The two absolute domains attacked together in an instant, with gray-white arcs flashing from time to time, but Yi Tian found that his skills were slightly stronger, but before he had time to be happy, he heard Miao Dizi's avatar say: He said: "Wuji gives birth to Taiji, one becomes two, two becomes four, and four creates all things."

This is the move in Luo Tianxian Palace's spatial backtracking supernatural power, and the Xumi space, which was originally the size of a palm, suddenly exploded to a size of ten feet, directly swallowing his own yin and yang fish.

This time it was Yi Tian's turn to be dazed. He didn't expect Miao Dizi to be so proficient in manipulating space magic that he could directly swallow his own absolute domain. In an instant, Yi Tian realized that the connection between himself and the practice was cut off. up.

Before he could say anything, a strange color suddenly appeared on Miao Dizi's avatar.Stretch out your left hand to widen the exit of Sumeru Dimension to a size of ten feet, and a gray-white spiritual light suddenly appeared in it, and a yin-yang fish's absolute light ball flew out from it.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he realized that he was able to reconnect with the control technique, and hurriedly reached out to control his yin-yang fish.

In front of him, Miao Dizi stretched out his hand to put away the magical power of space, and then stared at the Yin-Yang fish in his hand for a while before admiring: "I noticed that there are two qi in your kung fu that are controlled at the same time. No wonder my Absolute Space Territory can't swallow it up. Based on this alone, your strength is much higher than I expected."

After putting away the exercises, Yi Tian said: "Master's use of the magical powers of the martial arts has opened my eyes. I think I have benefited a lot after this fight. As long as I make a little improvement in the future, I will be able to use the supernatural powers." power up."

Miao Dizi nodded and said: "You can teach me, but what I didn't expect is that you have practiced the sect's secret art 'chaos space'. Although it is only a prototype, you are no longer afraid of similar skills. It has been eroded, but it is still slightly lacking in the degree of solidification and appearance."

To put it bluntly, the space retrospective technique I practiced is based on the magical power of the Taiqing Pavilion's secret technique 'Close to the End of the World', and then I found the secret technique jade slip left by Feng Lingzi in the Bowanghai Qionghua Pavilion.There are two articles in it that record high-level supernatural powers of space and time retrospect respectively. The name of the trick recorded in the space supernatural power in the middle is exactly "chaos space", and the basis of cultivation is to have cultivated the two spiritual powers of Xuanhuang and Huangqi at the same time. .

It's just that I have been emphasizing on the cultivation of profound energy over the years, while the cultivation of yellow energy has been pulled down. It seems that the key point of Miao Dizi's avatar is this.

After thinking about it, the respectful Jishou said: "May I ask if the Xuanhuang Qi cultivated by the master's disciples has a direct impact on the ability to manipulate space?"

Miao Dizi's avatar sighed and nodded: "You're right. Back then, I didn't have Huang Qi concurrently, so I couldn't cultivate the space secret art to the extreme level, and the 'backtracking' technique was missing. Go, otherwise it won't be as simple as a tie with the person from the fairy world."

"It's a tie," Yi Tian said in surprise: "I didn't find this situation from the records of the sect, but I only know that Master Wuxiang suddenly disappeared in the spirit world, which led to the fusion of Luo Tianxian Palace. The elders came forward to maintain order for thousands of years before dividing the sect into three."

"Sure enough, I have used my supernatural powers to encounter the future of the spiritual world 5 years ago," Miao Dizi said when he said that there was endless loneliness on his face: "There is no such thing as a ten-thousand-year ancestor." There is only an eternal orthodoxy. Even after the Luotian Immortal Palace was destroyed, the orthodoxy was divided into three parts and inherited."

"Since the master had predicted this long ago, why didn't he make a plan earlier?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

Today, after hearing the words of Miao Dizi's avatar, I know that there was indeed a real immortal in the spiritual world 5 years ago.And at that time, Master Miaodizi was able to draw with him. It seems that his actual strength is absolutely unimaginable.

"Back then, I had already arranged for Wuxiang to do my funeral, but after waiting for so many years, I didn't hear from him. I think he might not stay in the world at this time," Miao Dizi said with emotion.

Yi Tian hurriedly said: "In fact, Master Wuxiang still exists in the world, but I don't know if he can still be regarded as Wuxiang himself."

"How do you say that?" Miao Dizi raised his head and asked.

So Yi Tian shared what he knew about the disappearance of Uncle Wuxiang back then, plus the news revealed to him by the two uncles and the fact that he found Master Huiming from the devil world and transformed into a demon saint. They all came out one by one.

While speaking, Yi Tian carefully observed the avatar of Miaodizi in front of him, and saw that he had a clear expression on his face when he heard that Master Wuxiang might worship in the Minglun Temple of Daxue Mountain in the Buddhist spirit world, but when He frowned deeply when he mentioned that the Demon Saint Bao Tan was born.

Finally, after thinking for a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "No phase is a phase. He became like this because he was deeply influenced by the confrontation between me and the real immortal. Even if he entered the Hinayana Buddhist sect and practiced Buddhism, he could Get rid of the obsession in his heart, if he had dared to make a big determination to use Mahayana Buddhism as the basis, the practice of reincarnation would be very different from what it is now."

"It seems that Uncle Wuxiang is also a poor person." Yi Tian shook his head helplessly and said, "Master and the two uncles are also quite troubled by this, but none of them want to face Uncle Wuxiang or the devil directly." Holy Violent Tan, so now the Demon Holy Violent Tan is still entrenched in the depths of the Demon Realm, but sooner or later I will face him again."

"The fate of Wuxiang has long been doomed, and it cannot be changed even if he falls into the devil's way," Miao Dizi said, "And the death of the monk Huiming you saw is nothing more than the collapse of Wuxiang's good thoughts. His true self still exists. And maybe one day in the future, he will face off against the true immortal from the lower realm."

"Master why did you say that? Didn't you fight to a tie back then? Could it be that the true immortal will make a comeback?" Yi Tianjing asked.

"That's an inevitable thing. That true immortal has a deep connection with the Luotian Immortal Palace in the upper realm. I don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend. Fortunately, the master didn't seem to encounter any trouble after ascending to the immortal world. It's just that Luo Tianxian The continuation of the orthodoxy of the palace still falls on you and the others, and the specific things should be dealt with after you encounter them in the future," Miao Dizi nodded and replied.

(End of this chapter)

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