
Chapter 2062 Immortal Fragment 2 Inquiry

Chapter 2062 Question Two of Immortal Fragment
After entering the Immortal Fragment, Yi Tian didn't dare to act rashly. Hearing Miao Dizi's avatar mentioned this place was also full of dangers.Therefore, Yi Tian first asked the Beast Lord Daoist to inquire about it. After all, he was once a tool spirit derived from a spirit weapon that fell from the upper fairy world. Naturally, he knows more about things in the fairy world than himself.

After some inquiries, Yi Tian suddenly heard that the 'Qian Kun Yi Qi Purifying Spirit Bottle' was originally designed to hold the 'Da Luo Shangtian Nine Turns Jade Pill'.

When I was in the lower realm, I also learned about the refining method of the three-turn elixir. After arriving in the spirit world, I had an intersection with Yao Lingweng and Poison Master. They also mentioned that the classics left in the sect were the last The strong method is only the 'six-turn panacea'.

Presumably this nine-turn method can greatly improve the efficacy of the elixir again, and the natural strength of the person who can take it must also complement it.

Seeing the divine light in his eyes, the Monarch Daoist said indifferently: "Don't be too happy, this 'Da Luo Shangtian Nine Turns Jade Pill' was originally refined for Da Luo Tianxian, and ordinary true immortals are naturally It’s impossible to see its true face.”

"Since the Beast Monarch knows this, he must have seen it before, right?" Yi Tian said in a persuasive way: "These are the untold secrets of the Luotian Immortal Palace, and there must be a Daluo Immortal in the Immortal Palace." Bar?"

Beast Monarch Taoist gave a blank look and said with disdain: "Luo Tian Immortal Palace is in charge of Luo Tian Immortal Realm sect, naturally there are many high-ranking immortals, like this 'Da Luo Shangtian Nine Turns Jasper Pill' is not easy to refine, There are not a few people queuing up to make reservations."

"There are not a few, so the forces in Luo Tianxian Palace are still very powerful," Yi Tian said after taking a deep breath.

"Not only the great sects and immortals in Luotian Immortal Palace, but also people from sects outside and overseas immortal dynasties will come to ask for this kind of elixir," Taoist Beast Lord explained.

"Why is there still an Overseas Immortal Dynasty?" Yi Tian also had a look of uncertainty in his eyes when he heard the words, this was the first time he had heard that such a force existed in the Immortal World.

Beast Monarch Taoist replied indifferently: "You are ignorant, the entire fairyland is vast and boundless, and the edges and boundaries have not been detected so far. And there are countless areas in the fairyland, and there are as many Luotian fairy palaces as there are. It can only be regarded as one of the larger forces. It’s useless to talk about these things with you, let’s wait until you can get in touch with things in the fairy world in the future.”

Hearing this, Yi Tian's originally excited face also slowly subsided, and he was really a frog in a well, and after making some achievements in the spirit world, he began to be a little complacent.As everyone knows, there are still too many unknown things in the upper fairy world.If you want to continue on the journey of longevity, you can only continue to practice with a tenacious heart.

"Then the fragments of Luo Tianxian Palace fell, could it be that the sect was subverted?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's not true. I think that according to Luotian Immortal Palace's strength in the fairy world, the possibility of being exterminated by others is very small," said the Taoist Beast Monarch.

"But what does the collapse of the fragments of the Luotian Immortal Palace's fairy world mean?" Yi Tian said.

"There are several possibilities, but I guess it's because of a major accident in Luotian Immortal Palace that caused some of the fragments to collapse," said the Taoist Beast Monarch.

"I heard that a true immortal from the upper world once descended from the spirit world to find the Luotian Immortal Palace's heritage item 'Qian Kun Yi Qi Purifying Spirit Bottle' and the secret key of the sect," Yi Tian said, turning to stare at the beast Jun Daoren looked at it carefully.In fact, before I edited it, I suspected that the body of the beast king and Taoist might be the inheritance.

After all, the spirit derived from a high-level fairy weapon like him is reasonable enough, but the beast king and Taoist didn't seem to have any strange reactions at all, and then thought about it and said: "Actually, I have thought of all the guesses you may have. , To be honest, I am really not what you imagined, the inheritance of Luotian Immortal Palace is indeed something else."

The disappointment on Yi Tian's face flashed away, and then he said seriously: "Then I don't know if you have seen the 'Qian Kun Yi Qi Purifying Spirit Bottle' or the inheritance jade card of the sect?"

Taoist Beast Monarch thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I have never seen the Jade Plaque of the Sect's Inheritance, and I have seen the 'Qian Kun Yi Qi Purifying Spirit Bottle' several times, but the last time I saw it was its body. It has become dilapidated long ago, and the spirits in it don’t know where they went.”

"That's it," Yi Tian said disappointedly: "Even if I found the 'Qian Kun Yi Qi Purifying Spirit Bottle', it would be fine to refine the Heavenly Rank Spiritual Purifying Bottle with me without the blessing of the Artifact Spirit." Big difference."

"It's much better than yours, at least it's still a low-level fairy weapon, far from being comparable to aura," said the beast king, "unless you refine the spirit purification bottle in your hand again and make it into a quasi-celestial weapon." There may be unexpected effects."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face also darkened. If he wanted to refine it into a quasi-immortal weapon, it was something he could meet but could not ask for.At least one has to raise one's cultivation base to a stable state in the Mahayana period, and then refine the nine transformations of Lihuo to the peak of the eighth level to have a chance to try it.

Seeing his own predicament, Taoist Beast Monarch calmed down and said: "Well, it's too far to say these things now. Although the spirit energy here is strong, it is also mixed with a lot of chaos energy. If I After waiting for tens of thousands of years, maybe we can really break through the void and return to the fairy world."

"That's right, I don't know what you mean, Fellow Daoist Beast Lord?" Yi Tian asked in surprise. To be honest, he was unwilling to let him be here for no reason. Naturally, a guiding light was missing.

The Taoist Beast Lord smiled slightly and said: "With the strength of Daoist Yi, it will take less than ten thousand years to enter the Mahayana stage, and with the accumulation of ten thousand years, you can ascend to the fairy world. Naturally, I will not look far away. So follow Your side is still the best choice."

Hearing this, Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Don't fellow Daoist Beast Monarch miss the fairy spirit here?"

"Speaking of which, you can also collect some with that counterfeit spirit purification bottle, but you have to decompose the energy of chaos and spirit in it to keep it for me. I won't say much about the others. It's in the corner of Luotian Immortal Palace, as long as you do a little exploration, you will definitely find some chances," the Taoist Beast Monarch flashed all over his body and then turned into a white light and flew back into the beast-controlling pouch around his waist again.

On the other hand, Yi Tian had a wry smile on his face. It is not difficult to absorb some fairy energy with the spirit purification bottle, but the difficulty lies in how to extract the chaotic energy from it. Had a big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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