
Chapter 2063 Immortal Fragment 3 Blocking

Chapter 2063 Immortal Fragment Three Blocks
After consulting the Beast Monarch and Daoist, Yi Tian finally reconfirmed the information given by the avatar of Master Miaodizi.Although there was a suspicion that the Beast Monarch Taoist was the jade card key inherited from the Zongmen of Naluotian Immortal Palace, Yi Tian also dispelled this idea after he personally denied it.

As a Beast Monarch Taoist, there is no need to fool yourself at all, and the avatar of Master Miaodizi also made it clear that the Taoist Youxuan from the fairy world said that the inheritance of the Zongmen is a piece of Zongmen Jade Card, which is the same as that of the Beast. Jun Daoren's body is very different.

Standing up, Yi Tian searched his mind again, jumped to the sky, and then flew straight towards the pavilions with vague shadows in the distance.

A few days later, the shadow in front of him became solidified, and Yi Tian saw clearly that the original destination was a Taoist ruins stretching for several miles.The continuous consumption of spiritual power in my body along the way is also extremely huge.

In order to deal with the troubles that may be encountered next, Yi Tian would rather wait for a while, so that the spiritual power in his body can recover to the best state before going to investigate.

After choosing a hill, Yi Tian fell to the clouds and found a flat place to sit on the ground and rest.Taking out the flat peach that Hong Yuxian gave before, he took it in his hand and chewed it in big mouthfuls.

To be honest, these flat peaches are really full of spiritual power. After taking a bite, I only feel the surging spiritual power rushing into my stomach instantly.Yi Tian hurriedly channeled these spiritual powers into his seven meridians and eight meridians, allowing the spiritual power to circle around his body and flow into the Niwan Palace.

With a steady stream of spiritual power replenishment, Yi Tian only felt that the spiritual power in his body was slowly recovering, and within a short while, he solved three fist-sized flat peaches in a row.

After refining all the spiritual power in the flat peach, Yi Tian burped contentedly, stood up, equipped himself and embarked on the journey again.

All of a sudden, there was a whistling wind blowing at the foot of the mountain, and then a cloud of gray spiritual power rose from below.After three breaths, he rose to a position not far in front of him, and after the gray aura subsided sharply, a gray gibbon was revealed.

After a white light flashed in his eyes, the gibbon turned his head and stared at himself.

Yi Tian was shocked when he saw this, he didn't expect that there would be living creatures in the fragments of the fairy world.I also opened up my divine sense and inspected it carefully, and then found that standing in the air not far in front of me was just a chaotic beast with the appearance of a gibbon monkey.

But it's more troublesome than meeting real gibbons, the chaotic beasts that are supposed to represent chaos and disorder.And the reason why it can transform into a gibbon monkey must be the real body of the gibbon monkey that devoured the fairyland many years ago.

The strength of this chaotic gibbon was about the early stage of Mahayana. Yi Tian was secretly surprised and weighed it, and then quickly came to the conclusion that if he confronted him head-on, he would definitely suffer a loss. The only way to deal with it now is to throw it away Only then can we continue the exploration of the fragments of the fairy world.

And it must be because I ate flat peaches before that I attracted them. Although these chaotic beasts are mentally confused, they will retain all the habits and hobbies of the gibbons after they were alive.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, he took out two fist-sized flat peaches from his hands, and threw them quickly to the left and right.Throwing it with all its strength, the flat peach flew at least a hundred miles away, and the distance between the front and the back was enough for the opponent to toss.

Looking over at the gibbon monkey, he made a somersault in the air and flew towards the direction of the flat peach on the right.Seeing the situation, Yi Tian just jumped up from the ground with the blue and red two-color spiritual light all over his body, and then flew towards the ruins of Luotian Xiangong in front of him.

It only took a few moments for Yi Tian to fly out of the source of thousands of miles. He turned his head to see that the chaotic gibbon had caught a flat peach, and was turning to fly towards the other one.

It seems that the nature of this gibbon monkey is still intact, even if it is swallowed by the Chaos Beast, its nature is still intact.

Ignoring so much, Yi Tian used his escapism with all his strength, and at the same time took out the breath-suppressing cloak to cover up the vitality of life on his body.Looking back at this moment, I thought about the warning given to me by the avatar of Master Miaodizi before. Among the fragments of the fairy world, the most terrifying ones are those chaotic beasts.These things are originally representatives of disorder and brainlessness, as long as they see things that can be swallowed, they will rush to them.

I have to be more careful here, I can manage to escape when I encounter those chaotic beasts that devoured the fairy beasts, but it will not be so easy if I encounter the chaotic beasts that devoured the spirit.

Just thinking about Yi Tian's discovery that he had flown thousands of miles away after a while, and the gibbon monkey behind him had disappeared.But before he could be happy for a long time in the future, he saw two rays of light rising from the cliff below and flying towards his position not far away, one on the left and one on the right.

After the spiritual thoughts passed by, they turned out to be two gray human monks, but their strength did not reach the Mahayana stage. Judging from the fluctuations in the spiritual power around them, they should be in the late stage of fusion.

After being swept by two identical divine thoughts one after another, he was locked on at the same time, and then the two gray lights in front of him flashed in the air, and then appeared directly in front of him hundreds of feet away.

Yi Tian had to stop and stabilize his figure in the air to look at the people. Both of them were wearing the costumes of the disciples of the Luotian Fairy Palace in the spirit world.Needless to say, it must be that the ancestors of the sect who came here to explore were all left here in the end.

Hearing what Hong Yuxian said before, there are not a hundred monks who come here to explore the fragments of the fairy world. At first, he just thought that he was bluffing himself, but now it seems that the fact has not been exaggerated.

Yi Tian glanced over and saw that the eyes of the two people in front of them were dull, their eyes were red, and there was no trace of living anger on their bodies.It's just that as soon as they made a move, two gray spiritual powers were sacrificed. Yi Tian saw it clearly, his pupils froze and blurted out immediately: "Taiqing Pavilion's space supernatural power secret technique and Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's Lingyaohua Qianshu, this is Zong Senior."

Before he finished speaking, his figure disappeared into the distance, and then reappeared in the space hundreds of meters away.Looking back at where I was standing, there were already hundreds of gray lightsabers intertwined together.

After ripples appeared in the surrounding air, a gap appeared and swallowed those obscure lightsabers in one gulp.I didn't expect that the cooperation between the two people on the opposite side would be so sharp. If I hadn't been proficient in the three martial arts, I'm afraid it would not be easy to deal with it calmly.

Although he escaped the blow, Yitian did not show any joy on his face, but the two of them had already reacted and turned their guns and equipment to deal with him again.

Yi Tian hastily used his escape technique in the air, hoping to use his speed advantage to throw the two away. Suddenly, a wave appeared in the air directly in front of him, and after the opening was split out of thin air, hundreds of gray spirit circles flew out of it to illuminate his body. The frontal attack is precisely the Lingyao Huaqianshu that was previously included in the Sumeru Space.

(End of this chapter)

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