
Chapter 2065 Immortal Fragment 5 Exploration

Chapter 2065 Exploration of Immortal Fragment Five
Facing the attack of two Chaos monks, Yi Tian did not forcefully fight back, but managed to fuse his spirit and demon energy into Chaos Qi.Although the process was still very exhausting, in the end the spiritual power was successfully converted.

The chaotic air generated in the body changed the spiritual power attributes in his Niwan Palace, and the Nascent Soul spirit body connected to him became a chaotic spirit body at this time.At the same time, the 'Flying Immortal Yin' that was hanging above his head all day was also affected, and the aura on it was replaced by the energy of chaos. Fortunately, he could clearly see the seal on the seal. The golden seal characters that emerged.

The two Chaos Spiritualists who were facing outside also noticed the changes in themselves, and then mistakenly regarded their own people as the same kind.After hesitating for a while, they withdrew and left, leaving only Yi Tian alone in the air after ten breaths.

This time, he finally got through without any danger, Yi Tian calmed down and searched the whole body again.At this time, the fiery red color in his Niwan Palace has all turned grayish white, and a huge Tai Chi circle faintly emerged behind his Nascent Soul spirit body.

The two yin and yang fish blended and slowly rotated inside, and the spiritual power absorbed from the outside was slowly injected into it after circulating through the meridians, converting it into the source power of chaos.

Yi Tian then took out the Taiyuan wooden sword and injected it with the source of chaos. Later, he performed the Lingyaohua Qianshu to fly thousands of gray-white sword threads in the air, and retracted them under the control of his hand.After ten breaths, a look of helplessness appeared on his face. Although the power and effect of swordsmanship was more than double that of using spiritual power alone before, he couldn't return to the state of spiritual cultivation.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian hurriedly took out the handwritten jade slips left by the master Feng Lingzi that he found from Bowanghai Qionghua Pavilion back then.If there are no exercises recorded on it, then I can only think of a way.

Yi Tian frowned after quickly reading through the jade slip letter, and finally sighed, putting the letter away again with a helpless look on his face.After recovering, Yi Tian fell into contemplation. Although he didn't find the method of how to transform the energy of chaos, he also found a clue.

Master Feng Lingzi clearly wrote down in the handbook that there is also a supernatural power in Luo Tianxian Palace called 'Tai Chi Chaos Jue', this skill can fuse the two Qis of Xuan and Huang into the source of chaos, and it can also The source of chaos is decomposed into a single mysterious energy and yellow energy again.In this way, he can naturally solve his current predicament.

It's just that Master Feng Lingzi also clearly wrote in the handbook that when he entered another fragment of the Luotian Immortal Palace, he didn't find any detailed content about this exercise. He only saw it in the classics inherited by the sect. There is only this description.

Since even the ancestor of Fenglingzi had only seen its description, Yi Tian didn't think he could really find it.But at present, it seems that there is no good way for me. If I can't return to the state of spiritual cultivation or magic cultivation, I can only temporarily maintain the appearance of a chaos monk.

After tidying up in the air, Yi Tian turned around again to look at the ruins of the Luotian Immortal Palace Zongmen that he had seen before, and then the gray chaotic spiritual power all over his body suddenly appeared, and he used his escape technique to gallop towards the destination.

After a gray escaping light flashed across the air, Yi Tian found that he had cast the chaotic source force to activate the escaping technique twice as fast as the normal state.This is also a difficulty. Using Xuanhuang and Huangqi at the same time, the effect is naturally amazing.

Yi Tian found that he also met many chaotic beasts while galloping past, but they stopped paying attention after looking at the source of chaos on their body with their spiritual thoughts.And these chaotic beasts seem to have divided their own areas of activity, as long as they don't offend too much and break into their core area, there is generally no big problem.

Soon the ruins of Naluo Tianxian Palace appeared in front of him. After Yi Tian came here, he stretched out his divine sense to check and found that the ruins covered an area of ​​several hundred miles.It's just that there are three places where the buildings are concentrated, and these are the places I mainly explore on this trip.

At the same time, under the cover of divine sense, no Chaos Beast was found inside, which is a bit strange.I don't know if it's good or bad, but for now, it's a good thing that I don't need to face those difficult Chaos beasts anymore.

After falling later, Yuntou Yitian chose the location of the nearest relic building complex and walked in slowly.In the fragments of the fairy world, the energy of the fairy spirit is mixed with the power of the source of chaos, and these two kinds of spiritual power can be absorbed for their own use.In the past, when I was still in the state of spiritual cultivation, even if I inhaled the spirit energy, I still needed to separate out the energy of chaos, but now it is good to collect it together and slowly circulate it in the meridians in my body and send it into the Niwan Palace.

The Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish behind the Nascent Soul spirit body inhaled the two kinds of spiritual power and rotated at a slightly faster speed, refining them and taking them for its own use.Yi Tian found that if he really allowed himself to practice here for 200 years, he would definitely be able to raise his cultivation to the peak state of the later stage of integration.

Stepping into the ruins, Yi Tian restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, and then took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand for emergencies.Walking around, Yi Tian looked around and found that this place didn't seem to be the important part of the sect, but it was like a place where disciples of the sect communicated.Although the interior is damaged, there are still many stone tables and benches, and some delicate glass cups are placed on some tables.

Yi Tian stepped forward to scan it with his divine sense, and was surprised to find that the material of these glass cups was mixed with Wannian Qingxuan stone marrow. This kind of precious material can only be verified from the ancient jade slips handed down in the spirit world. get.I also checked the characteristics of this treasure after quickly passing through my mind, so I came to this conclusion.

If these treasures are placed in the spirit world, even monks in the fit period will fight for it. As long as a little powder of the ten thousand-year-old blue stone marrow is mixed into the spirit weapon, its level can be raised to the top of the heavenly level or even In the existence of super heaven.

The precious materials that are hard to find in the outside world for thousands of years are just used as cups for drinking by the real immortals in the fairy world. It would be unbelievable to say it.

How could one return empty-handed after entering Baoshan, but Yi Tian didn't care about it for the time being.I can find such a discovery when I go to a random place. I really don't know what clues I can find if I go inside next.

Restraining the impulse in his heart, Yi Tian didn't take it lightly, but walked through these damaged pavilions towards the next group of ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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