
Chapter 2066 Immortal Fragment 6 Opportunity

Chapter 2066 The Fragment of the Immortal World Six Opportunities
Passing by the first relic place, Yi Tian found that it was a communication place for the true immortals of the sect of Luotian Immortal Palace, and there were only some wine utensils and wine glasses on the stone table and stone platform in the interior.There are also a few scattered chess pieces scattered here and there. Although these things are nothing more than ordinary things in the fairy world, they are all top-notch treasures in the spirit world.

Wherever Yi Tian's mind went, he found that even the materials for making the chessboard were stronger than the millennium chalcedony he had made for the formation board in his own hands.It's not enough to just explore one place, Yi Tian then just swept his divine sense over the cups and wine utensils and the chess pieces scattered on the ground, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

There are about three most suspicious areas in this ruins that I have explored in my spiritual sense before. I just passed by one and found this way. I really don't know what else I can meet in other places in the future.

Half an hour later, when Yi Tian found the second group of relics, Sheng Nian quietly reached out to check it out. It was quite wide and had a radius of several hundred feet, very much like a school yard.With a slight movement of his mind, he realized that no matter how high Luotian Immortal Palace is in the fairy world, the sect residences where these high-ranking true immortals live are generally similar to those in the spirit world and even the mortal world. .

The schoolyard and other buildings in front of it prove that this place should have been a square where disciples of the sect gathered.Pushing open the gate, Yi Tian walked into it slowly, glanced around here and caught sight of a spacious hall in front of which there seemed to be more than a dozen futons.After walking forward, Yi Tian glanced anxiously and found that there was a stone platform in the middle, with a lot of seats on the top and bottom in order.This is exactly like a place for preaching and preaching.

It's just that there are no portraits of people or sculptures and stone carvings in this hall, and there is no way to verify what the real immortals in the fairy world look like.

Quickly, his eyes flicked and stopped on the two jade slips on the stone platform. Yi Tian first scanned the material of the jade slips with his spiritual thoughts and found that they were different from the material of the spirit world.These things have been here for at least tens of thousands of years, but the restrictions on them are still there, and there seems to be no trace of damage at all.

The jade slips left by these real immortals are very likely to contain shocking secrets, and Yi Tian is naturally convinced of this.It's just that it's not easy to break the restriction left on the jade slip by the real immortal.

At least Yi Tian didn't dare to try it without knowing what was going on.After thinking for a while, he still directly penetrated into the beast-controlling bag at his waist to directly inform the Taoist Beast Monarch of the situation here.With his strength, I believe he will have unique insights into this.

After ten breaths, I only heard a lazy sound transmission from the Taoist Beast Lord: "True immortals' restrictions are usually sacrificed with immortal energy. If you try to break it with spiritual power, it will not be of much use, and you will be punished if you fail." The restriction is backlashed, and it is impossible to say if you lose your life."

Hearing this, Yi Tian only felt three drops of cold sweat lying down on his forehead along his temples. Fortunately, he was careful not to take a direct shot, otherwise the backlash of the prohibition alone might kill him.

But Chongbao couldn't just watch in front of him, so Yi Tian asked in a low voice through sound transmission: "I wonder if fellow Daoist Beast Monarch can help me undo the restriction on it once?"

"I'm also helpless," the voice of the Beast Monarch and Daoist sounded in my ears again: "I have absorbed a lot of spiritual power from the spiritual world and I am not sure how to unlock the restrictions above. And according to my spiritual observation, these restrictions should be at least Taiyi Gold Even if I am in the prime of the fairy world, I may not be able to handle it."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's complexion drooped, and then he said unwillingly: "Is it possible that I still missed this, I really entered Baoshan and returned empty-handed."

"That's not necessarily true," Taoist Beast Lord interjected, "I see that you have cultivated the source of chaos. Although you are not very proficient, it can be used."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes flashed a gleam, and then he asked: "Then how to make a move, and please teach me, fellow Daoist Beast Lord."

A white aura flew out of the beast-controlling sac and appeared in the figure of the Beast Lord. He said, "Bring in some of your Chaos Source Power, and I will try to break the restriction."

"Could the source of chaos be useful?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"The power of immortality is also extended from the source of chaos, but I see that the source of chaos on your body is very thin, and it seems that the ingredients have not been cultivated for a long time," said the Taoist Beast Lord: "In the future, when you cultivate the source of chaos to The Mahayana realm may be able to break it by yourself."

After hearing this, Yi Tian also nodded, and then stretched out his right index finger to condense a little off-white starlight on the fingertip.Then flicked the star light and flew towards the Beast Monarch Taoist, who stretched out his hand to catch the off-white star light, and quickly formed a seal with one hand to illuminate the stone on the stone table in front of him. The two jade slips each played out a gray spiritual formula.

After the original restriction on the jade slip was invaded by the gray aura, a few sentences fluctuated, and after ten breaths, the restriction enchantment on it slowly faded away to reveal the true content of the jade slip inside.

After finishing these tasks, Yi Tian didn't reach out to grab them directly, but turned his eyes to the Beast Monarch, and he said, "You collect a drop of fairy spirit here as my reward. I'm a little tired and I'll go back first." Take a break."

"Okay, thank you Beast Monarch and Daoist for your help," Yi Tian hurriedly echoed: "Please rest assured that I will use the spirit purification bottle to collect and refine the spirit energy of this place."

After hearing this, the Beast Monarch and the Daoist nodded his head, then turned around and turned into Dao Lingguang and flew back into the beast-controlling bag around his waist.Only then did Yi Tian reach out and take a jade slip on the table, his eyes glanced slightly, and he saw that it said 'Tai Shang Qing Ting Jing'.

Obviously this is a cultivation method practiced by a true immortal, Yi Tian couldn't wait to open the jade slip to check the contents.It's just that after a series of golden script scripts came into view, Yi Tian felt his mind was muddled for a while, and he almost fell into a drowsy state.In an instant, he knew that his cultivation base was too low. Naturally, he couldn't control the skills practiced by these real immortals, and even a few glances would make him confused.

The teeth shook tightly, and a trace of blood flowed out of his lips, which made Yi Tian's mind flash bright for an instant. He reached out and closed the jade slip in his palm, and Yi Tian took out a jade box and stored the jade slip in it first.This thing is not something I can relate to right now, I'd better check it out after my cultivation reaches the Mahayana stage.

Then he turned his gaze to another jade slip, and saw that it was written in gold seal script, "Lingwei Cave Sky Chaos Origin Power Explanation Sutra", and he was overjoyed that he was suffering from being unable to deal with the chaos origin power in his body. .

(End of this chapter)

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