
Chapter 2067 Immortal Fragment 7 Fish Dragon

Chapter 2067
Among the ruins of the fragments of the fairy world in Luotian Immortal Palace, Yi Tian found two jade slips on the preaching hall.Only with the assistance of the Beast Monarch and Daoist did the above restrictions be completely lifted.

One of the "Tai Shang Qing Ting Jing" opened by myself, but after reading a few words, I found that I was dizzy and couldn't read any more.In such a situation, it can only be said that my current cultivation base is too low to even be qualified for reference.

As for the other "Lingwei Cave Sky Chaos Source Force Interpretation of Doubts", it is the supernatural power method that I most urgently want at present.After Yi Tian took it, he calmly adjusted his mood before slowly opening it and trying to read it.

The difference in handing in a copy is that this time I checked the jade slip and did not appear dizzy.Read the "Golden Seal Script" engraved on it line by line and memorize them one by one in my mind.After ten breaths, a slight look of excitement appeared on his face, followed by a bit of disappointment.

This "Lingwei Cave Sky Chaos Source Power Explanation" is indeed useful to me, but it is just a fragment.It is mentioned above that the true immortals who have cultivated the source of chaos in the fairy world can transform the source of chaos into black and yellow energy through this magical technique.

It's just that there are not many expressions here about the specific supernatural powers that can be used in conjunction with the source of chaos, but at the end it is written that the source of chaos is the source of all things, from which the two qi, black and yellow, are derived.If the disciples of the Zongmen can practice it successfully, they will definitely be able to double their strength.

However, with this "Lingwei Cave Sky Chaos Source Force Interpretation", he can freely convert the chaos source force in his body and the two qi of black and yellow.

Although there is no supporting technique, the supernatural powers and secret techniques that I am practicing now can also increase the power by [-]% under the urging of the source of chaos.

Before, I mixed the black and yellow qi together temporarily in order to avoid those chaotic beasts, but I didn't expect to be self-defeating, but I opened the door to the cultivation of the chaotic body for no reason.

After putting away the two jade slips in front of him, Yi Tian turned around and left in a hurry.Although I really want to use the time-reversing technique again to check what happened here.But looking back and thinking about it, using one's own strength to spy on things that happened tens of thousands of years ago in the Immortal World will definitely consume a lot of spiritual power.After weighing it over and over again, Yi Tian gave up such a plan, after all, there is still a ruin that has not been explored.And in the fragments of the fairy world, I don't know what other unknown troubles I will encounter, the most important thing is to preserve my strength and survive.

After leaving the preaching hall, Yi Tian suddenly felt a chill behind his back after walking a few steps, as if he was being watched by someone in the dark.After the Divine Sense unfolded, I did a private search and found nothing.But it's rare for me to feel like this as a monk in the body-fit stage, and with my level of cultivation, I can naturally communicate with the world about these faint premonitions that are the most accurate.

Stopping in his tracks, Yi Tian slowly raised his Chaos source power, and at the same time held the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan in his hand.All of a sudden, the divine mind passed over a certain open space above the square, only to feel that the celestial power contained in the air here is a little denser than other places.Without even thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the spirit weapon and slapped it on this place.

Several streaks of purple-red sparks burst out from the fan, and then turned into fist-sized fire balls in the air, hitting the place fiercely. 'Bang bang bang' The purple fireball hit the void out of thin air, and then several ripples of spiritual pressure fluctuations emerged from there.After ten breaths, a black black fish appeared out of nowhere on the square, but this black fish was mixed with a lot of chaos.

Like those Chaos Beasts I met before, their eyes were red and shining with a strange light.Although it was just a fish and Chaos Beast, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless.Moreover, the True Flame Coefficient of the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan sacrificed by myself was blocked by it one foot away.

A mere black fish spirit who used to be in the fairy world can have this strength, and Yi Tian's face became equally dignified, and at the same time he put away the purple flame wind and thunder fan and replaced it with the Taiyuan wooden sword.

The natural attribute of this black fish seems to be to restrain the supernatural powers of the Lihuo Palace, so Yi Tian naturally does not want to be restrained by this restraint and changes his tactics decisively.

I don't see the black fish on the opposite side cruising around in the air within a radius of one zhang, and then transformed into a proper old and simple aura emanating from it.Behind the carp, the phantom of a black dragon unexpectedly appeared.

"Youdao is the image of a carp transforming into a dragon. Could it be that this black fish can also transform into a dragon?" Yi Tian said to himself, "But you can indeed feel the blood of a real dragon on its body, and compared to what you saw in the demon world back then." Yishun is at least several times stronger."

Just as he was talking, the black fish opened its mouth and let out a dragon cry, and then the black light flashed all over its body, and its whole body grew to three feet long.Four dragon claws grew out from under the abdomen, and the scales on the body became thicker and shone with a dark luster.And the head of the black fish slowly turned into a dragon shape, and finally turned into a black dragon with teeth and claws.

At the next moment, Yi Tian's figure flashed into the air, raised the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, and then turned into a sword wire, and controlled it to fall on the head of the black fish and dragon.

The halo on the black dragon flickered with a loud "Ziz" and received nearly half of the sword silk attacks.Then, the remaining half of them fell on him without exception, instantly drawing marks about inches deep on the black dragon scales.

After a burst of pain, the black dragon raised its head and spit out black fire from its mouth, hitting Yi Tian.The power of these black fires is not inferior to the magic fires of the demon world.

Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless and hastily sacrificed the dragon tortoise shield in front of him. When those black flames passed by him, the surface of the dragon tortoise shield that burned had a layer of dark light.

The spiritual power in his body was fully activated, Yi Tian kept the defensive spiritual weapon and hurriedly pulled away and dodged away.Although this ichthyosaur is a demon clan, its strength is still superior to its own, even the fire chain or Mengxin that it has seen before is not as good as it.

I am afraid that only the demon sage of the demon world, the red-bearded ape senior, can compare with him, but facing such a powerful opponent, Yi Tian secretly plans to escape, instead of entangled in a death fight here, it is better to escape as soon as possible.

The two sides have already played against each other, and Yi Tian reached out and took out a ghost face flower seed that has been carefully cultivated for a hundred years.After the spiritual power is injected, it is directly ejected onto the ground of the square. With a sound of '噗嗤', the flower seed broke through the hard floor tiles and buried it in the soil. Yi Tian stretched out his hand and quickly formed the seal, and after three breaths, he said: "Long."

According to my estimation, the spiritual seeds spawned by the wood spirit technique can grow at least one foot thick vine veins, but I didn't expect that only three inches of slender vine veins extended below the ground.It's just that these vines contain traces of immortal power. After the main trunk grows out, dozens of branches grow at the end, and after a criss-cross in the air, they roll towards the black fish dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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