
Chapter 2068 Immortal Fragment 8 Solved

Chapter 2068 Immortal Fragment Eight Solved
Yi Tian met a chaotic beast black fish outside Chuan Gong Hall, and he didn't realize anything at first.It wasn't until the black fish revealed a dragon prestige stronger than Yishun's that Yi didn't know what was wrong.

Seeing that the black fish turned into a black dragon with teeth and claws, Yi Tianzai couldn't sit still anymore.He was the first to attack before the opponent made a move, but he didn't expect that the strength of the black fish dragon was not weaker than his own, in comparison, Yin Yin was slightly better.

It was so easy to realize the seriousness of the situation, and he didn't dare to hold back any more in the face of a black fish dragon whose strength was comparable to the senior red beard spirit ape, the great god of the demon world.

Yi Tian took out the carefully cultivated ghost-faced flower seeds and used the wood spirit technique to bury them in the ground. After absorbing the power of the immortal essence in the fragments of the fairy world, dozens of ghost-faced flower vines frantically grew.

It's just that it's far from what I expected. The seeds that have been cultivated for hundreds of years will grow at least as thick as a bucket when used to perform the wooden vine technique. Even in the demon world, they can become the size of an adult's arm.But in the fairyland fragments, like new shoots, they grow into emerald green vines as thick as a thumb.

But what surprised Yi Tian at the next moment was that it was these twigs that were intertwined into a net and actually surrounded the three-foot-long black fish dragon alive.No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape.

Yi Tian took a closer look at the original emerald green branches with a little bit of golden dots, which contained a lot of fairy energy. Needless to say, it must be that the ghost-faced flower vine absorbed the fairy energy and produced a mutation.

Overjoyed, Yi Tian also hurriedly stretched out his hands to seal and manipulate the rest of the branches to continue to wrap around the black fish dragon.

After ten breaths, he felt a violent wave of air rushing towards his face. He looked up and saw that it was the black fish dragon that raised his neck and sprayed black fire towards the vines on his body after taking a sharp breath.

Wherever the black fire went, it directly scorched the vines wrapped around his body.Then the black fish dragon violently shook its body as if trying to break free.Yi Tian saw that Balian pointed at the ghost-faced flower vines on the ground a few times, but saw that those vines that were originally black and withered had all absorbed a lot of fairy energy from the ground.

In less than three breaths, only the sound of '咔咚咚' was heard. The surface layers of the scorched vine veins fell off one after another, revealing the brand new branches inside.

Although he doesn't know why these ghost-faced flower vines have evolved into such a state after he cast the wooden vine, but Yi Tian knows that he has a slight advantage at the moment.Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, after making seals on his hands, he pointed at the ghost-faced flower vines a few times and shouted: "Grow quickly."

The rhizomes of the ghost-faced flower vines under the ground quickly absorbed the spirit energy around them, and then grew many forks that broke through the stone bricks on the square and stretched out, binding the black fish and dragon into rice dumplings.

Seeing this, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan wooden sword again and sacrificed it in his hand, attached the Liyan real fire to it and said: "Go."

The Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand turned into an emerald green aura that fell directly on the forehead of the black fish dragon. The sound of 'Puff Chi' went straight through his head, leaving a scar the size of a bowl on his forehead.

The black fish dragon immediately struggled a few times before hanging down feebly.A trace of black light flashed across the whole body and slowly shrunk before falling from the air.Yi Tian could see clearly that it was Heiyu's true body, and the appearance of the black dragon just now was just the appearance of a black dragon evolved after it stimulated the power of the blood in its body.

A black bullet rolled out from the wound on Heiyu's forehead, it was its demon pill.Yi Tian stretched out his hand to fetch the demon pill, observed it carefully, and then took a deep breath.The fairy energy contained in it is more than the sum of the fairy spirit liquid that I brought out after entering the fragments of the fairy world during the transformation stage.

A mere chaotic beast contains such a huge amount of immortal power, as long as I kill a few more demon pills, it is enough to raise my cultivation base to the peak of the later stage of fusion.

But this kind of thought is only fleeting in his mind. Speaking of dealing with the black fish dragon this time, it is also a trick of his own.After using the ghost face flower, it can be captured in one fell swoop by fusing the immortal essence and spiritual power to produce a mutation.

If you only rely on your own magical powers, I am afraid that you will still be in a state of hard work in the future.Standing in the air, Yi Tian used the wooden vine technique again to slowly retract the ghost-faced flower vines that controlled the ground, and finally turned back into a fingernail-sized seed that flew out of the ground.Stretching out his hand to catch the seed, Yi Tian opened his mind and scanned the seed several times, and found that its level had improved. It was already considered a heavenly spiritual plant, but now it is beyond this range.

Needless to say, this change will only occur after absorbing the immortal power here, Yi Tian smiled slightly, no matter what he said, the opportunity of this fight let him know how to skillfully use the immortal power to deal with those chaotic beasts .

He turned around and looked at the black fish again, only to see that the red glow in his eyes slowly dissipated, and finally revealed that it was just an ordinary fairy fish.But the true dragon blood remaining on it is an extremely precious treasure, Yi Tian took a jade bottle and put all his true blood into it.

If this thing is traded to those descendants of the dragon clan, I'm afraid it will attract their crazy peeps.

After tidying up, Yi Tian took out the breath-suppressing cloak again and put it on to cover up his breath.Then slowly flew towards the third ruins.With the previous experience, Yi Tian became extra careful, maybe some Chaos Beast would appear here again.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian skimmed tens of miles at low altitude and came to the remains of a ruin full of ruins.After scanning with the divine sense, he found that there seemed to have been two battles here, one of which was a long time ago and should be a confrontation at the level of a true fairy above the fairy world.

The other scene was not the same. It is estimated that it should be the trace left by the monk who came here later.On these traces, Yi Tian could clearly see the traces left by performing Lihuo Nine Transformations and Lingyaohua Qianshu.

Needless to say, there must be seniors from the sect who have explored here, but facing the pile of ruins, Yi Tian also showed a bitter expression.Since these predecessors have been here, they must have explored this place, and now they come here without even drinking soup.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a sound in the ruins in front of him, and he stabilized his figure in the air, Yi Tian lowered his head to see a monk in his thirties came out of the ruins at some point.This person is wearing the clothes of the disciples of Luotian Immortal Palace.

He turned around and instantly locked onto Yi Tian who was in the air, and then the spiritual power behind his back surged under his eyes flushed, revealing his peak cultivation in the later stage of fusion.

Yi Tian knew that he had been exposed, and it seemed that such an opponent was also swallowed by the Chaos Beast, and now standing in front of him was just a spiritual cultivator with a body.

(End of this chapter)

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