
Chapter 2069 Immortal Fragment 9 Senior

Chapter 2069 Immortal Fragment Nine Seniors
After entering the fragments of the fairy world of Luotian Fairy Palace, Yi Tian walked all the way and found that there were hidden traces of chaotic beasts everywhere, and most of these chaotic beasts were formed by fusing spiritual cultivation or fairy world spirit beasts.

Although I don't know why it has evolved into such a state, Yitian discovered that the strength of these chaotic beasts is at least at his current level during the process of teaching him.

It's like the monk from the Luotian Immortal Palace Zongmen that you just met in front of you, his body is mixed with spiritual power and chaos source power.At the same time, relying on these two kinds of spiritual power to stimulate the power of the martial arts sacrificed is naturally three points stronger than what I usually use.

Yi Tian didn't show any timidity on his face when he saw it. Instead, he used the magic pupil technique to peek directly at the Niwan Palace on his forehead, and saw a little change in the Nascent Soul inside.Originally thought that the other party just absorbed too much chaos source power and blinded his mind, but now it seems that it is not the case.The original human-shaped Nascent Soul in Niwan Palace has now become swollen, and his eyes are completely red.

All the Chaos Beasts he has faced so far have the appearance of red eyes, Yi Tian was suspicious and secretly began to think about whether to catch a Chaos Beast-possessed Spiritualist for research.

Just as he was thinking about it, the other person suddenly burst into flames, and a beam of bright white flames rose to protect him.Then he took out the spiritual weapon and made a seal with both hands, then controlled it and flung it over.

Yi Tian stared at himself with sharp eyes and looked at him for a while, then his face was stunned. This is a side-door spiritual weapon recorded in the Lihuo Palace Artifact, named 'Yaoyang Core'.In fact, it is just a five-inch solid olive core-shaped spiritual weapon, but this kind of spiritual weapon can carry ignorant flames and even flame-free exercises. At the same time, it is also engraved with several kinds of spirit patterns that can further increase the power of the exercises. order.

The "Yaoyang Core" in front of him suddenly disappeared after flying across the air. Just when Yi Tian felt a little different, a fiery feeling came from behind him.Without thinking too much, Yi Tian hurriedly put up a dragon tortoise armor shield to block behind him, and with a "Dang" sound, the "Yaoyang Core" broke through the void, suddenly appeared from behind him, and hit him fiercely. On the dragon turtle armor shield.

I just felt that my back was hit hard, and the blood in my body suddenly rolled, and my true energy began to overwhelm, and I began to lose control.

Guarding his mind, Yi Tian hastily withdrew and dodged away, and at the same time quickly adjusted his internal breath to sort out all the manic and restless spiritual power that seemed to be scurrying in his body.

Although the person in front of him has only learned the secret techniques of Lihuo Palace and Taiqing Pavilion, but using them together also killed him by surprise.Fortunately, Yi Tian relied on his strong cultivation base to temporarily avoid the sharp edge, teleported a few times and hid in the distance for a while to observe.

The 'Yaoyang Core' flew through the air for a few miles and returned directly to the spirit cultivator.Yi Tian carefully estimated that the range of this control is limited, and it is estimated that it is the most powerful within five miles. Except for such a range of control, people may not be able to display its true power 100%.

Fortunately, it was stained with ignorance, and I knew all the supernatural powers in the seventh layer of the Lihuo Nine Transformations. Even if I lost a little bit, I could hold my ground and wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

After pondering for a few breaths in the air, Yi Tian smiled slightly, and he had a plan in his heart. Judging from the appearance of the other party, he must not be a true disciple of Luo Tianxian Palace, so he just learned the ignorance of fire.If I put on the 'Yaoyang Core' fused with Liyan's supernatural powers, I'm afraid I will have to spend a little more effort.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand with five fingers together and held it in Li Yan's hand, and then turned around and flew straight towards the person in the distance in front of him under the burst of spiritual light.The other party seemed to be aware of the crisis in front of him, so he used the "Yaoyang Core" in his hand again after repeating the same trick.

A group of white flames flashed out, and then flew out in an arc wrapped around the spirit weapon.Yi Tian hurriedly dodges after seeing it in the air, but the 'Yaoyang Core' bites behind him like it has eyes.Moreover, the cultivator used one-handed seals to continuously display the magical powers of space, manipulating the spiritual weapon in the air and directly piercing through the space to appear beside Yi Tian.

Relying on his own sensitive physical skills, Yi Tian avoided two attacks from flying out from the gap in the space beside him.Until the third time when the 'Yaoyang Core' broke through the space again and appeared directly ten feet behind his head, Yi Tian stopped in the air with a smile on his lips, turned around to face the 'Yaoyang Core' 'Fly away.As soon as he stretched out his hands, Liyan real fire covered his palms, and Yi Tian blocked the attack of 'Yaoyang Core' head-on after overlapping his hands.

With a loud '呲呲' sound, the emerald green Li Yan swallowed the white ignorance flame directly, and at the same time Yi Tian also took the 'Yaoyang Core' and grabbed it in his hand.

The cultivator in the distance looked shocked, a red glow flashed in his eyes, and his hands were linked together, as if he was manipulating the retraction of the spiritual weapon.At the same time, the 'Yaoyang Core' that was tightly held in the hand seemed to be shaking rapidly as it was called by the master.

When Yi Tian saw it, he let go with a slight smile on his face and let him go. After the spirit weapon flew back, a scream suddenly came out from the monk's mouth.A green Liyan real fire ignited from the spiritual weapon and went upstream to find its body.

It was the trace of Liyan True Fire left on the 'Yaoyang Core' by Yi Tian skillfully before, and he was still thinking about how to deal with it, but after seeing the spiritual weapons and exercises of the same origin, he had already thought about it. Scheduled.

This move of "Borrowing the Corpse and Resurrecting the Soul" is also just right to use the opponent's spiritual weapon to fight back against the opponent's manipulation, and it also saves myself a lot of trouble.After the hands were sealed, Yi Tian muttered something in his mouth: "Burning."

The Liyan flame jumped three feet high and burned violently, no matter how the opponent struggled, or used the ignorant flame to protect himself, they were mercilessly swallowed by Liyan.

After ten breaths, a gray aura escaped from the monk's forehead, and Yi Tian teleported directly to the back, reaching out and holding the gray Nascent Soul in his hand.

Under the refining of Li Yan's real fire, the chaotic energy in the gray Nascent Soul's spirit body was refined, and the swollen Nascent Soul also returned to normal.

Only a weak voice came from the Nascent Soul's mouth: "I wonder which junior from the sect came to rescue?"

"I, Yi Tian, ​​is the new head of Lihuo Hall. I don't know who the senior is from the sect?" Yi Tian hurriedly replied.After entering the fragments of the fairy world of Luotian Immortal Palace, it is not easy to meet someone who can speak. Naturally, Yi Tian will not miss the opportunity of information exchange.

The Nascent Soul was startled when he heard this, and said in a weak tone again: "I don't know how the sect has become now, is the sect master Wuxiang Senior Brother?"

"Luo Tianxian Palace fell apart as early as 5 to [-] years ago, and Uncle Wuxiang fell into the demon world and became a generation of demon saints and lords," Yi Tian asked bluntly: "Since your Excellency has become Uncle Wuxiang as a senior brother, Presumably, I am also a senior of the sect, I don’t know what happened here?”

Hearing the words, the Nascent Soul spirit body first showed a look of regret, and finally sighed: "It's God's will, and the world can't change it. I am Wu Ang, a true disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace, and I came here by the order of the elder brother Fragments of the fairy world looking for opportunities."

"Since the senior is also the 'no' generation of the sect, then he is my uncle," Yi Tian said after hearing the words.

"Who are you sitting down disciple?" Wu Ang asked.

"The tutor is 'Wu Ye', who is now the Supreme Elder of the Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world, living in seclusion in the sect," Yi Tian replied.

"Then it's no wonder that you are able to refine the sect's exercises to such a high level in this realm. I'm afraid Wuye might not be as good as you back then," Wu Ang laughed.

"Uncle Master is absurd," Yi Tian replied with a smug face, "I don't know why Uncle Master was trapped here and sucked in a lot of Chaos Qi to become a Chaos Beast."

Wu Ang sighed and said: "Actually, the so-called Chaos Beast is the appearance of lost mind after Lingxiu absorbs a large amount of Chaos Source Power. When I wait for Lingxiu to specialize in Xuanqi, once I inhale too much Chaos Source Power, it will be lost. The far-distance rotation mode that causes a chaotic storm in the body to completely destroy the original spiritual power."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yi Tianlai in shock, and it took a long time before he said a word: "No wonder you won't be affected by this, it really is the right way to cultivate both Xuan and Huang."

"Does it mean that what you are talking about is the dual cultivation of spirits and demons?" Yi Tian said: "If this is the case, I will become like this by chance and coincidence."

"Single cultivation of spirit and demon is just the conversion of spiritual power. Brother Wuxiang was able to do this long ago. And the real fusion of the two qi of black and yellow into the source of chaos is a dangerous thing. If the two qi of black and yellow are any Any deviation will have an immeasurable impact on yourself," Wu Ang explained.

"So Uncle Wuxiang also tried to fuse the two kinds of spiritual power back then. It seems that he must have made a mistake at that time and finally fell into the devil world," Yi Tian sighed for a while.

"There is a definite number in the dark, everyone has their own destiny," Wu Ang said, "I have already divination about the matter of Brother Wuxiang's fall into the devil world, this is an unchangeable fact, and he It will definitely be defeated by the younger disciples of the sect."

Having said that, the Wuang Nascent Soul Spirit Body turned its head and looked at Yi Tiandao in front of him: "I hope you promise me one thing."

"Uncle Master is above one thing, I can also accept ten things," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "For the current plan, I think it is better to find a body for Uncle Master first?"

Wu Ang stretched out his small hand and waved it weakly: "No need, after such a long time of invasion of my soul power, there is not much left. Although I can increase my lifespan by several times here, it is not the right way after all. .After you agree to my request, just send me into reincarnation with your own hands."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face was silent for a while, and he nodded after three breaths: "Since it is the uncle's last pleading, the disciple naturally obeys, please show me the uncle."

"Remember in the future when you face Senior Brother Shang Wuxiang, even if you win, you have to let his soul escape into reincarnation," Wu Ang said with all his might.

"The disciple knows, please rest assured, Master Uncle," Yi Tian replied, he stretched out his hand and opened a void vortex in the air, and then loosened his ten fingers to gently send the Wuang Nascent Soul into it.

In the end, only a voice came from my ear saying: "This world is a corner of the collapsed preaching hall of Luotian Xiangong in the fairy world. In the ruins, there is part of the inheritance of the sect of the fairy world that I found back then, which can reconcile the power of chaos and turn it into a black and yellow two. Qi, this is where your chance lies. And the divination tools left on my body are passed on to the virtuous disciples of the sect, and it is what my generation should do not to let the orthodoxy be broken."

Yi Tian's divine sense then scanned and found that a storage ring had fallen near the position where Wu Ang's body was standing just now, and he thought that everything he said should be stored in it.

Yi Tian bowed his hands towards the gap in the void vortex, and said with tears in his eyes: "Master, don't worry, the disciple who is responsible for the rise and fall of the sect will definitely pass on the Taoism of Luo Tianxian Palace."

After the void vortex in Shaoqing's sky slowly closed, there was no trace of Ang Yuanying before disappearing without a trace.Yi Tian lowered his head and picked up the storage ring on the ground, held it in his hand and looked at it.

This style is exactly the style of the direct disciples in Luo Tianxian Palace. I remember seeing the same storage ring in the hands of the master Wuye.After erasing the mark on it, Yi Tian extended his divine sense and began to investigate.

I don't know if I don't know if I look at the shocked expression on his face, and his net worth is also very rich.The precious materials and spirit stones preserved in it are almost worth half of the property in the Taiqing Pavilion.

What puzzled Yi Tian the most was that Uncle Wu Ang seemed to be a collector maniac, and the Lingjue jade slips placed in it took up a hundred feet of space.Many of them are solitary formulas that have long been lost in the spirit world, and there are also many exercises collected from other worlds.

In the deepest part of these exercises, Yi Tian found two one-foot-sized jade boxes with forbidden spirit symbols affixed to them.Obviously, it should be the things that Uncle Wu Ang mentioned before.

Take out one of them and hold it in your hand, gently lift the forbidden talisman on it and lift the cover.Yi Tian glanced over and found that there was a Luogeng plate and a bamboo divination for divination in it. Presumably these should be the utensils used for divination by Uncle Wu Ang, so they were kept so carefully.You can pass it on after you find a suitable successor.

There is also a jade slip inside, and the logo on it reads "Taiyi Divine Number Golden Sutra Explains Doubts" in spiritual characters. Needless to say, this is the inheritance method for participating in the study of divination.

After closing the lid of the jade box and pasting the forbidden jade talisman again, Yi Tian reached out and put it into the storage ring.Then he took out another jade box, opened it and started searching.

Inside the jade box was a jade slip and a five-inch quaint stone box, and the jade slip was clearly marked with the words Luo Tianxian Palace Travel Notes.Yi Tian hurriedly took it out, put it on his forehead, and read it quickly with his spiritual thoughts.

Just as I expected, Uncle Wu Ang had the habit of recording his itinerary, and this jade slip clearly recorded the ins and outs of his coming to this fragment of the fairy world and the itinerary all the way down.

It wasn't until the end that he lost his mind due to the inhalation of too much chaos source power in his body.

According to his jade slips, there are a total of seven people including him who came here to investigate, the ancestor of Miaodizi and the head of the three halls, and he also has disciples from the other two halls.

In this way, Yi Tian would think that the two monks he met earlier should be the other two disciples mentioned in this article.

As for the 'Golden Seal Script' on the quaint stone box, when it was opened, there was a fragment of a jade slip in it, on which was written 'The Sutra of Explanation of Doubts about the Origin of Chaos in Lingwei Cave Sky'.

(End of this chapter)

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