
Chapter 2076

Chapter 2076
The entrance selection for the Lihuo Palace in Rising Sun City officially kicked off, and Yi Tian and Xia Minyu also lined up holding identity jade cards to get around.

After passing the first test of cultivation and bone age, the monks who came to participate in the selection generally did not show any deviations. Occasionally, there were a few people whose bone age exceeded 30 years old. As soon as he said that, he stepped forward and sent those people out directly.

These disciples who came to supervise were at least at the Jindan Stage, and even Nascent Soul Stage monks like Niu Renjie were sitting in charge. Naturally, those low-level monks would not be given the opportunity to be presumptuous.

However, Niu Renjie's eyes still glanced over Yi Tian and Xia Minyu from time to time, his face was calm but he was thinking about whether to help secretly.

It's just that when the passers-by passed by him, they heard a secret sound transmission, Niu Renjie frowned frivolously and felt happy.The person who transmitted the voice was the new head of the Lihuo Sect. He had heard his voice when escorting the two of them before. I believe that Niu Renjie will never forget this voice in his life.

It's just that after listening to the sound transmission, Niu Renjie's face changed slightly, and there was a puzzled look on his face.But that voice was majestic and unquestionable. As a disciple of the sect, he naturally dared not have any intention of disobeying it.

Shaoqing Niu Renjie hurriedly greeted his subordinates to take his place, but he himself flew towards the City Lord's Mansion.This time the selection of the sect is naturally not something he can preside over with his cultivation, so if he wants to fulfill the entrustment of the suzerain, he must find the person in charge.At this time, Niu Renjie's bosom inexplicably had a jade talisman engraved with a simple flame mark, and the style of this mark was unique to the suzerain of Lihuo Palace.

The monks present naturally didn't know what was wrong, or they all followed the rules and entered the venue to participate in the selection according to the arrangement of Lihuo Palace.Soon, nearly 10 people came to the main venue in the city one by one, which was a large and powerful school ground.

Seats had already been placed on the school grounds, and every monk who entered was allocated a separate partition.The inside is only five feet long and wide, and a stone futon is placed in the middle.After entering, the contestants insert their identity jade cards into the grooves in front of the stone futon, and then sit cross-legged on it.

When the monk sits cross-legged on the futon, a white light film will light up around the partition to isolate it from the outside world, thus preventing the possibility of other people's influence.

Yi Tian and Xia Minyu entered their seats next to each other, and they couldn't see the outside world after the white light film was raised.But Zimang flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and he easily saw through the surrounding barriers, and quickly glanced at the rostrum in the distance, and saw that today's examiner was wearing the costume of an inner disciple of the Li Huo Sect.

Looking at his appearance, Yi Tian vaguely remembered that he once summoned an elite disciple of the inner sect in the main hall of the sect, and this person named Duan Weiqi was also among them at that time.Presumably, if he saw his name, he wouldn't be as hesitant as Niu Renjie, and would recognize him directly.

Not long after, Niu Renjie hurried over and shook hands with Duan Weiqi who was sitting in the seat, and then the two chatted privately through voice transmission.After three breaths, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the chief examiner Duan Weiqi. Although his face did not change color at all, such small details as a slight shaking of his hands did not escape Yi Tian's gaze.

Afterwards, Duan Weiqi reached out to take the jade talisman, swept it with his divine sense, and nodded slightly afterward.Later, I saw his divine sense sweep across the entire venue, and finally passed back and forth twice where he and Xia Minyu were, before taking it back.

For those monks in the Foundation Establishment Period, they naturally couldn't detect the changes around them, and Yi Tian didn't bother to take care of these things. Anyway, Duan Weiqi knew how to deal with them after receiving his Jade Talisman Order.

Half a moment later, after all the participating monks had taken their seats, Duan Weiqi, who was seated, stood up and said, "The second round of entry selection begins, this time the result will be lifelong, and the content of the test is the trial of Dao Xin. Only the first 100 people who wake up from the environment will be selected. Those who wake up can inject their spiritual power into the jade tablet under the seat, and someone will come to meet them. The hourglass in front of me is exactly two hours. The time that exceeds the hourglass measurement is considered to be eliminated, so the selection of candidates this time does not necessarily have as many as a hundred people, so let's start."

As soon as the words were finished, Duan Weiqi stretched out his hand and made a move, and immediately sacrificed his spiritual power to activate the formation, and bright-colored formations instantly appeared on the ground in the school grounds.Then, a white film of light slowly rose up all around, covering the entire venue.

After doing all this, Duan Weiqi slowly returned to his original position, but his eyes were fixed on a certain place in the venue.Sitting on the seat, Yi Tian was in a daze for a while, and then the surrounding scenes changed. He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the surrounding environment returned to its original state.

Looking across, I saw that Duan Weiqi, who was sitting upright at this time, was staring at the place where Xia Minyu was next to him, and began to size up, his fingers trembled slightly, and at the same time, there was a faint golden light flashing across the formation pattern, which disappeared in a flash.

Seeing this, Yi Tian showed a satisfied smile on his face. In his talisman, he mentioned that he asked the chief examiner to increase Xia Minyu's Dao Xin trial, which was three times more difficult than normal participants.

This time the chief examiner sent by the sect will naturally find a disciple who is proficient in formations, and Duan Weiqi will not be troubled by these things.As long as he makes a little secret move, he can easily increase the difficulty of the Dao Xin trial, and I just want to see if Xia Minyu's Dao Xin is tough and can match his future cultivation.

A giant hourglass was placed in front of the examiner, white fine sand fell rapidly, and the entire examination room became completely silent, even the disciples of Lihuo Palace who were guarding all around restrained their minds and began to look at it.There may be a hundred of these people selected, but they are only entering the outer sect. The elite leaders who can really enter the inner sect have to pass many tests of the sect.

But once you become an inner disciple of Lihuo Palace, your future is boundless. Even if you just go out from the outer sect, you can compare with those direct monks of medium-sized sects.

Through the light film to restrain Yi Tian, ​​Xia Minyu saw that Xia Minyu's brows were tightly furrowed at this time, drops of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the expression on his face changed from time to time, as if he had encountered trouble in the environment.It's no wonder that under normal circumstances, the test of three times the difficulty for foundation-building stage disciples is naturally far beyond the same level. I hesitated.

Soon someone woke up from the illusion test, and after activating the sitting jade card, disciples from the sect came to meet him.

Within an hour, more than 90 of the 99 quotas were claimed one after another.When the word [-] was displayed on the crystal screen stone tablet in front of the examiner, Yi Tian found that Xia Minyu's body in front of him suddenly trembled, and then he woke up and stretched out his hand to sacrifice his spiritual power to activate the jade tablet he was sitting on.

(End of this chapter)

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