
Chapter 2077 Lost

Chapter 2077 Lost

The entrance selection for Lihuo Palace is in full swing, but Yi Tian has a different way of testing the disciples he likes.After secretly informing Niu Renjie, the inspector of Rising Sun City, he gave the jade talisman order, and Duan Weiqi, the chief examiner of the selection examination, also looked puzzled after receiving the jade talisman order.

It's just that the suzerain's order is undeniable, so he naturally dare not violate it.In the next selection test, he cleverly used his secret hands to directly increase the difficulty of Xia Minyu's Dao Xin trial to more than three times.

Originally according to Yi Tian's meaning, he didn't want him to pass the selection test, but he didn't expect Xia Minyu to wake up after waiting for the time until the number 99 was displayed on the crystal screen in front of the examiner.

I saw him looking ecstatic and stretching out his hand to sacrifice his spiritual power to directly activate the identity jade badge under the futon.The 99-foot-high crystal screen in front of the rostrum suddenly sensed this wave of spiritual power, and then the number [-] jumped to one hundred.

Those surrounding Lihuo Palace disciples breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the candidates for selection have been decided, they just need to make arrangements for the eliminated ones.

It's just that Duan Weiqi, who is the chief examiner, is frowning at this time. He also learned the result immediately, but when the divine sense swept over his face, his face changed slightly, and he looked helplessly at Niu Renjie standing beside him.

The latter was also an insider, and the helpless expression on his face immediately disappeared.The two people's eyes met and they immediately saw the thoughts in each other's eyes. After lowering their heads and the corners of their mouths moved a few times, they seemed to be discussing countermeasures.

Soon the [-] shortlisted monks were escorted to the rostrum with tokens and Taoist robes that were directly awarded by the chief examiner to the disciples of the outer sect.

After the formation below was slowly put away, those eliminated people woke up one after another.At this moment, they could only watch with their own eyes the hundreds of monks who had passed the test put on the costumes of the outer sect of the Lihuo Palace and wore the jade plaques of the sect. Such a one-step mistake would be a world of difference from now on.

Although some of them would question it, those deacons and disciples from the Lihuo Palace were naturally not vegetarians, and they drove them out of the venue with direct attacks.

As for those who stayed, it would be worthwhile for everyone to go to the exit to get a piece of Lingshi.

Yi Tian stood up slowly, looked at the rostrum, then turned and left, and stopped at the exit of the external selection after a while.After waiting for a while, I saw Xia Minyu being carried out by Niu Renjie himself.

Those present were stunned, not knowing what happened.But Niu Renjie stretched out his hand and twisted Xia Minyu out, and then said in a deep voice: "The most important thing for me to select disciples from the Fire Palace is to abide by the Taoist heart. Naturally, you can't tolerate the sect's eyes when you make friends with people in the demonic way. I'm still young and don't know the reason, so I'll let you go today, but the result of the selection is directly invalidated."

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd watching the excitement outside all looked terrified. It is not a big deal to say that making friends with people in the magic way after the disaster.The low-level monks left behind by the demon army have also integrated into the spirit world, and the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance turned a blind eye to this.After all, we can't drive them all to extinction, so the new suzerain of Lihuo Palace will exclusively house these demon cultivators in Pojunshan Jiancheng near the boundary gate.

It's just that a low-level monk like Xia Minyu doesn't have the strength to make friends with demons.I saw that he was about to distinguish a few words, but Niu Renjie pointed at the person in front of him indiscriminately and said: "There is a faint evil spirit on him, don't you notice it? It's no use that I took good care of you, I didn't expect But you don’t know what is right and what is wrong, and I hope that you will not keep this matter in mind in the future if you are expelled today, and follow the instructions of your Dao heart, that is the right way.”

Such words sounded righteous to others, but Yi Tian smiled disdainfully.Niu Renjie is also clearing up the relationship, and there is something in his words, and after Xia Minyu takes over the position, he will not be able to wait for an opportunity to find him to settle the matter.

And don't look at Niu Renjie's arrogant and domineering face now, but he is actually terrified in his heart.This is an errand to offend the young suzerain of the Lihuo Palace in the future, but in front of his own eyes, he dare not make any mistakes and can only bite the bullet, and everything must be done according to the jade talisman.

Xia Minyu looked in the direction of Niu Renjie's finger, and saw a faint trace of black air leaking from Yi Tian's body not far away at this time, and he still didn't understand the crux of the problem at this time.

Soon everyone around them left one after another, as for the two people in front of them, they tried to avoid them as much as possible.On the contrary, Yi Tian smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and walked forward to look at the disappointed Xia Minyu before he said: "I said that you may not even be able to enter the Lihuo Palace, but that's good, you can travel with me in the spirit world and worship me." Be a teacher."

Xia Minyu's face showed resentment, then he snorted coldly, turned around and walked away.After walking a few steps, I heard Yi Tian's sound transmission saying: "Xia Xiaoyou just experienced the great joy and sorrow in the world, so it's hard to calm down. It cannot be used as a standard to measure a person. You must know that the suzerain of the current Lihuo Palace is not from the direct line of the sect, but returned to the sect after practicing outside the sect."

After walking a few steps, Xia Minyu suddenly stopped, then raised his head and let out a long sigh, as if he was thinking about something.After three breaths, he turned his head and his face recovered a little, and Jishou said: "Forgive me, fellow Daoist Yi, I was the one who fell into obscurity. I couldn't bear it just now when I went from the peak of my life to the bottom. But you said This is not the only way to cultivate one’s true self.”

"Then what does little brother Xia mean?" Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "Follow me, maybe it will open up another world for you."

Xia Minyu lowered his head and thought for a while, and instead of replying directly, he asked: "Before that Niu Renjie said that I made friends with demons and heretics, I don't know if Yi Daoyou is serious or not?"

With a faint smile, Yi Tian spoke nonsense, "Why does Brother Xia believe in other people's words instead of confirming it with his own eyes?"

Xia Minyu looked at me with a serious face and then asked: "I think Fellow Daoist Yi took good care of me along the way and never treated me badly. If you are really a magic cultivator, what do you want to covet me for? To be honest, I am far inferior to others in terms of family background, even the few members of the Xunyang Qiu family. If there are more people who are better than me in terms of aptitude, I really can't figure it out."

"Some things can't just be seen on the surface," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "If you still believe in me, then follow up. In fact, worshiping me as a teacher will benefit you a lot. At least you can concentrate on cultivation as you like, and you don't have to be subject to the world's pressure. Troubled." After speaking, Yi Tian turned around and ignored Xia Minyu's reaction and walked towards the wine shop in the city alone. After three breaths, Shen Nian noticed Xia Minyu behind him striding forward, and quickly followed.

Half an hour later, the two came to a restaurant in the city called 'Chao Xu Yang', found a vacant seat on the top floor and sat down.Knowing that he was in a bad mood, Yi Tian ordered a psychic meal, and took out a pot of peach wine in his hand and poured two glasses.

Xia Minyu, on the other hand, poured it into his stomach after taking a cup without any hesitation, and only recovered after drinking three cups in a row.The gaze in his eyes gradually became clearer, as if he had figured out a lot of things, and the gaze towards him also became somewhat respectful.

Yi Tian knew that his state of mind had improved, even though his cultivation base was not high, and his lifespan was less than twenty.But after the ups and downs before, his state of mind was stronger than that of his peers. It can be said that none of the monks who passed the selection of Lihuo Palace can surpass him in state of mind.

What Niu Renjie said outside the selection venue just now naturally attracted many people's ears. At this time, many monks who came and went on the top floor of the 'Chao Xuyang' restaurant naturally recognized the two.During the period, some people in the know were there to point and point, but because Yi Tian showed a trace of blackness in advance, he thought it was a casual cultivator of the demon race and dared not provoke it easily.

After Shaoqing, he heard some noisy voices coming from the stairs, and the sounds sounded like the three members of the Qiu family that he had seen before.Yi Tian took care of himself, he had tested Xia Minyu a lot, and that's not bad.

Then he said: "Your Xunyangqiu family is here, how will you face it then? Don't forget that they will give feedback to the family as soon as they learn about your every move, even if you ask me to do it for you." The teacher will also implicate the family, so we must investigate this matter."

After talking about Yi Tian, ​​he looked at Xia Minyu's reaction. According to his expectation, he still has family affection that has not been tested, so he just tried it on this occasion.As expected, Xia Minyu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then lowered his head in thought.After about three breaths, he suddenly raised his head and asked, "What level will Master's cultivation reach in the future?"

Hearing that he also changed his address, Yi Tian naturally showed joy, but after restraining himself a little, he asked back: "You should have a good idea of ​​the cultivation level of the Patriarch of Xunyang Xia Family. It can be said that the realm I will reach in the future will definitely not be as good as He is low. But saying this is always a taste of drawing cakes to fill one's hunger, but I don't know if you believe it or not?"

"I believe," Xia Minyu replied resolutely: "I don't just talk about the strength of the exercises, but I know that you are definitely not a thing in the pond, even if you look at the bearing you show and the way you face the Nascent Soul stage monks. It is because the strength is not strong now, but as long as the Dao Xin is tenacious, there will be great achievements in the future."

"Oh, you are very observant, and you are right, but there is one thing that you haven't done yet," Yi Tian said with satisfaction, "It's naturally inappropriate for you to call me master before you have done the ceremony of apprenticeship."

When Xia Minyu heard the words, his complexion turned upright, and he immediately realized that he was about to stand up and toast, when he heard a strange voice behind him and said, "I don't know who it is, isn't this the thousand-mile horse of our Xunyang Xia family? Pick one out of a thousand miles I asked you to come here, but I didn't expect you to be so relentless that you even made friends with demons, my Xunyang Qiu family, Qiu Lu, is really ashamed to be with you."

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the people on the top floor were attracted, and many people in the know were restrained at first.But some people started whispering as soon as they started, and what's more, they pointed and pointed at Xia Minyu's fault.

Yi Tian's reaction to these people was to ignore them and drink the wine on the table leisurely.On the other hand, Xia Minyu showed a little guilt on his face, and then he stood up and said: "Everyone, it is a pity that I failed to enter the gate wall of Lihuo Palace even though I passed the selection. It's just a chance. , Everyone has their own destiny, I am here today to pay homage to teachers and hope that you will be my witnesses."

After speaking, he walked in front of Yi Tian and knelt down on his knees with a 'plop', then knelt three times and kowtowed nine times in front of everyone, and performed the salute to the teacher.Speaking of which, there were about dozens of monks drinking together upstairs at this time, and these people became witnesses invisibly.

During the period, some people were still quite critical of Xia Minyu's actions, and some were quite afraid of Yi Tian's identity as a demon cultivator, but many people secretly praised Xia Minyu's performance.

At the end of the ceremony, Xia Minyu knelt down and took the wine glass on the table to respect gently, and said in his mouth: "Master, please drink this cup to accept disciples. From now on, Min Yu will listen to the teachings and concentrate on cultivation. It’s a step above the path.”

"Okay, good student." Yi Tian took the wine glass and drank it, then laughed and said, "So there will be successors to my lineage."

While talking, Yi Tian suddenly turned around and looked into the distance, then said helplessly: "It's really not the time to come."

The words were silent but everyone present could hear them clearly. Everyone was puzzled when they suddenly saw several rays of light flying from the city lord's mansion in the air and galloping towards this side.

After three breaths, the rays of light all fell to the top floor of the restaurant. The leader was wearing the costume of inner disciples of Lihuo Palace, with two flame marks embroidered on the cuffs.Behind him is Duan Weiqi, the main examiner of Rising Sun City this time, but there is only a flame mark on his clothing cuff.

Duan Weiqi's cultivation is naturally very clear to everyone, a late-stage cultivator of the God Transformation, a wizard in the Lihuo Palace, and the identity of the leader is naturally stronger than him.

As for the inspector of Rising Sun City, Niu Renjie, who was lucky enough to be among them, his name naturally resounded among the low-ranking monks.But today he was just standing in the last position as an escort, so one can imagine that the person who came today must be at the level of Xunri City Lord.

When Yi Tian saw it, he stretched out his hand and motioned for Xia Minyu to sit on his head, but then he snorted a few times impatiently.

The person at the head hurried forward and knelt on one knee and saluted: "Jiang Shaobai, the defender of Rising Sun City, see the suzerain and junior brother."

In a word, all the spiritual practitioners on the floor were terrified by it. Jiang Shaobai is a true disciple of Lihuo Sect's inner sect, and he has been guarding the town of Rising Sun for some years.Although Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end, all spiritual practitioners who come here will know his name more or less.

But today even if he has to bow down to the person in front of him, then the identity of this person is about to be revealed.It was the new Suzerain of Lihuo Palace who was in person.For a while, all the spiritual practitioners up and down the restaurant were aware of it, and the people around hurriedly got up and knelt down to worship Yi Tian.

On the contrary, Xia Minyu's complexion changed slightly and he asked in a trembling voice: "Are you really the rumored great monk, No. 1 ancestor Yi Tianyi under the Mahayana period of the spiritual world?"

Stretching out his hand to touch his chin, Yi Tian said disdainfully: "I am the youngest, and I will call you Master when you see me, don't be so unruly. If you are my first disciple, if you don't know how to be decent, your fellow Taoists will say it when they see you in the future. I have no way to teach disciples."

Xia Minyu gasped for air, and a gleam of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, hurriedly stood up and knelt down to thank, "Thank you for your teaching, Master."

(End of this chapter)

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