
Chapter 2087

Chapter 2087 Backtracking
With the monk's statement, Yi Tian was also determined, and then stretched out his hand to sacrifice a wisp of Li Yan's real fire.Then gently send this ray of true flame directly to the 'Shituo Yubi'.In an instant, Li Yan's real fire spread across the entire zhang-sized smooth stone wall, and the surface of the stone wall was almost distorted under the scorching.

Just when Yi Tian showed doubts, the stone wall in front of him suddenly fluctuated violently.A look of astonishment gradually appeared on his face, Yi Tian had recognized that the magical channel method left on this stone wall was the space secret technique of the Taiqing Pavilion's "Close to the End of the World".

But after looking at it carefully, he sighed for a while. It seems that the space secrets in front of him are more profound than those preserved in the Taiqing Pavilion.It should be the cultivation technique passed down in Luo Tianxian Palace, and there seems to be some familiar traces in it.

Yi Tian looked at it carefully, and then his face showed a clear expression. This is the trace of the two supernatural powers of 'space backtracking' and 'time backtracking' on the stone wall.Although the age of casting the spell is very long, but Yi Tian himself has also practiced 'space backtracking', so he can recognize it naturally.Although I haven't practiced 'Returning Time' to the Dacheng state, I have finally been involved in this, so I am no stranger to it after seeing it.

At the same time, he thought secretly in his heart, since Master Wuxiang left such a message here, it must have a deep meaning.And he must have wanted to pass on the information to the disciples of Luotian Immortal Palace, but what he didn't expect was that tens of thousands of years later, Luotian Immortal Palace would have already collapsed, and the orthodoxy was also divided into three sects.

And to activate this stone wall, you must be a monk at the fusion stage or above. No wonder it has remained and no one has opened it.His eyes glanced at Monk Jie Ding who was sitting on the side, but Yi Tian secretly shook his head, thinking that Master Jie Ding must have come to investigate when he was a monk in the Mahayana period, but his skills were wrong at that time, so naturally he couldn't solve the problem Inside space backtracking.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian turned around and said, "Here is the message left by the seniors of Luo Tianxian Palace. I wonder if you, Master Jie Ding, would like to go in and investigate with me?"

Facing his own invitation, Monk Jieding slowly opened his eyes and thought for a while, then he shook his head and said: "Since you are destined to meet the poor monk, you will not have any greed, Sect Master Yi can do whatever you want. And I guess the information kept here is of great importance, but it is also a heavy burden. I am afraid that the poor monk can't take on this responsibility because his shoulders are thin, but Sect Master Yi seems to be the best candidate."

Hearing such remarks, Yi Tian was also stunned. It seems that Monk Jieding is naturally aware of the information contained in it.Moreover, his predecessor has already shouldered too many responsibilities, but now he doesn't want to run around and work hard for it.

With a trace of helpless bitterness on his face, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Since Master Jie Ding sees through the world and doesn't want to be involved in such karma, I naturally dare not force it. So Yi Mou will go in and investigate first, and trouble the master for I'm on guard."

"Sect Master Yi doesn't need to worry too much, the poor monk still has a message to give," Monk Jie Ding continued, "What is right and wrong is what you think, and Sect Master Yi must not get lost in the illusion."

"Thank you, Master Jie Ding, for your reminder, I'll come when I go down," Yi Tian said, jumping directly into the middle of the stone wall. With a sound of '嗖', Yi Tian's figure passed directly through the burning stone wall and disappeared into it. After three breaths, the Liyan real fire on the stone wall shrank sharply.The entire stone wall returned to its original state as if it had never been activated.

The monk Jieding who was sitting on the side put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name, but he seemed to be talking to himself: "The affairs of the Luotian Immortal Palace should still be handled by the descendants of the sect, and the poor monk will no longer participate."

After entering the 'Shi Tuo Jade Bi', Yi Tian only felt that the weight of his body fell straight down and disorderly for no reason, but several halos flashed in front of his eyes.When I came back to my senses, I checked carefully and found that I was on the main street of a comprehension town.

Thinking that he didn't attract the attention of others after landing out of thin air like this, Yi Tian carefully looked at the surrounding environment except himself, which was shaped by the practice of going back in time.

After Yi Tian's divine sense opened up, he found that he had covered nearly ten thousand miles of square garden area, and it was only at the edge of the divine sense that he realized the edge of this comprehension town.

Unexpectedly, there is such a large space opened up in the 'Shituo Yubi'.But where is the comprehension town transformed in this space?With doubts, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, and then flew towards the center of the city.

After ten breaths, I looked from a distance and saw a series of rooftop pavilions built in the center of the city, which connected the entire northern part of the city and were divided.On the front of those buildings, there is a ten-story hall, but at the entrance of the ground floor of the hall is a three-foot-high stone tablet.There are four big characters written on it, and Yi Tian took a closer look and it was clearly "Luo Tian Xiangong." 'Needless to say, this place should be where the sect of Luotian Immortal Palace was located 5 years ago, which is now Qingfeng Old City.

Uncle Wuxiang actually evolved all the scenes and characters he remembered at that time in this space. Speaking of which, even if the Beast Monarch and Daoist took action himself, he might not be able to do this.Flying hurriedly to the entrance of the Zongmen of Luotian Immortal Palace, Yi Tian looked it over, then jumped over, passed through the porch and flew up a thousand stone stairs, and arrived in front of the main hall.Scanning his mind, he saw a [-]-year-old monk sitting on the main seat in the main hall, with several monks standing on both sides serving him.And the cultivator sitting on the right seat is undoubtedly Uncle Wuxiang. As for the few Yi Tian next to him, he naturally recognized that they were the founders of the three sects of the spirit world.

As for the monks below, they don't recognize any of them, they must be the ancestors of the sect.Although the strength of Uncle Wuxiang at this time has not reached the level of the Mahayana stage, it is still in the late stage of fusion.As for the three founders of the spirit world, although their seniority is slightly higher, their cultivation level has not reached that of Uncle Wuxiang.

Seeing this, there was a burst of admiration in his mouth, it seems that he also underestimated the strength of Master Wuxiang, he has cultivated the exercises to such an extent.Backtracking in space and backtracking in time can completely fill in the comprehension towns where the Luotian Fairy Palace in the spiritual world was located 5 years ago.

Although it was just an illusion, the monks walking in the city, the passers-by, and the monks of other races had different expressions and lifelike expressions, just like living people.

Speaking of which, I have also refined the supernatural power of 'space backtracking' to a great level, and the space that can be opened up is naturally no smaller than this ten thousand li radius.But in comparison, it pales in comparison. Just having a large space is useless, and the stuff it fills is even worse.

Facing such a scene, Yi Tian also secretly guessed in his mind what kind of message Master Wuxiang would leave about him.

(End of this chapter)

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