
Chapter 2088 Arrival

Chapter 2088 Arrival
In the space of 'Shituo Yubi', Yi Tian discovered that there is actually a huge comprehension town hidden in it, which is the Luotian Celestial Palace 5 years ago.At this time, I fell into it and found that the characters and scenes in it were all preserved intact.It is not difficult to open up such a space by looking back at the space of one's own cultivation.

But the difficulty is that it is not an easy task to record the event 5 years ago with the supernatural power of "space backtracking".After searching, Yi Tian locked the location of the main hall of Luo Tianxian Palace, flew to the front and back of the main hall gate, and found the figure of Uncle Wuxiang and several founders of the three schools of the spirit world.

At this time, they seemed to be gathering in the main hall to discuss something. After Yi Tian looked around, he found that the expressions of the people in the sect were different, and they were probably discussing something that was difficult to decide.

And Master Miaodizi was indeed missing, but he was supposed to be a monk in the Mahayana period, so naturally he would not easily get involved in the trivial matters of the sect.It is enough to have these monks in the fusion stage come forward, and 5 years ago in the spiritual world, the Luotian Xiangong family was the only one, so there is no need for the ancestor Miao Dizi to make it easy.

Just as he was thinking, Yi Tian suddenly realized that the top of his head was gradually getting darker, as if night had fallen.It's just that this situation must not be so simple. Looking up, I saw dark clouds gathering around and forming a thundercloud over the city.

After the black thunderclouds gathered, a hole was opened from it, as if someone was preparing to cross the catastrophe.It's just that Yi Tian saw something in his eyes but felt something was wrong, but the power of the thunder cloud that crossed the catastrophe would definitely not be as strong as this.

Then there was a red aura falling from the middle of the thunder cloud and it became bigger and bigger in the pupils. Yi Tian's face was full of shock, but he said in his mouth: "This is the avatar of Taoist Youxuan who descended to the spirit world." I didn’t expect Master Wuxiang to leave such a message for me.” Along with the red light flashing on Taoist Youxuan’s body, there was still a
After sighing for a while, Yi Tian found another torrential spiritual power rising from the forbidden area behind the Luotian Immortal Palace.A hazy phantom flashed and formed a tall figure above the entire city.

After looking at the face of the phantom, it was exactly the appearance of Master Miaodizi. It is estimated that he was the first to notice that something was wrong, and then he hurried out of the level and cast a supernatural spell to catch the fireball that fell with Taoist Youxuan's avatar.

Then I saw the shadow that fell in the air stabilized its figure in the air, and from the back of the sect, there was a Taoist light flying out quickly, passing Yi Tian, ​​and then directly met Taoist Youxuan who descended from the sky.

After the two confronted each other in the air, they began to talk. Yi Tian saw it clearly and was going to check it out.Suddenly two flames flashed out and burst between the two.Yi Tian hurriedly used a protective shield to wrap himself up, and then saw the shock wave generated by the attack of the supernatural power pass directly through his body, heading towards the location of Luo Tianxian City below.

And the sound of alarms all around sat down loudly, and a lot of shining spiritual lights lit up in the four places of Luotian Immortal City.It was the scene that appeared when the defensive formation of Immortal City was activated, and at this time, several rays of light flew out from the main hall and directly swept towards the positions of the formation nodes around it.

Yi Tian's divine sense scanned and found that they were all the high-level monks of the sect that he had seen in the hall before.As the suzerain, Uncle Wuxiang stayed behind in the main hall, and he flew out of the hall door to the mid-air and formed seals with both hands, directly mobilizing the surrounding formations.

Apparently he was summoned by Master Miaodizi, so he hastily activated the guardian array.Originally, the guardian formation of Luotian Immortal Palace should have been arranged by Master Feng Lingzi, but no foreign enemies had ever invaded before, so this formation had never really been activated.

This time, however, it is different from the situation where the true immortals from the upper realm are coming. If Master Miaodizi does not open up the guardian array to open the battle with him, the foundation of the entire Luotian Immortal Palace will definitely be destroyed.

Yi Tianshen looked down at the location of the entire Luotian Fairy City from the air, and saw that with the main hall as the center, there were huge spiritual pressure light sources appearing in the southeast, northwest and four directions.After three breaths, it gathered into a beam of light and directly met the top of the main hall.

At the same time, phantoms appeared at the nodes of the Sifang Guardian Array, and Yi Tian took a closer look at the phantoms of the four spirit beasts.It turned out that the Zongmen's mountain guard formation was actually the guardian formation of four spirits. Speaking of which, this formation is not very clever. It has been passed down to this day in the spirit world, but all formation masters with some attainments have dabbled in it.

But what surprised Yi Tian was that after the four guardian spirits appeared, phantoms appeared in the four directions, namely the southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast directions.He carefully looked at the four huge shadows of Tengshe, Gouchen, Ruilin and Huanglong.

"This is no longer a simple four-spirit guard formation, it should be the 'four-spirit eight-pole formation' recorded in the sect's classics," Yi Tian said to himself in the air.

As soon as the words were finished, a red aura glowed on the eight pole nodes in the formation, which instantly increased the defense of the formation by more than several times.

"Four Spirits and Eight Pole Chiyang Formation," Yi Tian sighed in his heart and said in his heart, "It really is a big deal. In addition to the extremely strict requirements for the location of the layout, the layout of this formation requires the cooperation of nine monks in the fusion period." , it seems that it can only be displayed when the strength of Luotian Immortal Palace is at its peak. '

It is estimated that all the monks in the integration stage who have gathered the three factions of the spiritual world are unable to gather the number of people who can activate the formation.

After the entire formation was activated, it covered the Luotian Fairy City within ten thousand miles around. At this time, Yi Tian's divine sense passed by below, and many monks flew out of the cave. They all looked up at the sky to check the situation above. .

Soon Shangfang Miaodizi and Taoist Youxuan began to fight, the moves with both hands were nothing fancy, but they used the Luotian Immortal Palace's direct-handed skills.Two fist-sized red fireballs slammed together in the air, but the two areas formed by the slammed into the area expanded wirelessly, and the void inside also collapsed, and a black hole formed around it, which was about to pull everything around. go in.

Seeing that Master Miaodizi had no choice but to make a timely move, the opponent could let him go, but he couldn't ignore the Luotian Immortal City below and the many disciples and grandchildren.

Miao Dizi stretched out his hands and quickly formed a seal, and then shot three spiritual lights at the space black hole in front of him, and then suppressed its expansion momentum.Then the cracks in the void slowly closed, and finally swallowed up all the magic spells that the two fought against and dissipated into the air.

After the first move, the two people in the air didn't make any more moves but confronted each other, as if Master Miaodizi and Taoist Youxuan were confronting each other.

 Thanks for the support of fellow Taoists sieyes, Mingyueren, Yujian Ghost, and Angry Adam.

(End of this chapter)

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