
2089 Arrival 2

Chapter 2089 Arrival II

In the "Shituo Yubi", Yi Tian discovered that this is the scene where Master Wuxiang recorded the arrival of the true immortal.Master Wuxiang used his supernatural powers to record the fight between Taoist Youxuan and Master Miaodizi at that time, and relayed this information to future generations.

Speaking of it, I just learned from the avatar of Master Miaodizi that there was such a thing as the real immortal Taoist Youxuan in the upper realm back then.But there is definitely a lot of difference between what you just heard and what you observe through time travel back in time.

The two of them in the air just fought with each other with a simple move, and all the monks in the fusion period in the sect of the Luotian Immortal Palace below could be mobilized, and even opened the mountain protection restriction 'Four Spirits, Eight Poles, and Chiyang Formation' .It is conceivable that the power of Mahayana monks when they fight is definitely far beyond what I expected.

Moreover, Yi Tian also weighed in his mind that the strength of Master Miaodizi was far superior to his own master Wuye, and he said bluntly that even the three Mahayana monks in the spirit world may not be able to defeat the peak period now. Master Miaodizi.

Just when I thought the matter was over like this, suddenly a brilliant aura erupted from above again.It's just that the light this time is obviously different from before, Taoist Youxuan has a little bit of celestial brilliance, needless to say, he must be displaying some great supernatural power in the fairy world.

Yi Tian hurriedly looked up and held his breath, only to see that Taoist Youxuan took out a red jade ring and sacrificed it in his hand. "This is the fire phoenix ring," Yi Tian murmured, and then he shook his head after seeing the phantom of the fire bird emerging from the jade ring: "The fairy artifact held by the real fairy in the fairy world is really powerful. Above this jade ring It should be the phantom of Suzaku, it should be called 'Suzaku ring', I don't know how Master Miaodizi will deal with it."

His gaze turned to look at Master Miaodizi who was standing on the side, and he saw that his face was serious, and he was not much less surprised than himself.Facing the real immortal from the upper realm who held the immortal weapon, he was also forced to the edge of the cliff and had no way out.Stretching out his hand, he took out a shining spiritual weapon, and Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that it turned out to be a shining mirror.

"Haotian Mirror," Yi Tian blurted out, but he didn't expect that Master Miaodizi's natal spiritual weapon turned out to be it.I remember that when I was in the lower realm, I also got the fragments of the Haotian mirror spiritual weapon refined by my senior brother Ji Xuanyuan.After several twists and turns, it was restored again. As for the failure of this treasure, I knew it well in my heart, but I didn't know how Master Miaodizi used the 'Haotian Mirror' to defend against the enemy.

Turning around, Yi Tianshen locked onto the two above and observed carefully.Shaoqing's Suzaku ring in the hands of Taoist Youxuan started to rotate, and the phantom of Suzaku on it turned into a solid figure of Suzaku, turned around in the air, and then rushed straight towards Miao Dizi in front of him.

At this time, Master Miaodizi's face became extremely solemn. As the person involved, he could clearly perceive how powerful the mythical beast Suzaku was after being stimulated by the Suzaku Ring.

Master Miaodizi's figure trembled slightly after reaching out his hands to make seals, and then a huge phantom appeared from behind him.This phantom has grown to a size of hundreds of feet, it seems that it is undoubtedly his true self.

At this time, the spirit weapon in his hand flew out and was directly taken over by Xu Ying's hands, instantly becoming a size commensurate with Xu Ying.The 'Haotian Mirror' turned into a ten-foot-sized light wheel and faced the flying Suzaku.

With a 'bang' sound, the two spells in the air attacked fiercely together, and the phantom clone of Master Miaodizi trembled slightly.Yi Tian saw his body flushed for a while, as if the blood was surging up, and the spiritual power in his body was rapidly consumed to maintain his phantom and magical powers.

The magic attack in the air lasted for about ten breaths, but the monks on the ground seemed to feel that it had been a long time.Later, the spells of the two collapsed at the same time, and the monks below breathed a sigh of relief.Even the monks at the integration stage of Luo Tianxian Palace who had to maintain the formation in the distance were relieved.

The large formation they maintained was rapidly consumed by the aftermath of the supernatural power after the fight between the two above, and even the spiritual light on two formation nodes in the four directions and eight poles suddenly became slightly dimmed.

Needless to say, it was the node position guarded by the two monks of the Zongmen's slightly weaker fusion stage.

Taoist Youxuan above saw this, but there was a hint of impatience on his face.Stretch out your hand and urge the Suzaku ring in your hand to fly towards the big formation below again, the dots of fire light glowing from the fairy weapon are densely covered in the air, and after three breaths, it will turn into fireballs the size of zhang fell down.

These attacks spread out and attacked the protective formation below at the same time, especially those formation nodes were taken care of.

And Master Miaodizi, no matter how strong he is, can't take care of both the beginning and the end. Facing the aggressiveness of Taoist Youxuan, he sighed lightly and showed a look of determination on his face.

It seemed that he had made some important decision in his mind just now, so he put away all his martial arts and supernatural powers first.Then he took out the Zhang Lingfu and wrote a few words on it, then reached out and quickly formed the seal.

Soon after the casting of the spell was completed, Master Miaodizi hurriedly injected a large amount of spiritual power into the talisman to activate it.After the magic talisman flew out, it sank directly into the void between the two of them. After a breath, a vortex in the void opened, and a thick gray aura leaked out from it.

Yi Tian was no stranger to this, and immediately recognized that the spiritual power was the chaotic spiritual power, but he didn't know how Master Miaodizi would attack the opponent after performing this move.

Taoist Youxuan in front of him was slightly startled at first, but when his divine sense swept across the void vortex, his expression became extremely ugly.Before he could react, a gray-white thunderbolt flew out of the vortex and directly hit Taoist Youxuan.

Under the attack of the thunder light, Taoist Youxuan's body was also filled with layers of dead energy, and the lightning flashed across his body, tearing blood holes in his body.After a large amount of multicolored blood came out of the blood hole, Taoist Youxuan's aura dropped sharply, and he was no longer as strong as before.

In just three short breaths, the whole battle situation was reversed by Master Miaodizi, Taoist Youxuan looked angrily, and after opening his mouth to say a few words, he turned around and dragged his broken body to fly upwards.After the interface crack in the air opened again, Taoist Youxuan jumped into it.

But how could Master Miaodizi let him succeed in this, and then once again manipulated the chaotic thunder in the void vortex to chase the opponent and hit him.

In the end, Taoist Youxuan hit the opponent before he entered the passage of the fairy world, but the rotten ship still had three thousand nails, so the real immortal avatar naturally had some means of saving his life.A layer of golden light shone from his chest and forcibly resisted the chaotic thunder, and directly entered the passage.The figure of Taoist Youxuan disappeared in the spirit world as soon as the passage closed.

(End of this chapter)

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