
Chapter 2090 Questions and Answers

Chapter 2090 Questions and Answers
Having seen the scene in front of him, Yi Tiancai can be said to have personally experienced the scene when the real fairy descended at that time.Moreover, I was deeply touched when I saw the scene where Master Miaodizi made a move.

It seems that my use of my own sect's skills is still a bit one-sided. After seeing the monks in the Mahayana stage go all out, the details that were originally blurred in my mind can be solved.

When he turned around and was about to see what happened to Master Miaodizi afterward, he suddenly heard only movement in the formation below. The original red mask disintegrated instantly under the loud sound of '咔咒咒'.From the top of the Patriarch's Hall, a ray of light quickly passed by him and then flew towards it. It was the Master Wuxiang himself.

Yi Tian hurriedly looked up and saw that at some point, Master Miaodizi's body had lost control and fell down weakly.Obviously, the move just now had almost exhausted his spiritual power, so he became like this.

But Master Wuxiang flew forward and stretched out his hands to catch Master Miaodizi's body.Yi Tian flew to the side in a hurry, only to see Miao Dizi leaning forward and whispering a few words in Uncle Wuxiang's ear, then he closed his eyes and all the spiritual power in his body was restrained.After ten breaths, I only felt that Master Miaodizi seemed to have fallen into a coma and never woke up again.

This is the tortoise's breath technique performed by Master Miaodizi after his spiritual power was exhausted, his body immediately shone with a faint golden light, and then his whole body shrank directly to the size of a baby's head in the halo.When the aura dissipated, a stone-shaped object appeared, and it was Master Miaodizi who used secret techniques to absorb his body into it.

Uncle Wuxiang hastily stretched out his hand to put the stone away, and then his face showed a gloomy look, and he slowly lowered his body to the front of the main hall of Luotianxian Palace.

So far, the whole battle has come to an end, but Yi Tian was stunned and didn't know what would happen next.Eight rays of light flashed around Luo Tianxian City and flew towards the location of the main hall, and a group of eight people followed Miao Dizi directly into the main hall.Half a quarter later, nine nine 81 bells came from the main hall of the Zongmen. Yi Tian naturally knew that this was unique to the Zongmen, but it would be like this when high-level monks fell or died.

Nine-nine-eight-one strokes heralded the death of the Supreme Elder of the Zongmen. Since then, many monks of the Zongmen in the entire Luotianxian City have escaped one after another. Go to the main hall of Zongmen.All of a sudden, the square in front of the main hall of Luotianxian Palace, which was originally empty, was filled with people.

Yi Tian took a rough count with his spiritual thoughts, and his face turned pale with shock. He didn't expect that there were as many as [-] disciples in the distraction period in the sect.To put it bluntly, the number of distracted monks of the three sects in the entire spiritual world, plus casual monks, may not be able to reach such a number.

After a while of sighing, suddenly the scene in front of him shook violently again, Yi Tian looked shocked and turned around and flew over the sky.But where the divine mind went, he couldn't find the exit, and he was a little worried. Suddenly, the scene in front of him passed by again, and Yi Tian found himself in a closed black space.

In the distance, an inconspicuous spot of light flashed, and after three breaths, the spot of light flew towards his position, and it became bigger and bigger.It didn't stop until it was close at hand and a zhang away in front of it. At this time, the light and shadow turned into a human form and stood in front of it.Yi Tian looked at the figure of Uncle Wuxiang, and only heard him say lightly: "Which disciple from the sect is visiting?"

"Disciple Yi Tian of Lihuo Palace has met Master Wuxiang," Yi Tian said hurriedly.

"I'm just a trace of spirit left behind by Wuxiang," the light and shadow said: "I only remember that there is only Lihuo Palace in the sect. Are you going out of the sect to form a new sect?"

"I don't dare, it's just that after Master Wuxiang disappeared, the three patriarchs separated the three inner halls of the sect into the three sects of the spiritual world," Yi Tian replied.

"I don't know if Luotian Immortal Palace still exists?" Wuxiang Separation Soul asked.

"The sect has long since disappeared in the long history of the spiritual world, and now there are very few people who can tell the name of the sect of Luo Tianxian Palace," Yi Tian replied.

"That's good," Wuxiang Separating Soul said with a gratified look on his face: "The three uncles are really thoughtful, and it is better to divide the sect if they repeat the mistakes of the past. One day we can revive the sect's former power."

"So it was Master Wuxiang's idea to separate the family of Luotianxian Palace in the spiritual world?" Yi Tian asked.

Phaseless soul nodded and said: "I don't know how long it has been, how many years has it been since the real fairy descended?"

"About 5000 years," Yi Tian said, "Thousands of years when my uncle disappeared, Luo Tianxian Palace was still maintained by three patriarchs, and after exploring the fragments of the fairy world, the three patriarchs tore down the sect. The three are the current Taiqing Pavilion, the Feiyu Sword Sect and the Lihuo Palace sect."

"That's good, I didn't expect that the name of Luotian Immortal Palace, which is also a big tree, would attract the prying eyes of the Taiyi Golden Immortal from the upper realm," Wu Xiang said with a sigh.

"That Taoist Youxuan turned out to be the avatar of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, no wonder he is so powerful," Yi Tian said in surprise.

"That's exactly the case, otherwise, with the master's previous cultivation level, he would have to use forbidden and secret techniques after confronting him, and finally end up falling into a long sleep," Wu Xiang said indifferently.

"So Miao Dizi didn't die, but lived somewhere in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's natural," the Wuxiang clone said decisively: "I also tried every means to wake up Master back then, but unfortunately, after visiting several planes, there was no result."

"Could it be that the master finally chose to go to the Demon Realm?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

The phaseless clone frowned and said, "I'm just a fragment of the main body, and its function is only to maintain the picture jade here so as to transmit information to the younger disciples. As for the will of the main body, it is indeed as you said to equip it to go The Demon Realm and his party are looking for a way to revive the master. It seems that you should have encountered my body in the outside world, right?"

Yi Tian said bitterly: "Not only have I seen it, but I have also escaped from your deity several times and ascended to heaven."

"Oh, I don't know what this deity looks like now?" Wuxiang clone asked hastily.

"Before I answer, I would like to ask a question: Master's original intention was to enter the Demon Realm after practicing the secrets of Buddhism, right?" Yi Tian asked.

"Indeed," Wuxiang clone nodded and said, "I still remember this part in the memory I left behind."

"Originally, Master's idea was to get rid of the disadvantages of cultivating yellow qi after practicing the Hinayana sect of Buddhism," Yi Tian explained, "It's a pity that you failed, and your Dao heart was invaded by demons. In other words, your cultivation The mysterious and yellow qi has not reached a perfect balance, and now the part of the mysterious qi has been completely covered up, leaving only the yellow qi filling the whole body."

"In layman's terms, what you mean is that I have gone mad and become a complete demon cultivator," Wuxiang clone said with a serious expression on his face.

"It can be understood in this way, your real body is hidden in the demon world, and now you can be called a generation of demon saints, but now I find that both you and the uncle are tired of the sect," Yi Tian sighed.

Hearing the Wuxiang clone here, there was a moment of silence, and his face showed a gloomy look. After a while, he said with deep emotion: "I am just a wisp of clone and remnant soul, and I am trapped here to deliver information to the sect. Disciple of the younger generation. But after hearing your speech, it is inevitable that I will feel a little melancholy."

"It seems that the master's avatar and remnant soul can't get out of this 'Shituo Yubi'?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

Wuxiang's clone nodded and said: "Fortunately, I have long been separated from the main body. With the space array here, we can't sense each other's existence."

"Then I don't know if the master has any instructions after hearing the news I said today? The disciple will listen attentively," Yi Tian said with a solemn expression.

"At last you can understand my painstaking efforts. It is estimated that the Yuanling stone ball hidden by my master Yuanling with my master should still be somewhere in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. The ultimate goal is to let Master respect the new awakening , " Wuxiang clone sighed.

This is getting to the point, Yi Tian had some doubts about the turtle's breathing method performed by Master Miaodizi and the fact that his body turned into a stone ball early in the morning, so he took the opportunity to ask: "I don't know when Master Miaodizi and the real immortal What happened to Taoist Youxuan after the first battle?"

"You have also seen the scene left by the previous time regression," Wuxiang clone said: "That is the scene I saw back then before entering the Minglun Temple and kept it in this jade disc. You Who do you think will win if the two fight against each other?"

"With all due respect, in terms of the results alone, Master Miaodizi is slightly inferior. But considering the cultivation and identities of the two, it is half the victory," Yi Tian said after deliberation.

"Indeed, Taoist Youxuan is the lower realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal avatar in the fairy world. In terms of strength, it is three points stronger than the peak of the late Mahayana," Wuxiang avatar asserted: "At the beginning, the master also used the forbidden magic power 'Chaos' Killing God Thunder' repelled his clone."

"Since it is a forbidden technique, I have never seen it in the classics handed down from the sect, and it must pay a huge price to perform such a forbidden technique," Yi Tian said.

"That's natural. This forbidden technique is a secret technique handed down by the master Feng Lingzi. How could it be recorded in the secret technique of the sect?" I saw it, the master fell into a coma because of this, and at the last moment he had to use the mysterious magic power of 'Yuan Ling Yang Tiu' to seal himself in the stone ball."

"If I'm not mistaken, Master Wuxiang must know this forbidden technique, otherwise why would he not hesitate to fall into the devil world to find a way to wake up the master?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"That's natural, such methods are handed down by the suzerain from generation to generation," Wuxiang clone said, but looked at it in a blink of an eye.

Seeing his gaze sweeping over to Yi Tian, ​​naturally his heart became hot. He knew that Master Wuxiang would definitely leave a backup for the sect's younger disciples in case the same thing happened again in the future and there was no way to deal with it.

Afterwards, Master Wuxiang's avatar paused and said: "The 'Chaos Killing God Thunder' skill needs to be driven by the energy of chaos, and ordinary monks who only cultivate profound energy cannot easily use it. It must be combined with the matching yellow gas to activate the exercises."

"So at the beginning Master Wuxiang wanted to balance the spiritual power in his body through the combination of Xuanhuang and Huanghuang so as to safely activate the martial arts and supernatural powers?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

The Wuxiang clone nodded and replied: "Actually, this is the instruction left by Master Miaodizi after the great war. He used the hide of a tenth-level monster in the demon world and the runes to barely perform the supernatural power of 'Chaos Killing God Thunder'." But he also had to cast a spell to hide his body in the Yuanling Stone Pill because of the chaos and imbalance of the black and yellow qi in his body after using the supernatural power, but his soul fell into a deep sleep. "

"I don't know if there is any way to wake up Master Miaodizi?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"You should know the result. If this matter is really that simple, my main body will not be completely demonized and fell into the demon world as you said." Wuxiang clone said: "And I guess the element hidden by the master Lingshiwan will definitely be brought by the deity, and if it is completely demonized after falling into the demon world, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Master, what do you mean?" Yi Tian asked with a trembling voice: "The Yuanling Stone Pill hidden by Master Miaodizi will also be completely demonized and become a demon cultivator after absorbing an excessive amount of demon power."

"That's right, it's too much to say, I'm planning to do this according to the plan I kept in my mind back then, but I don't know if my deity will have a different heart after being demonized." This kind of situation cannot be underestimated, once something goes wrong with Master's Yuanling Stone Pill, it will be a catastrophe for the Nine Realms of the Spirit."

After being silent for a while, the Wuxiang clone said in a deep voice: "Cut over here and listen quietly. I will directly teach you the magical formula of the 'Chaos Killing God Thunder'. I hope you will do two things for me after you go out."

"As the head of the Lihuo Hall, the disciple should do his best, but I don't know which two things the master is referring to?" Yi Tian said respectfully.

"Actually, it's not easy to say, but it's not easy," Wuxiang clone said lightly: "One is to find the Yuan Lingshi pill that the master is hiding in and try to wake it up, and the other is to find my real deity. If you really can't turn back, you have to do it yourself Take a shot and send it into reincarnation."

Speaking of which, Yi Tian naturally understands the meaning. To put it bluntly, these two things are related to each other, and it is not so easy to accomplish.Fortunately, he had already predicted it in his heart, so there was no surprise on his face.

After thinking for a while, he nodded cautiously and replied: "The disciple should try his best, and if there is even a slight possibility of Master Master himself returning to spiritual cultivation, the disciple will try it."

"Okay, although I don't know much about you, I can tell you are someone who can be entrusted to me in just a few words," Wuxiang clone moved his lips slightly a few times, bowed his head and transmitted a series of formulas in detail Read it over.Yi Tian knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and after he blurted out the supernatural powers, he naturally memorized them silently in his mind with a breath-hold.In the end, the Wuxiang clone said: "I only have the first half of the magic formula here, and I will save the second half for you to find in the Minglun Temple."

(End of this chapter)

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