
Chapter 2094 Please

Chapter 2094 Please
When he came to Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain, Yi Tian followed Monk Jieding into the forbidden area of ​​the pagoda forest. He walked to the deepest area of ​​the forbidden area and found the stone pagoda built by Master Wuxiang after he entered Minglun Temple and became Master Huiming.

Originally, it was a matter of course to enter it, but I didn't expect that there were capable people in this Minglun Temple.Although the highest level of cultivation in the Minglun Temple in the Buddhist and spiritual world is only that of the early stage monks, it didn't take long for him to see through his disguise after a long time in the rivers and lakes.

In the stone pagoda on the right side in the depths of the tower forest, there was a sound transmission sounded, and after he announced his home, he invited himself to go and talk.Now that his identity was found out, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't put on any pretense, turned around and talked with the monk Jie Ding, and then turned and walked towards the stone tower on the right.

It didn't take long to meet Master Xingzhi, the Supreme Elder of Minglun Temple, at the gate of the stone pagoda. After some conversation, he realized that the elder brother Ji Xuanyuan had also been here, so Master Xingzhi had a way to find out his tracks.

The two entered the stone pagoda and sat down, and then Yi Tian began to ask about the situation of senior brother Ji Xuanyuan coming here.In fact, he also had some doubts in his heart, logically speaking, the senior brother would not come here easily, he must have found some clues before following the clues.Maybe the ultimate goal is almost the same as his own, but I don't know how he dealt with it at the time.

After listening to Master Xingzhi's reply, Yi Tian fell into deep thought first, then Shaoqing raised his head and asked, "May I ask Master, was it before or after the last disaster in the spirit world when the senior brother came?"

"It's after the disaster," Master Xingzhi said bluntly: "At that time, Ji Xuanyuan's benefactor represented the three sects of the spiritual world and went to our Buddhist and spiritual world to thank him. It’s also because of kindness and fists that I helped a lot.”

"That's natural. The three sects of the spiritual world have been friends with the great sects of the Buddhist and spiritual world for generations. Even in this war of evil disasters, monks from the Buddhist sect stepped across the gate to help," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Sect Master Yi came here this time for the sake of the seniors of your sect, right?" Master Xingzhi asked.

Until then, it must be impossible to hide it from him, and Yi Tian simply admitted it openly.Then he said: "Yes, I don't know if my senior brother found any information left by the ancestors of the sect when he came here? If the master knows the hidden secrets, please speak bluntly and listen carefully."

Master Xingzhi thought for a while and then smiled wryly: "Actually, I have never been to the stone pagoda built by Master Huiming, and even the number of people who went to observe it in the entire Minglun Temple is very small. According to the records left by the ancestors of the sect, it seems Only Kudara, a disciple of Master Huiming, and the precept monk of Daleiguang Temple have ever entered."

"It's the two of them," Yi Tian sighed for a while, "It seems that what Master Huiming left behind didn't catch the eyes of the world."

But Master Xingzhi waved his hand and said, "You Daoist Yi's words are wrong. You must know that Master Huiming is the second-highest person recorded in Minglun Temple from ancient times to the present. How can the things he left behind be simple? "

"Then why are only these two people entered?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"The key lies in Master Huiming's origin in the spirit world, so it is impossible for him to enter the stone pagoda where there are layers of formations nested without complete attainments in formations." I tried it once, but I was trapped in the psychedelic circle on the first floor and couldn't find the exit, so I backed out."

"So that's the case, didn't Monk Jieding tell me at this time," Yi Tian replied.

"Yi Shizhu is the new suzerain of Lihuo Palace, and he is the personal successor of the great sage Wuye. Naturally, he has a unique view on the way of the road," Master Xingzhi said, "I guess the formation inside should not be able to hinder your progress." pace."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian realized that Master Xingzhi had specially stopped him this time, and there must be other things.If no one in the entire Minglun Temple can enter the second floor of the stone pagoda, then he must be asking for something.Yi Tian looked startled and asked, "I don't know what Master Xingzhi has entrusted, but please tell me along with you."

Monk Xingzhi naturally understands when he hears the words, and a wise man doesn't need to beat around the bush when he speaks.I just heard him say: "Originally when building these stone pagodas, the relics are usually placed under the foundation as the spiritual objects of the tower."

"Does the master mean that you want me to take out the relics at the bottom of the stone tower?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously: "I have heard about this matter a little bit, but the Hinayana sect is all cultivating this life. The relics are all left after the monk passed away and cremated his body."

"No, I just want to trouble Sect Master Yi to put this relic in the basement of the stone pagoda after he enters," Monk Xingzhi said after he reached out and took out a palm-sized jade box and handed it over.

After Yi Tian took it, he gently opened his mind and scanned it, and found a relic the size of a longan in the jade box. It is slightly different from ordinary relics that are completely white, because this relic is crystal clear and has a faint sparkle on it. Golden halo.

Needless to say, those who left behind were naturally eminent monks who sat down, and their Taoism was at least as high as a monk of his own level.After slowly closing the lid of the jade box, Yi Tian asked solemnly, "Who left this thing?"

"This is left by my master when he was sitting in the body. Since then, there has been no late-fit monk in the Minglun Temple," said Master Xingzhi.

"I don't know what the relationship between your ancestor and Master Huiming is. I don't think there will be any reason to store this relic in the stone pagoda?" Yi Tian said.

"According to my calculations, I am the sixth generation disciple of the Huiming Divine Monk." Master Xingzhi sighed, "My ancestor is the fourth generation."

"It turns out that, if it is true that I am four generations older than Master Xingzhi according to my seniority," Yi Tian thought about it in his heart, but replied with a serious face: "In this way, I will naturally be entrusted with loyalty by others." Master, please rest assured." After speaking, he put away the jade box and put it in the storage ring, and then he was about to get up and leave.

Suddenly Master Xingzhi said again: "The purpose of Zongzhu Yi's trip should be the same as that of Jieding's turning around. It is to investigate the contents of the scriptures left by Master Huiming, right?"

When it came to the topic, Yi Tian was also excited, turned around, sat down again and looked at Xing Zhi who was in front of him, secretly said in his heart, "It seems that Master Wuxiang also left a lot of good things in Minglun Temple, but this thing is not It can be easily circulated, and what the monk Xingzhi said here seems to want to use his own hands to peek at the scriptures left by the master. '

After thinking about it, Yi Tian replied with a serious face: "Since Master Huiming built the stone tower without nesting layers of formations, it is estimated that he does not want the scriptures left by him to spread to the outside world easily. Master Xingzhi, what do you think?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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