
Chapter 2095

Chapter 2095
After hearing Yi Tian's answer, Master Xingzhi also blushed slightly. He naturally sensed the meaning of his words, but he still put up his face and said: "To be honest, the cultivation base of the disciples in Minglun Temple is not as good as that of the previous generation. So I also want to find the scriptures left by the sages of the past generations to teach the younger generations, and hope that some of them can open up their spiritual wisdom and inherit the exercises of the ancestors."

The one who came was a guest, and the truth that the strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake Yitian is still engraved in his heart.After thinking about it, he nodded and replied: "Forget it, the so-called thinking of the source of drinking water, since I came today, I must leave a little chance for Minglun Temple. I have promised this matter, but all scriptures carved in the stone pagoda I will leave a copy and give it to the master, how about that?"

Master Xingzhi only showed a satisfied smile on his face when he heard the words, nodded and said: "I have checked from the information kept in the sect, Master Huiming once left a classic called 'Hunyuan Jing', if Sect Master Yi If you see it, please engrave it and bring it out."

Keeping these words in his heart, Yi Tian stood up and bid farewell to Master Xingzhi. After bidding farewell to Master Xingzhi, he went directly to the forbidden gate of Master Huiming's stone pagoda.After stepping into it, I came to the first floor. After looking around, I found that there was no entrance to the upper floor.

However, Monk Jie Ding could not be traced. Presumably he had already broken through the formation restriction here to the upper space.

After stepping forward to the middle of the first floor, Yi Tian suddenly found a halo flashing on the floor under his feet, and then the pattern pattern below was activated, and the gate at the entrance disappeared directly.Yi Tian swept his mind and found that this place has become a closed space with a formation, and then the surrounding scene changed again, as if he had come to a different space.

After ten breaths, it wasn't until the soles of the feet paused that he realized that he had completely entered the formation. The surrounding area should be the formation formed by Master Huiming using the magical power of space.Fortunately, I am also proficient in this way. I sacrificed seven formation-breaking awls and injected spiritual power into them. These formation-breaking awls are all refined with high-level space attribute materials.After passing through the air, he quickly noticed the hidden node position in the formation space.

At this time, Yi Tian found that the scene in front of him went directly to Hewan Village, where he was born on Tianlan Continent more than a thousand years ago.It's just that the fantasies generated by the fluctuations in the mood in these surroundings are vivid, and Yi Tian's Dao Xin, who has been tempered and honed, can't help but want to take another look at this time.

But in an instant, I realized that these were all scenes hidden deep in my heart. I didn't expect that the formation formed by Master Wuxiang would also incorporate the Buddha's mind projection technique, which can reveal the most pure side of people's hearts. Dig it out.

Recalling his experience in Hewan Village back then, Yi Tian also had a slight smile on his face. From the bottom of his heart, he really wanted to check to what extent the formation here could use the method of mind projection.

But thinking about it, I didn't come here to fight the autumn wind. If I really want to go deeper, it's better to wait until after the fact to find the whole set of exercises that Master Xingzhi wants.After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the seven formation-breaking cones around him, and then controlled them to fly out of thin air one by one.I saw a bunch of silver ice picks pierce the void and stick on the mid-air node, and the surrounding scene became extremely unstable. After three breaths, they fell down like broken mirrors.

After the scene in front of them changed again, Yi Tian found that he was still standing in the position he had stood after entering the door before, without any change.

And the corner of the bare wall in front of him also exposed the stairs to go upstairs, Yi Tian didn't leave directly but let out his divine sense and began to search for the entrance to the basement.It stands to reason that there will be a basement in the pagoda, which is a place for storing the relics of the town pagoda.

It's just that Yi Tian didn't find any aisles leading to the basement after scanning with his divine sense, and he also had an uncertain look on his face when he was suspicious.The arrangement of formations in this pagoda can be determined according to the mood of the Buddha, but the basic pattern is similar and will not change much.

Just as he was thinking about it, a flash of light flashed in front of his eyes, and an idea popped up in his mind. The predecessor of Master Huiming was Master Wuxiang, and the stone pagoda he built must have a similar formation mechanism to the ancestral hall of Luotianxian Palace.Now that I have nothing to do, I might as well experiment, maybe I will find an opportunity.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his left hand to raise a wisp of Liyan flame, turned around and looked around, and found that he was staying in a space of twenty feet.After closing the palms together, he raised the true flame, drew a Taiji fire gossip in the air, and said something in his mouth: "Heavenly fire formation, rise up."

After the fire gossip was sacrificed, it formed a shape that was almost the same size as the ground, and then turned the formation to place the stairs leading to the second floor above the gate of life, but turned his eyes to the position of the gate of death in the sky fire formation.According to his own imagination, when Master Wuxiang arranged the formation, he would probably place the passages leading to the second floor and the basement in the direction of the Life and Death Gate of the Skyfire Great Formation.

However, the divine mind swept back and forth within the range set by the gate of death and found that there seemed to be no change.Just as he was wondering, he saw that the falling Liyan True Fire transformed into a human form under the blessing of the Heavenly Fire Formation.At the same time, the Skyfire Formation sealed off the surrounding space to form a closed space.

After the fiery human figure was fully revealed, Yi Tian's expression brightened. What he was facing now was the appearance of Uncle Wuxiang, but he didn't know how much strength he would retain.

And he seems to be guarding the entrance to the basement, if he wants to go down, he has to pass this level.In fact, Yi Tian is also eager to try. He has never fought against someone from the generation of the master, and now he has the opportunity to try it.

Only the flame figure said: "The disciples of the sect have finally been found, but if you want to explore the information I left behind, you must first pass the test of my clone and remnant soul."

Although the divine sense can't find out the cultivation strength of the flame figure at this time, Yi Tian guessed that Master Wuxiang was only at the peak of the later stage of fusion, and the afterimages left at most only retained [-]% to [-]% of his strength. .

With the thought in his heart that he also wanted to measure his own strength, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice Li Yan's supernatural power and confronted it.After three breaths, Hokage Wuxiang said: "Sure enough, they are from the same origin, but I don't know how much progress has been made by the younger disciples of the sect after so many years?"

"Master, my disciple is the first one in the Lihuo Hall, Yi Tian is very polite," said Yi Tian after paying homage at the cauldron, and said: "I also want to know the strength of my master, you were the second in the spirit world back then. I just don't know how the methods of cultivation are superior to those of today."

"Boy, you have a big tone, I hope you don't let me down," Wu Xiang waved his two hands forward and then disappeared in place.Then Yi Tian only felt that there was a strange spiritual pressure fluctuation coming from the right side, and he didn't even want to stretch out his hands to offer sacrifices, and then cast the fire armor, just covering his hands.Stretching out his hand to block the front door, the next moment he felt his hand sank, and a fist wrapped in flames broke through the space and hit his hand directly.

The spiritual power in the body was running quickly, and with the continuous injection of spiritual power, Yi Tian's hands were forced to push the real fire on the opponent's fist away.Staggering Wuxiang's fist, Yi Tian took two steps back, but his eyes showed extreme shock.There was no change in the body of Uncle Wuxiang in front of him, only his hands passed through the crack in the void in front of him and attacked directly from his side.

I have never heard of this kind of trick, and I have never seen it in the classics of the sect. Uncle Wuxiang combined the attack spell of the Lihuo Palace with the space magic power of the Taiqing Pavilion, and it really had a magical effect.

Speaking of which, I have never tried this before. After taking the blow, Yi Tian's eyes flashed brightly, but he said: "Come and not be indecent, Master, take my trick too."

After speaking, the real flame of Liyan on the left hand was withdrawn and gathered into a wisp, and after forming a seal with the right hand, it swept over Liyan and ejected it lightly. After the sound of '嗖嗖嗖' sounded, the flames flew across the air, turned into thousands of filaments, split into two paths in the air, and hit the Wuxiang main body on the left and right.

"Sect of Lingyao," Master Wuxiang said, "It's really good that you can combine the exercises in an instant. But it's a bit too underestimating to pass my level just like this."

"Thank you for your appreciation, Master." Yi Tian said with a smile on his face, "It's a great honor for my disciple's skills to be recognized by Master's eyes. Naturally, there will be others later on."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see," Wu Xiang stretched out his hands and drew a Taiji circle in front of him, and the true flames in his hands formed a rapidly rotating flame shield.As soon as those Liyan real fires came into contact, they were blocked by the rapidly rotating spiral fire shield, and even the tiny flames dismantled by the Lingyao Huaqian technique could not penetrate its defense.

"This is the Spiral Fire Shield. I didn't expect that an ordinary move could achieve such power when used by my uncle," Yi Tian said with emotion when he saw it. Speaking of which, this move was his signature defensive supernatural power before the Nascent Soul Stage .It's just that as the cultivation base grows, such supernatural powers seem to be lacking in practicality.

But today, after seeing Master Wuxiang performing it, Yi Tian also had a sudden realization. It turned out that the more fancy the technique, the more powerful it is.

Moreover, Yi Tian found that his Li Yan's real flame was emerald green, while the real flame sacrificed by Master Wuxiang was crimson.The power of the two supernatural powers is judged as superior or inferior, although the tricks he uses are extremely exquisite and can be used four or two to pull a thousand catties.But I have won because of my strong background, no matter how exquisite your moves are, it is useless in a situation where you are fighting for four or two.

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian made a seal with his left hand alone and said "open." The voice just fell on the left side behind Master Wuxiang, and a gap in the Dao space was opened.

A little bit of green starlight flashed in the gap in the space, and after a breath, hundreds of green filaments as small as a cow's hair flew out of it and hit Wuxiang's left side.

"Dimensional backtracking, I didn't expect that your cultivation is not bad," Wu Xiang said after putting away the magic power in his hand, and then slapped his shoulders and immediately drew the true flame into his body.After those Liyan filaments hit him, they were all resisted by the defense of his palms, but Yi Tian could see that Wuxiang's body was being pushed back step by step under such a short-distance attack.After receiving all the attacks from Li Yan's real fire, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body also weakened, as if it had weakened by more than [-]%.

With a wave of his hand, he took back his Liyan True Fire, Yi Tian stretched out his left hand to catch it, and said with a smile: "As the master saw, how is the disciple's physical practice?"

"For the competition in the same sect, save your strength but not your skills, you kid is full of firepower when you make a move," Wu Xiang's figure trembled and then his face became serious.

After Yi Tian heard it, he hurriedly distinguished: "Master, forgive me, who told you that your reputation was too strong back then, and the disciples dare not hold back when they see it now."

"You are glib, far worse than the boy Ji who came last time," Wu Xiang said teasingly.

"Oh, Senior Brother Ji must have come here ten thousand years ago," Yi Tian hurriedly asked, "Senior Uncle thinks that I am inferior to Senior Brother Ji."

"He is a handsome gentleman with a righteous attitude, and he looks like a direct disciple of my Luo Tianxian Palace," Wuxiang Master said, then turned around to look at Yi Tianhou and said: "You look like a rascal in the market, and you have to fight It's completely unscrupulous to be decent."

Yi Tian said with an aggrieved face: "Master, but it's a trick. I think that although my Luotian Immortal Palace is a legacy of the Immortal World, it ended up falling apart in the end. So it's just a mouthful to say that the famous family is decent." For the things around me, I would rather be as free and easy as I am, why should I stick to rules and regulations when doing things."

"It's a good one to live free and easy without being bound by the world." Uncle Wuxiang suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly: "If Ji Xuanyuan had the mentality like you back then, I'm afraid he would have cultivated the sect's untold secret long ago. .”

"What the uncle said should be about Xuanhuang Shuangxiu, right?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"That's right. Speaking of which, Ji Xuanyuan is very similar to me. He has been bound by secular rules all his life, so after practicing sect secrets, there will naturally be invisible shackles on his Taoist mind," Wuxiang Master sighed. .

"Because he is a decent school, he will despise the devil way. If there is a fetter in his heart, it will definitely cause unnecessary troubles in cultivation. If the two Qis of Xuan and Huang fail to reach a state of balance, the heart demon will breed," Yi Tian said.

As soon as this remark came out, Uncle Wuxiang showed surprise on his face, then turned around and stared at himself for a long time before saying: "You are very good, very good."

"Oh, how did Master see it?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"I feel that there are two qi glued together in your body, and the degree of fusion is far beyond my expectation." Uncle Wuxiang said solemnly: "Maybe you can take action to wake up Master in the future."

Sure enough, Master Miaodizi is still in a coma, and needs the power of chaos to wake him up.

(End of this chapter)

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