
Chapter 2096 Teaching

Chapter 2096 Teaching
At the bottom of the stone pagoda, Yi Tian used his magical powers to activate the remaining sky fire formation, but he did not expect that there was indeed the hidden hand of Master Wuxiang.Under the urging of the sky fire array, the avatar left behind was directly stimulated.

The strength of the phaseless clone is almost only as strong as in the early stage of the fusion, but the power of the tricks performed under the blessing of the sky fire formation reaches the later stage.Xiao is Yi Tian's deity, so far he doesn't dare to be careless, so he should be extremely cautious when dealing with knowledge.

Moreover, the exercises performed by Wuxiang are often a combination of two or more supernatural powers, and even De Yitian was taken aback when he saw it for the first time.Fortunately, I am also proficient in Luo Tianxian Palace's supernatural powers, so it is no problem to follow the example.And Yi Tian also kept a mind here that he must not let a mere avatar be suppressed.

In the ensuing confrontation, he used the exercises he had learned to infer other cases from one instance, and used the Lingyao Huaqianjutsu combined with the Liyan supernatural power, and then sent him out with the method of space backtracking. Sure enough, one blow worked and suppressed Master Wuxiang avatar.

Afterwards, he put away the spiritual power in his hand, which seemed to be the end of his test, and Yi Tian didn't take action anymore and waited quietly for the development of the situation.

Later, Master Wuxiang scrutinized him and bluntly stated that he had discovered that he had cultivated both Xuanhuang and Huangqi.At this time, Yi Tian was stunned and didn't expect to get to the point so soon, and from what Master Wuxiang said, it seemed that his situation might be able to wake up Master Miaodizi from the long-sleeping stone pill.

After thinking for a while, he said solemnly: "The disciple came to Minglun Temple this time to investigate the cause of this matter, and the fusion that occurred in Luo Tianxian Palace back then has also been investigated from the time-traveling method left by the master. .”

"It seems that you already know the reason of the matter," Wuxiang clone said, "You should have learned from the 'Photo Jade Bi' kept in Shituo Temple, right?"

"That's right, but I'm a little puzzled, why does the uncle leave so many distracted souls, will your main soul be weakened soon?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"It's God's will. I can't achieve my long-cherished wish, so I'm very unwilling." Wuxiang heard the words with a dark face and said, "So I left many clues for future generations. I hope that someday there will be disciples in the sect looking for me to stay. The news came to Minglun Temple in the Buddha Spirit World."

After finishing speaking, he turned his eyes to look at Yi Tian in front of him, and Wu Xiang said again: "Actually, there was Ji Xuanyuan who came here before you, it's just that the exercises he majored in in Lihuo Hall are only slightly inferior to the magical powers of the other two branch halls." It's just involved."

Hearing this, Yi Tian naturally understood in his heart, it wasn't that the senior brother's strength wasn't good back then, but the master's eyes that didn't enter.Then I heard him say: "I am very pleased to see you this time. In terms of character, you are much worse than Ji Xuanyuan. But in terms of strength, you are much stronger."

Yi Tian's face couldn't help twitching a few times, the emotional uncle still likes senior brother Ji more.Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face naturally doesn't look very good.On the other hand, Master Wuxiang didn't take these appearances seriously at all, and continued: "The power of my remnant soul can't last long here. It's lucky that I can meet the sect's junior again after ten thousand years to entrust it to me."

Hearing the words, Yitian naturally knew that his uncle would definitely have something to say, so he hurriedly put on a serious face and listened.

"Do you know why I came to Minglun Temple in the Buddha Spirit Realm?" Wuxiang asked suddenly.

This is an easy answer, after all, I have seen what happened in Luotianxian Palace in the 'Shituo Yubi'.After straightening his expression, Yi Tian replied: "Back then, Master fought against the clone of the true immortal who descended to earth, and then sealed himself in a stone pill and fell into a deep sleep. Master naturally wanted to wake up Master, right?"

Wuxiang nodded in satisfaction and said, "Of course you can't hide these things from you, but do you know how to wake them up?"

"The uncle said before that the ancestors suppressed it because they used the 'chaos god killing thunder', but because they received the backlash from the exercises, they had no choice but to choose 'Yuanling nurturing fetus' Mystical supernatural powers hid in the stone pill to recuperate," Yi Tian replied.

Wuxiang said solemnly: "Back then, Ji Xuanyuan was not as lucky as you. He had never been to Shituo Temple, so naturally he couldn't check the information on the 'Picture Jade Bi'."

Yi Tian secretly rejoiced for a while, but he didn't expect that this time it was God's will. He disguised himself as a low-level monk and sneaked into the jurisdiction of Daxueshan Minglun Temple, and was brought to this Shituo Temple for no reason.

I'm afraid that when the senior brother came here, he never hid his identity like himself, so he would not pass by Shituo Temple, so he naturally missed the first half of the "Chaos Killing God Thunder" supernatural power formula.

Looking back, Master Wuxiang sighed and said: "Everyone has their own destiny, this is a chance because you are not in Ji Xuanyuan, so I will not force it. Since you have been to Shituo Temple, you must have won me." Staying in the care of the clone, the upper half of the 'Chaos God Killing Thunder' is naturally taught to you, right?"

"That's true," Yi Tian nodded and replied, "The avatar left by the master also ordered me to come to the Minglun Temple to find the second half of the magic formula." After staying on the body for a long time, the meaning behind the words is naturally self-evident.

I saw Wuxiang snorted, and then sighed helplessly: "Although you are not the No.1 choice in my heart, you are the first choice for the fate of the sect. Listen carefully and calmly," said the corner of his mouth Slightly moved a few times and said the second half of the formula directly.

Yi Tian quietly listened to the memorization in his heart, then separated the divine thoughts and quickly deduced them in his mind.The content of this formula is not long, but Yi Tian spent several times of time deducing it in his mind.

After a long time, he exhaled from his mouth, and said: "This 'Chaos God Killing Thunder' supernatural power is really very sharp, even if Master Miaodizi uses it forcibly, it will be backlashed by it, but I don't know where it is placed What will happen to me."

Seeing Wu Xiang, he waved his hand and said: "You don't want to be cheap and act like a good boy. Back then, the master forced to use such supernatural powers in a hurry, and in order to make up for the imbalance of mysterious and yellow energy, he borrowed the help of strange beasts from the demon world to make up for it." But with your current strength, as long as you raise your cultivation to the early stage of Mahayana, you can easily convert the aura of black and yellow dual cultivation in your body into the source of chaos, so it is not a problem to use this supernatural power gone."

It turned out that Yi Tian secretly rejoiced in his heart. After practicing the first two chapters of "The Source of Chaos" in the "Taishang Qingting Jing" with his current strength, his understanding of the source of chaos is naturally far better than that of Wuxiang in front of him. Uncle.But Yi Tian didn't want to say it directly, this is also his hidden secret hand now, so there is no need to say much.

After thinking about it, he cupped his hands and thanked him: "Thank you for your guidance, uncle. This disciple will definitely live up to your high expectations. Afterwards, I will go to investigate the whereabouts of my ancestor and try to wake him up as soon as possible."

After Wuxiang clone heard this, Lao Huai nodded reassuringly, then he seemed to think of something and then asked: "Is there anything else you want to come here this time?"

"The master escaped into the Hinayana sect of Buddhism back then to find a way to balance the two qi, right?" Yi Tian asked.

"Exactly, but I know that this matter is not easy, so I left a message for the sect's younger disciples," Wuxiang clone replied, "But I don't know what my deity has become now?"

"Master's deity used his supernatural powers to divide himself into two tens of thousands of years ago, leaving half to practice Buddhism in Minglun Temple, while the other side went to the demon world," Yi Tian said tactfully: "It's just after the fact. However, the development is not as expected by the master."

The faceless complexion changed slightly, and then he sighed and said, "I also guessed the meaning of your words, could it be that the half of my deity who went to the demon world has completely fallen into a demon cultivator, while the half in the Buddha spirit world has been killed by others?" Absorbed and assimilated?"

"It's not much worse. The half of the deity who fell into the demon world has now become the great sage of the demon world in the nine realms of the upper spirit, and his strength has reached the level of the late Mahayana." Yi Tian replied: "As for the remaining in the Minglun Temple The other half of the deity escaped into the Demon Realm 3 years ago and sat in the Dark Demon Temple, and I released it after I probed into the Dark Demon Temple 500 years ago, and then sent it into reincarnation."

After listening to his narration, the Wuxiang clone nodded his head and became silent, and finally sighed from his mouth after a long time: "Sure enough, I already did divination before I left in the sect of the spirit world, but The result was neither fish nor fowl. At that time, the seriousness of the consequences was not realized, but now it seems to be exactly the same."

"Oh, I don't know how the master's divination was?" Yi Tian asked, "Can I let the disciples understand it?"

"You go to the bottom of the stone pagoda to check, I have already engraved the content of the divination there," said Uncle Wuxiang.

Said that Yi Tian, ​​the bottom of the stone tower, remembered the entrustment of Master Xingzhi before, and then hurriedly told the truth about it.Uncle Wuxiang was not surprised at all when he heard the words, but thought for a while before saying: "It seems that my real deity was not idle when he was cultivating in Minglun Temple. Although I don't know what happened during the period, I guess The Dharma of the Hinayana School of Minglun Temple also has a great influence on the Dao Xin of the deity."

Since even the phaseless avatar couldn't explain the details clearly, Yi Tian naturally wanted to know what happened inside, and then hurriedly asked: "I don't know if there is anything else in the memory of the uncle?" The information behind the Minglun Temple?"

But Wuxiang shook his head and said: "I was separated before the deity entered the Buddha, so naturally I don't know what happened after that."

Hearing this, Yitian also showed a hint of disappointment on his face, and then asked, "Then did Master Miao Dizi have any orders before he fell into a deep sleep?"

These scenes were also seen in the 'Shituo Yubi'. At that time, Master Miaodizi had some exhortations to Master Wuxiang before performing Yuanling to raise the fetus. It is naturally not easy to think about it.However, the avatar in the 'Shituo Yubi' did not mention this at all. Naturally, Yi Tian expected that the phaseless deity also kept the retained information separately for a purpose. If you want to get the complete information, you must Explored all the way from the beginning.

So senior brother Ji Xuanyuan missed a huge opportunity in vain, but now he is taking advantage of himself by mistake.

Uncle Wuxiang glanced over and paused for a moment before saying: "Your boy is indeed more blessed than Ji Xuanyuan. He didn't find the 'Shituo Yubi' back then, so he wouldn't have asked about it."

Yi Tian showed a little smile on his face and said: "The disciple just hit by mistake."

"But don't say that, it's just because of luck," the Wuxiang avatar sighed and said, "Before the master escaped into Shiwan to seal himself, he once said that although the lower realm's true immortal avatar was repelled, it was still alive for several years. Ten thousand years later, it will definitely come back."

"What, there is such a thing, so the spirit world will naturally face another catastrophe?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"I don't know if it's a catastrophe or not, but Taoist Youxuan came down to the realm to find the sect's token, there's no doubt about it," Wuxiang clone said solemnly, "and since he found the remains of the Luotian Immortal Palace here, Naturally, Mai will not give up easily."

"So we don't have much time left," Yi Tian sighed.

"You're right, but don't worry too much," Wuxiang clone said, "Back then, Luotian Immortal Palace was the only family in the spirit world, so it was natural to have some scruples. Now that the sect is divided into three, there is no such thing as before. With the appearance of Luotian Immortal Palace, even if that true immortal came again, he would not be able to find a suitable place to search."

"But no matter how you say it, the three factions in the spiritual world are also descendants of the Luotian Immortal Palace back then, and they are still derived from the same branch in terms of orthodoxy," Yi Tian said.

"Even so, you don't need to worry," Wuxiang clone said, "Master once said that he was destined to be destined to that Taoist Youxuan. In my opinion, there is bound to be a battle between them."

"But now the master's demonized deity is hiding in the depths of the demon world, I guess Shi Wan, the ancestor who escaped into a deep sleep, must be brought by his side," Yi Tian said.

"I guess it should be at the Eye of the Demon Realm," Wuxiang clone said, "the magic source power is the purest there, and it will be the best to put the stone pill there to absorb the magic source power."

"The disciple once went to the bottom of the abyss of the demon world, and he did see a lot of pure magic power there, but he didn't find anything like stone pills," Yi Tian said.

"The abyss of the demon realm you mentioned and the eye of the demon realm I referred to are two different things," Master Wuxiang said.

"There is such a thing, is there something in the demon world that I have not known," Yi Tian exclaimed in surprise.

"That's natural. The demon world is as big as the spirit world, and you can explore it to the end." Wuxiang clone said disdainfully: "I once found out in the jade slips of the sect that there is one in the demon world." It is a place called 'Eye of the Demon Realm'. According to legend, the demonic power exuding from it is a hundred times purer than that in the abyss of the Demon Realm. It should also be the same as here in the Spirit Realm, which is formed by the source of yellow energy falling from the fairy world. .”

"According to Master, where should your deity go?" Yi Tian asked.

"Nine times out of ten, you need to investigate it yourself," Wu Xiang replied.

(End of this chapter)

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