
Chapter 2097 Secret News

Chapter 2097 Secret News
After communicating with Wuxiang's avatar in the Tianhuo formation, Yi Tian finally understood the possible location of the Demon Saint Baotan and Shiwan where Master Miaodizi was hiding.

I once took the abyss of the demon world when I was traveling in the demon world. I thought it was the source of all the evil spirits in the demon world, but now I learned that the truth that the world knows is often unreliable after the guidance of the Wuxiang avatar.The real key point is often the easiest to be overlooked by people. I remember that I didn't see the true deity of the Demon Saint Baotan in the deepest part of the abyss of the Demon Realm.

At that time, I thought it was my luck, but now it seems that the Demon Saint Bao Tan should be stationed at the Eye of the Demon Realm.And the abyss of the Demon Realm is just a resting place, leaving the seven major races of the Demon Realm outside as a place of trial, but it is actually just an inconspicuous place for monks in the Mahayana period.

Now that I know the problem, it will be easy to solve it. I only need to wait until my cultivation base enters the Mahayana stage, and then I will have the opportunity to go to the Demon Realm, and find the place where Master Miaodizi is hiding at the Eye of the Demon Realm. Stone pill.

Later, after talking to Master Wuxiang in the Tianhuo formation, Yi Tian shot to break the surrounding formations.Looking around, he still stood in the original position after he escaped from the sky fire array traced back in that space.

It's just that there is an extra gap in front of the escalator leading to the second floor. Yi Tian remembers that there was nothing here.Go forward and check the location of the stairs leading to the basement.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian stepped forward without any hesitation, and the stairs spiraled down around the center of the stone tower.After walking for a while, I saw a dark entrance not far from the end of the stone staircase in front of me.Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice a ray of Li Yan's real fire on the tip of his left index finger, and instantly dispelled the darkness around the stairs.

Following the position illuminated by the flames, Yi Tian quickly walked out through the exit at the end of the stairs and reached the bottom of the stone tower.

Shen Nian slowly opened Yi Tian's gaze and found that this is a space with a radius of ten feet.The floor is more than one foot high, and there is a circular stone platform in the middle, with eight sides on it, which looks like an eight trigrams array.Walking forward, I saw that there is a groove in every place, as for the lower part of the hexagram.

Yi Tian also secretly wondered in his heart that he didn't expect Master Wuxiang to build this stone pagoda according to the Taoist way of formation.It's just that in the middle of the stone platform of the eight trigrams formation is engraved with the ten thousand character seal of the Buddhist sect. Unexpectedly, Master Wuxiang integrated Buddhism and Taoism together.I just don't know if there will be any magical effect in it, so Yi Tian wanted to take out the jade box given by Master Xingzhi.I saw that the relic inside seemed to have been summoned, and suddenly flew out of the jade box.

After three breaths, it quietly fell to the center of the stone platform. After the sound of 'Kakaka' sounded, the relic disappeared into the stone platform without a trace.After about ten minutes of silence, faint golden lights flashed on the whole stone platform.First, it slowly extended from the [-]-character Buddha seal in the center to the surrounding eight-diagram lines, and then the golden light slowly continued along the lines on the stone platform until it reached the surrounding walls.

Yi Tian could see a lot of words slowly emerging on the stone wall in front of him, and after reading through his divine sense, it turned out to be the message left by Uncle Wuxiang.The above described his own experience in this life, from being introduced to Luotian Xiangong by Master Miaodizi.It has been describing the general experience until he cultivated to the late stage of fusion and became the suzerain of Luotian Xiangong.

After reading it slowly, Yi Tian has a better understanding of Master Wuxiang. Speaking of which, he and himself are almost born in hardships, relying on tenacious perseverance and a heart of continuous hard work to come to the present step by step This is the level of cultivation today.

After the opening part ended, the text on Qiang disappeared, and then Yi Tian took a closer look at the words that appeared on Qiang after the halo flashed again, which recorded the situation in the Luotian Fairy Palace in the spiritual world back then. Description after accepting the suzerain.Many of them included Luo Tianxian Palace's involvement in the expansion of the Nether Dynasty, and the collapse of the Yuanhao Dynasty in the demon world, etc.

What surprised me was that the real reason why the Nether Dynasty fell apart was recorded in these text descriptions.At that time, the Mahayana monks from the upper three realms and the Buddhist and spiritual world joined forces to kill the Holy Emperor of the Netherworld, but it was mentioned that the Holy Emperor of the Netherworld was not cheap, and at the last moment he even used the method of disintegration of the soul to destroy himself. His soul was divided into thousands of clones.These avatars all escaped into the cycle of reincarnation, in case several Mahayana monks rushed to kill them all.

Seeing this place, Yi Tian couldn't help but be surprised, such actions would only plant the seeds of disaster for the Holy Emperor Netherworld.Maybe the current Nether Ancestor Lunkuang is the reincarnation of a stronger soul of his back then.

But looking back and thinking about it, such actions will also weaken the power of the soul, and those split souls will inevitably be born with the defect of incomplete soul after reincarnation.Based on this alone, the Nether Holy Emperor is nothing to worry about, even if it is possible to successfully reincarnate again and want to cultivate to the Mahayana stage, the possibility is very small.

At the same time, Yi Tian couldn't help but think of how the Haunted Ruilin had said how to deal with the Haunted, I'm afraid that's what he was referring to.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian continued to look down. Uncle Wuxiang left a letter on the stone wall and mentioned several key figures.Among them, there is even information about Emperor Yuanhao in the Yuanhao Dynasty, and it is almost like a fierce battle that broke out in the middle ages of the demon world.It also stated that the person who took the lead in rebelling against Emperor Yuanhao was none other than the Golden Phoenix Demon Empress of the Yaozu dynasty.

Yi Tian has also heard a little about this period of history. This Golden Phoenix Demon Empress is the former patriarch of the Fire Phoenix Clan. She should be recuperating in the land of Phoenix Nirvana at this time.

The following pages do not involve the nether world and the demon world. The main events briefly described in it revolve around the three interfaces of the spirit world, the demon world and the Buddha spirit world.

The original Ten Clans of the Demon Realm have existed in the Demon Realm for a long time, and the so-called existence is reasonable. These ten clans attacked each other in the chaotic Demon Realm, which led to relative stability.

However, the strength of the demon monks in the demon world is almost as good as that of the fusion period. The written records on the wall clearly state that there have been no Mahayana monks in the demon world for tens of thousands of years.

Most of those spiritual practitioners who accepted the tank of demonic energy became members of the Heavenly Demon tribe. Speaking of which, in ancient times, there were a large number of Heavenly Demon monks but their strength was not strong.Barely able to rank among the top ten demon clans, they seem to be at the bottom all year round.The Flame Prison Demon Clan was transformed from the descendants of the Flame Demon, but they were originally few in number. In order to continue their descendants, they had to intermarry with the Sky Demon Clan. After a long time, they were assimilated into the Flame Prison Demon Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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