
Chapter 2098 Search

Chapter 2098 Search

After reading the message left by Uncle Wuxiang at the bottom of the stone tower, Yi Tian finally had a new understanding of the ten races in the demon world. It turned out that these races were not born with each other, but gradually evolved after tens of thousands of years of evolution.

Among them, the text on the stone wall also specifically mentioned the information of the one-eyed demon race. Originally, Yi Tian was very curious about this race. He had never encountered it in the demon world, but he met a high-level one-eyed demon for no reason in the disaster of the spirit world. Clan monks.

After reading the information engraved by Shibituo, Yi Tian showed a thoughtful look on his face.Looking at the information left by Uncle Wuxiang, this one-eyed demon clan is also of ancient alien blood.One is born with a cultivation level around the Nascent Soul Stage, and as one grows older, as long as one does not fall, one can generally reach the cultivation level of the Distraction Stage after adulthood.

As for the one-eyed demon clan in ancient times, there were quite a few monks in the fusion stage, and there were even monks in the Mahayana stage.It's just that this piece of information only briefly mentioned the final outcome of the one-eyed demon monks in the Mahayana period.

However, the extraordinary talent of the one-eyed demons also means that they cannot reproduce a large number of offspring, so the total population of the one-eyed demons in ancient times, when the one-eyed demons were most prosperous, was less than a thousand.

It seems that the demon body transformed by Uncle Wuxiang did a lot of things after entering the demon world. At least at that time, the one-eyed demon clan had already begun to decline.But Baotan suddenly sprang up and integrated the Sky Demon Race and united with other races to suppress the One-eyed Demon Race.

As for the result, the ten clans of the demon world became the current seven major races. Except for the one-eyed demon clan that disappeared, the other two clans also became vassal races.

It's no wonder that the Crimson Eyed Demon was taken away by his biological father, Dutong. The body of this one-eyed demon clansman is rare, and it seems that he is not a peaceful master. He hurt himself in the devil world. I guess this will not be safe. Where did you practice in retreat.

Then looking down, Yi Tian found the key information left by Uncle Wuxiang. After he entered Minglun Temple, he tried to practice the Hinayana Buddhist exercises to restrain the evil force and achieve a balanced state. .

It's just that the Hinayana Buddhist sect only cultivates in this life, and his strength as a spiritual practitioner was at the peak in the late stage of fusion, so the effect is not as good as imagined.

Moreover, in the records left by Uncle Wuxiang, he also clearly stated the reason why he was so eager to go to the Demon Realm back then.The stone pill where the master Miao Dizi was hiding had faint spiritual power, and as time went by, the speed of the spiritual power on the stone pill was also accelerating, so the master made up his mind to split himself in two.The demonized half-body took Shiwan straight to the demon world, and then became a generation of demon saints.

It's just that Yi Tian also has doubts in his heart, why the demonized half-body was able to advance by leaps and bounds and entered the Mahayana stage first.As for the other half of Master Wuxiang, why did he get up and go to the Demon Realm after ten thousand years? At that time, it seemed that the two deities were kind and disgusted. The strength of the two deities differed by a big level.

The information left on the wall was turned over again until finally Yi Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he couldn't help feeling jealous.According to Uncle Wuxiang, the true immortals in the upper realm will definitely come back after one failure, and the uncle has also tried divination that there will be another catastrophe in the spiritual world in about 4 to [-] years.

Needless to say, the cause of this catastrophe is naturally closely related to Taoist Youxuan's lower realm last time, and Master Wuxiang's kind heart can only be cultivated in the later stage of fusion, so naturally it cannot last until that time.You must advance to the Mahayana stage again to have a chance to face the catastrophe alive.

However, he switched to Buddhist secret arts and split himself in two, and his cultivation base fell to the middle stage of integration. It took nearly 5000 years to recover his cultivation base after re-cultivation.It's just that in the remaining years, he has never been able to take the next step beyond the rank of Mahayana, so in desperation he chose to go to the devil world alone to find the disgusting half body and try to re-integrate.

But in the end, it didn't proceed according to Uncle Wuxiang's plan. In the end, he just found his good-hearted deity who had melted away in the Dark Demon Temple.

Seeing this, Yi Tian sighed a lot, and couldn't help thinking that it's no wonder Master Jie Ding would show his master Wuye the "Zen of Good and Evil".He must have found the information left by Master Wuxiang on this top floor and then evolved it.Although I don't know what his purpose is, but his original intention is obvious.

Master Jie Ding must have been an informed person back then, and his fall into the devil world was naturally a deliberate thing.Yi Tian's eyes flickered, and he admired Master Jie Ding's actions in his heart.At least I definitely can't do what he did back then, with such great perseverance and determination to maintain a Buddha heart and reincarnate and rebuild after falling into the devil's way.

Among them, the master Wu Ye naturally also cooperated secretly. It can be said that he was divided into black and white two people back then, naturally also to test this Zen method of good and evil.It's just that he doesn't know if he has found the key to it, and how confident he is in dealing with the Demon Saint Bao Tan.

The ten-thousand-character Buddha seal brought to the front of the array slowly dimmed, and the messages left on the wall also slowly faded away.The basement returned to its previous state again, and Yi Tian knew that it was time for him to leave. He had already understood all the information left here, and he still needed to find the deity of the monk Jieding to inquire.

After stepping back to the first floor from the room below, Yi Tian turned around and came to the escalator leading to the upper floor. After taking a step, he walked up slowly. Suddenly, he only heard the sound of "咔咒咒" coming from behind him, and his divine sense stretched out After checking, it was found that the passage leading to the basement just now was slowly closing.After ten breaths, the entrance was sealed, as if it had never appeared before.

After walking up the stairs to the second floor, Yi Tian found that the surrounding area was full of bookshelves, and there were restrictions on them.Walking over, I glanced and saw that the signs written on the outside of these bookshelves were all the classics of the Buddhist Minglun Temple, but I didn't find any information about Luotian Xiangong.

The next few floors are the same, and all the Buddhist classics are preserved inside, many of which are written by the name of Master Huiming.

Until Yi Tian went up to his top floor, he saw that the surroundings were empty, only the monk Jie Ding sat cross-legged in front of a stone wall and looked at the words on it attentively.

This stone wall is a little different from what I saw in the basement. It is just a simple stone carving.Yi Tian glanced at the top of the stone wall and his face changed drastically behind the words "The Original Mind of Good and Evil". Needless to say, Master Jie Ding was inspired by this and created the method of "Zen of Good and Evil".

(End of this chapter)

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