
Chapter 2100 Old Acquaintance

Chapter 2100 Old Acquaintance
After exploring Nei Yitian and talking with Monk Jieding, he found that his current situation was not as difficult as he imagined.At least facing the Demon Saint Bao Tan does not need to fight head-on. He has the dark hand left by Master Huiming on him, and all he has to do is to stimulate it.

After the conversation, Monk Jieding declined the invitation to travel with him, and said that he needed to study here on the top floor of the stone pagoda.Naturally, Yi Tian couldn't force others to do what he wanted, so he went downstairs slowly and exited the stone pagoda.

Then he took out the messenger jade and briefly stated that he had placed the relic in the bottom of the stone pagoda. After finishing writing, he activated the talisman and sent it out.

After doing these things, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and squeezed a magic formula to hide his figure, and then quietly broke the restriction of Minglun Temple and flew out.

After leaving the boundary of Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain, Yi Tian found that although there were many things at hand, he couldn't start.If you go to the demon world, your own strength is not enough, and it is useless to return to the spirit world, but now that your cultivation level has been upgraded to the late stage of integration, you have not yet found the feeling of touching the bottleneck.

And the rest of the realms have nothing to deal with for the time being. After flying into the hinterland of the Buddhist sect, they passed tens of thousands of miles and unknowingly headed towards the Great Leiguang Temple for correction.

After flying in the air for several days, looking from a distance, he could see that the Daleiguang Temple had already appeared thousands of miles away. Yi Tian wanted to go to Yishun.After all, he was recommended by himself to join the Great Leiguang Temple, so I don't know how the situation is now.

While flying, suddenly a halo of light came into view from the far right, and the purple glow flashed in his eyes, and he saw through the halo that it looked like a merchant ship.He stopped in the air and stabilized his figure. Yi Tian stared at it carefully and found that it turned out to be a caravan of the barbarian tribe from hell.Speaking of which, I still have some fate with this wild horn tribe. I once saw Wan Jiaolan and Wan Bo'e, and then introduced Wan Zhongliu in the demon world.

After everyone's discussion, they secretly settled on the Crown Prince of the Nether Dynasty.Yi Tian thought about it and thought that he could go to the hell world once, even if he still entered the nether world, as long as he acted carefully, he would not be noticed by the mad emperor of the nether world.

Moreover, he had accepted a great favor from He Ruilin back then, and he used his broken body to allow himself to deal with the Emperor Youming, although he thought about it afterwards, he was framed by him, but at that time, He Ruilin sacrificed his life to save him. It is real that the things that affect oneself and the whole spiritual world are real.

After thinking about it, the figure disappeared in the air after a flash of spiritual light flashed all over his body. After ten breaths, the outer protective film of the galloping merchant ship flickered and returned to normal.

And Yi Tian landed on the transport ship silently, and after using the concealment technique, he directly launched his divine sense and began to investigate.The highest cultivation level on this ship is only a late-stage cultivator, and it is not the Wanjiaolan that he is familiar with.

In this way, Yi Tian simply settled down in an inconspicuous corner of the transport ship, and followed the transport ship and flew directly towards the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Speaking of which, thousands of miles away from the sect gate of Daleiguang Zen Temple, there is the largest cultivation city in the Buddhist and spiritual world.The monks of the three religions and nine streams all gather here. After all, the gates leading to the other eight realms in the Buddha and Spirit Realm are all open.Therefore, those monks of different races did not receive any restrictions on their exchanges.

It's just that there are monks guarding the other side of the passage leading to the Demon Realm, the Netherworld and the Ghost Realm.They will not easily commit crimes, after all, the restraint of Buddhism in the three realms is too obvious.But both sides are relatively restrained, and no large-scale invasion war has broken out in the past thousand years.

It is rare that some monks above the transformation stage will sneak over here, and the Buddhist and spiritual world is also turning a blind eye.These casual cultivators and foreign monks can't do big tricks in the Buddhist and spiritual realm, and monks above the distraction stage of the Buddhist sect will not easily invade these three realms.

After the merchant ship landed, Yi Tian got off the ship with the members of the caravan, and soon came to the trading area in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.This also saves me a lot of effort to search. In the Chamber of Commerce of the Manjiao Tribe, the Divine Sense gently extended in to check, and found that the person in charge is the eldest lady Wan Jiaolan of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, his cultivation base has reached the early stage of avatar, and he has not seen her for nearly a thousand years and is also married as a woman, and now he is dressed as a noble lady and sits in the chamber of commerce.Those who followed the ship in the chamber of commerce stepped forward to greet him one after another, and then made a handover.

Yi Tian looked at it and was about to transmit the sound to Wan Jiaolan, when suddenly there was a rush of footsteps from the door of the chamber of commerce, and then three monks from the savage horn clan hurried in and whispered to Wan Jiaolan Whisper.After ten breaths, Wan Jiaolan got up and went out with them.

I also don't want to interfere with the Barbarian Chamber of Commerce, but I used my spiritual sense to check and found that many monks came to the gate of the Chamber of Commerce.Among them, the monks of the Huangquan clan, who are also the big clan in the hell world, took the lead, and they could smell the hellish sulfur smell on their bodies from a long distance away.

Moreover, when I was in the demon world, I met Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe, and everyone was unhappy about many things, so naturally I won't have a good impression when I meet someone from the Huangquan tribe again.

Half a moment later, Wan Jiaolan walked in through the main entrance with a livid face leading all of her subordinates.And the monks outside who came to find a way to make trouble also left one after another.

After she sat back to her original position, she was about to have an attack when suddenly her body froze slightly, her face remained unchanged but there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.Then he turned around and ordered: "You all go down, I need to calm down and think about how to deal with the upcoming troubles."

These wild horn monks below naturally did not dare to disobey and hurriedly bowed their hands and retreated.After leading the people away, Wan Jiaolan hastily made a move to open the barrier, then stood up and bowed gracefully: "Please also invite Senior Yi to show up, I welcome Senior."

"Shopkeeper Wan is in good spirits, and her cultivation level has improved a lot compared to a thousand years ago," the words just landed on the first vacant seat on the lower right of her head, and a vague figure appeared.In an instant, it became solidified, just like Yi Tian's deity.

I saw Wan Jiaolan hastily walked down the stairs, knelt down in front of her and kowtowed again, saying: "I don't know that Senior Yi is here to visit the humble house, and Jiaolan is lucky to be able to see the sky again."

"I haven't seen shopkeeper Wan for many years, but you are good at talking." Yi Tian stretched out his hand and stroked it lightly, and said, "Don't you call me old when you talk about seniors?"

"Jiaolan doesn't dare, it's just that the family ancestor once warned Senior Yi that he is an expert in the spirit world, so naturally he shouldn't be neglected," Wan Jiaolan replied hastily.

"Oh, Wan just told you, what else did he say about me," Yi Tian asked.

"Senior Yi is an expert in the spiritual world, No.1 below the Mahayana period, and the family ancestor admires you so much," Wan Jiaolan hurriedly replied: "And according to the Patriarch, the rise of the barbarian tribe will depend more on Senior Yi in the future. Cooperation is what it is.”

(End of this chapter)

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