
Chapter 2101 Notification

Chapter 2101 Notification
In the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Yi Tian followed the barbarian caravan to find the shopkeeper who was staying here. It was De Wanjiaolan that he had met back then.And when I was in the demon world, I also dealt with Wan Boxie, Wan Gang and others, and it was through this relationship that I got on the line with the elder Wan Zhongliu who was guarded by Huangquan.

Among the high-level monks of the barbarian tribe, they should know their name, so when Wan Jiaolan saw her, she unconsciously showed a respectful look on her face.

But after listening to her words, Yi Tian knew that Wan Bo'e should have revealed some of his affairs to her, and then replied with a faint smile: "The shopkeeper Wan is flattering me, this No. Dare to do it."

"Senior Yi is too polite. Although this concubine is in the world of Buddhist spirits, she is quite well-informed." Wanjiao Lan Yingying smiled with two dimples on her face, and then said: "My barbarian clan's chambers of commerce are all over Shangling Jiu. In addition to conducting business transactions, they are also responsible for inquiring about important events happening in various circles and collecting information on big figures from all circles."

"Oh, but I live in a seclusion in the spirit world, can you even find out?" Yi Tian asked curiously.

Wan Jiaolan replied with a slightly smug expression on her face: "Senior Yi doesn't know that many chambers of commerce in the Nine Realms of Shangling have established a large chamber of commerce alliance, and they will send information to each other privately."

"There is such a thing, so you got these news from the chamber of commerce of the three factions of the spirit world?" Yi Tian asked.

Wan Jiaolan shook her head and replied: "Not necessarily, the chambers of commerce of the three sects of the spirit world will naturally not disclose the information of the high-ranking monks of their sects. The news from there. And the cost of these news is also astonishing, you know that the news of a body-building monk needs at least [-] top-grade spirit stones to exchange, and it’s only on the Tuomen road."

"Really, it turns out that the news of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit is so precious, so how much is my news worth?" Yi Tian also got excited and asked to see how much he was worth.

Wan Jiaolan lightly covered her red lips and said with a smile: "As Senior Yi, you naturally have more than this amount of news, and you can't get it through other channels. I only found the information from the Chamber of Commerce of the Iron-eating Beast Clan in the demon world. .”

It turned out that Yi Tian suddenly realized that this iron-eating beast clan was flourishing in the demon world just because of the relationship between Xiong Erbao and himself.Even Jiuxianshan would give him a little noodle for his own sake, and since Jiuxianshan had a good relationship with the three factions of the spirit world, he would naturally be able to know news that others did not know.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, and then asked: "Then how much Lingshi did you spend to find out my information, take a copy and let me have a look."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan nodded in agreement, then took out a jade slip from the storage ring and handed it over respectfully.

After Yi Tian took the hand, spread it in his palm and swept it quickly, and after ten breaths, his brows were slowly frowned.The content described in this jade slip is not exhaustive, and a section about the internal turmoil in Lihuo Palace is skipped.It was as if he had appeared out of thin air and directly took over the position of suzerain of Lihuo Palace.

As for the description of the information in the Demon Disaster War, it was also very vague, but it mentioned that he had made several shots in the later period of the Demon Disaster, which inevitably brought about the ten fierce battles of high-ranking spirit demon monks.

It can be seen that the person who collected the information was only a casual cultivator during the distraction period at best, and had no chance to check how he was operating behind the scenes during the war of evil disasters.

Putting away the jade slip and handing it back, Yi Tian said disdainfully, "You are also a shrewd man, shopkeeper Wan. Can't you see how reliable the information circulating in this jade slip is?"

"Senior Yi, you're blaming me wrong," Wan Jiaolan thought she was upset, so she hastily distinguished: "The news in it was originally from the spirit world, and after several twists and turns, it was naturally omitted. Quite a lot, it's not easy for me to get this one, I think I spent a full 300 million spirit stones to get this jade slip from the demon cultivator of the Iron-eating Beast Clan."

"Sure enough, the preciousness of the news is still time-sensitive," Yi Tian pouted, and then a thought flashed through his mind.Thinking that the one-eyed demon's one-eyed pupil was still uneasy after returning to the demon world, and even revealed the news of the year to slander him.

Looking up at Wan Jiaolan's appearance, Yi Tian showed a casual smile and then said: "I have some secret information here that I can disclose to you, as long as you release the news, at least tens of millions of high-grade spirit stones will be credited." It's a good thing."

Wan Jiaolan is a businessman, so she smelled the flavor of these words, and then hurriedly asked softly: "Thank you, Senior Yi, for your support, such news is also a great wealth for our Manjiao clan. If you manage Fortunately, compared to the fact that the chamber of commerce has earned more than a hundred years, Jiaolan is willing to only accept [-]% of the income, and the remaining [-]% will be handled by Senior Yi."

Yi Tian waved his hands disdainfully and said, "A few spirit stones are meaningless to me, but I have something to ask you to do."

Wan Jiaolan was agitated, since she had something to ask, she decided it would not be a trivial matter, and then hurriedly listened with breathless concentration.

Yi Tian moved his lips slightly a few times and told Wan Jiaolan directly about his thoughts through sound transmission, and the latter's face was full of suspicion after hearing this.After hearing his explanation later, his complexion calmed down, and then he took out several blank jade slips and began to record quickly.

In his mind, he quickly sorted out all the things that happened in the Demon Disaster War, and then Yi Tiancai slowly spoke out what he had experienced.

Of course, it is natural to skip all the things about the black box operation, and just tell in detail what I saw and heard back then, especially about the seven clans of the demon world and the monk of the one-eyed demon clan.

Wan Jiaolan, who was in charge of recording, had a serious expression at first, but as she continued to record, she also learned about the unknown side of the Great War.Especially after hearing Yi Tian's detailed introduction of the fall of the high-ranking monk of the Demon Race, her complexion became extremely dignified. Although she didn't say it clearly, she asked her to deliberately take away all the pages she appeared in. It can be seen that Wan Jiaolan's intelligence is naturally not It is difficult to find out the cause of the matter from the clues.

The white jade slips she took to record soon ran out, Wan Jiaolan immediately took out several blank jade slips and put them aside, and then quickly started to record.The whole process lasted for several hours, and Yi Tiancai detailed his experience in the war of evil disasters.

In the end, she also ordered Wan Jiaolan to send a rubbing copy of the information she left to Jiuxian Mountain in the Demon Realm, and leave the rest to her.Forty percent of the income from foreign exchange news or spirit stones will be sent to the iron-eating beast clan in the demon world and the three factions in the spirit world.

(End of this chapter)

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