
Chapter 2102 Planning

Chapter 2102 Planning
On the surface, the Demonic Disaster War was won by the Spiritual Alliance led by the three factions of the spiritual world, but how many people know what happened behind it.Yi Tian came to Wan Jiaolan to record the details of the battle, although he also passed a top-secret document in the sect.But that thing can only be left to the core disciples of the three schools of the spirit world and the secret documents that the monks in the integration stage can consult.

As for the fact that there is not much information that has been circulated outside, Yi Tian naturally does not mind elaborating on it.And it is naturally more credible to spread it privately through the alien monks.Those monks who got the news would naturally re-examine the strength of the three factions in the spirit world.

In addition, leaving a file for Jiuxian Mountain is naturally Yi Tian's temporary idea, thinking that he only found out the secrets of Luotian Immortal Palace from the sect of Jiuxian Mountain.Therefore, after voting for Li Baoxiao, he naturally wanted to leave a point for the record. If he wanted to come to Xuanjizi, he would naturally guess his own thoughts.

The Yaoxiu who came to Jiuxian Mountain would definitely not let this news out easily, so for the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, this is like giving a shocking gift.As long as Wanjiaolan Haosheng manages and believes that relying on the exchange of information alone is enough to cover the income of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce for hundreds of years.

After she put away all the jade slips, Yi Tian said again: "I still have one thing I want to ask you to do. After the matter is completed, the remaining [-]% of the income will belong to you personally."

There was no joy on Wan Jiaolan's face when she heard the words, on the contrary, she became more serious.Income and effort are directly proportional. Since I have said that I have so much income after I say things are done, it must be very trustworthy.

After thinking about it, Wan Jiaolan replied respectfully: "I would also like to ask Senior Yi to show me, the junior will naturally have to think about it after hearing it."

Such an unobtrusive answer naturally made Yi Tian quite satisfied, after all, he had no spare time to deal with the one-eyed demon's one-eyed pupil.It would also be a good idea to let the Barbarian Horns take action to spread the news first, and then spy on the reaction of the Demon Realm.

After a pause, Yi Tiancai said solemnly: "The one-eyed demon cultivator in the demon world, the one-eyed monk, is my confidant. I once teamed up with him to deal with the demon saint's violent avatar. Now he is ready to put all the blame on me."

"Thinking about this, Demon Saint Bao Tan should also be aware of it," Wan Jiaolan asked.

"What the world knows is the truth that has been repaired," Yi Tian said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, took out a jade slip that had been prepared a long time ago and handed it over: "This jade slip records the origin of the one-eyed demon monk , and the history of the rise and fall of the race from ancient times to the present, after you read it, try to pass it on to the demon world, especially the monks of the Heavenly Demon Race."

Wan Jiaolan was surprised when she heard the words and did not reach out to pick up the jade slip, but said suspiciously: "What Senior Yi said, could this one-eyed demon monk stir up trouble in the demon world?"

"It's not just waves," Yi Tian snorted coldly: "The innate supernatural powers of the one-eyed demon monks are tabooed by the demon sages. Just imagine, can a person who can be taken seriously in the Mahayana period be simple?"

"Then Senior Yi's embarrassment for him is because he has a suspicion with him?" Wan Jiaolan asked tentatively.

"The trouble he left me is not small," Yi Tian said indifferently: "Sooner or later Dutong and I will face each other, but I don't want him to be idle before that. Now he is hiding in the devil world Rest and recuperate, but I also want to try to get him to move, and it will be beneficial to me only if he messes up the form of the Demon Realm."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan showed a thoughtful look on her face, and later reached out to take the jade slip and read it quickly.After a while, she read the entire jade slip in one breath. Wan Jiaolan's complexion changed several times, and finally she revealed an inconceivable expression and asked, "Senior Yi, as you said, this one-eyed demon monk was born in ancient times. During that period, they almost controlled half of the Demon Realm, if it weren’t for the fact that the race is not easy to reproduce, the Lord of the Demon Realm might have changed his position now.”

Yi Tian waved his hands and said disdainfully: "It's not so easy, each race has its own way, and if you violate the way of heaven, you will naturally be punished by the heavens. Although this one-eyed demon monk is extremely powerful, he can't see it in terms of top strength. There must be multiple Mahayana monks."

"The information recorded on this jade slip is not much worse than the information on the Demon Disaster War that you gave before," Wan Jiaolan said excitedly: "According to my estimation, if this information is spread, especially to the seven clans of the Demon Realm, The higher-ups know that it may be difficult for there to be a peaceful day in the devil world in the future."

"I don't care about how it works, as long as it can cause chaos in the Demon Realm," Yi Tian said calmly, "I will focus on dealing with the Netherworld and Hell Realm in the near future, and only then will I pay a visit first your."

The subject of listening turned to Wan Jiaolan, who also realized that there must be a big event happening, and then hurriedly replied: "It's not easy for seniors to worry about delivering the news, as Jiaolan is an expert, she will naturally handle things properly. .”

Then he looked straight and said: "As for what Senior Yi said about dealing with the Nether World and the Hell World, I'm sorry for the junior's bold guess whether you are going to deal with the Nether Emperor's madness?"

"I think you are also a person who knows, and you will know about this sooner or later," Yi Tian said indifferently: "It is inconvenient for me to go directly to the hell world, after all, Yan Qiu and others of the Huangquan clan are not easy to get along with. Compared to him, I have a higher degree of trust in Wan Gang from your barbarian tribe, after all, Wan Zhongliu, who is guarding Huangquan, has also endorsed him."

When it comes to Wan Gang, the patriarch of the Manjiao tribe, Wan Jiaolan is naturally in awe, and Wan Zhongliu, the third elder guarding Huangquan, is the big backer behind him.Although they belong to the guards of Huangquan, they are more or less from the Manjiao tribe and Wanzhongliu still take good care of the tribe.Thinking of this, Wan Jiaolan hurriedly asked: "I don't know what is the order of Senior Yi, please ask for instructions."

"I want to meet with Wanzhongliu. After all, during the last battle of the evil disaster, the guard of Huangquan ran to the spirit world, and then fell there for no reason. Now it is rumored that it was planted in the spirit world." In my hand," Yi Tian said with a cold expression: "I can't tell anyone else, I can only decide whether to enter the hell world after I let Wan Zhongliu talk."

After hearing this, Wan Jiaolan naturally sorted out the recent news circulating in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit in her mind, and it was not difficult to find the rumor mentioned by Yi Tian just now.After all, this is also news from the demon world, and the source is from the mouth of the one-eyed demon monk.So far, people from the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit have held to their opinions on this matter, and they have debated for a long time without any results.

And when Yi Tian said that he needed to find Wanzhong Liu, he naturally wanted to take the initiative to clarify the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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