
Chapter 2103 Strange Goods

Chapter 2103 Strange Goods
After giving orders to Wan Jiaolan, Yi Tian temporarily stayed in the Barbarian Chamber of Commerce in the foreign trade area in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and waited for Wan Zhongliu's arrival.

It will be at least a month before Wan Zhongliu travels all the way to pass the news from the Buddhist world to the hell world.The key is that Wan Zhongliu needs to detour to the demon world to come here. After all, the access to the Buddha and spirit world in the hell world is temporarily blocked, and Wan Zhongliu can't really break the blockade openly and come straight.

Wan Jiaolan had also informed about this in advance, and then she took out the high-level cave that originally flowed out from the back of the Chamber of Commerce to entertain.For her, serving Haoyi's genius at this stage is the most important thing. Even if she encounters some troubles right now, it is nothing compared to the serious business.

However, Yi Tian didn't like to just wait like this, since he came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, he naturally wanted to see it.I remember that I passed by here when I was cultivating in the distraction period, but I was delayed by the incident at the Daleiguang Temple and did not take a stroll in the city.

This time is a good opportunity to appreciate the scenery and customs of this place, but fortunately, there are very few people who know themselves in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.Yi Tian simply restrained his cultivation base, disguised himself as an ordinary spiritual cultivator, and began to wander around the city.Before leaving, he gave Wan Jiaolan his jade amulet of communication, and he could contact him directly after Wanzhongliu arrived.

That day, after passing by many shops and merchants in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Yi Tian found that this place was much different from the main city of the three factions of the spirit world.Moreover, the Buddhist sect upholds teaching without discrimination, even demon monks can be accommodated, so many alien races can be seen in the city.

Even some demon monks changed their appearance or wore breath-suppressing equipment to openly walk in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.Yi Tian is no stranger to this point, now that the Demon Realm is in chaos, and many Demon Race Loose Cultivators will find their own way out.For example, in the broken army city of the spirit world, there are many demon cultivators who request to stay, but the spiritual alliance also keeps a close eye on them. Let them move around Pojun City.

As for the Buddhist spirit world, it seems that there are not too many restrictions on the casual cultivation of the demons. After all, the Buddhist monks here are born to be the nemesis of the demons.If they ran outside, they would all encounter nemesis, so they could only stay in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas obediently.As long as you keep yourself safe, I believe there is no danger of your life. If you try to open a store and trade with others for profit, you may be able to live in peace here.

It's just that the spiritual power in the Buddha Spirit Realm is pure and restrains the original power of demons, so even if these demon cultivators come, they don't dare to stay for a long time, and they have to wait for very important things to stay here for a long time.

Yi Tian wandered around the city for a while, and suddenly noticed that Youdao's weak spiritual pressure fluctuations were speeding towards him.After stopping in his tracks, he took a closer look and found that there was an unremarkable monk of a foreign race passing him by.

The alien monk was less than five feet tall, and he looked like he should be from the Huangquan tribe. He had a slight smell of hellish sulfur on his body, which was from the same source as the smell he smelled when he saw Yan Qiu back then.Upon closer inspection, that person should only be a child of the Huangquan clan, and his cultivation is no more than that of the early Nascent Soul, but he is now pretending to be a late Nascent Soul monk.

After the two crossed each other, they only felt that the other party's shot directly skipped his waist and wanted to take a three-inch jade tablet pinned there.

It's no problem to deal with such a small thief with my own strength, but when I was about to intercept it, I suddenly found that the boy's technique was extremely concealed, and there was a hint of space magic.

It's a bit like the space supernatural power of Taiqing Pavilion's 'close to the horizon', but it can't help but look like it.It can only be said that it has the taste of its prototype, but Yi Tian quickly turned around in his heart and found that the secret magic power of Taiqing Pavilion seemed to have never been rumored.After reviewing the names of all the monks who had read it in my mind, I never found that it was passed down to the monks of other races.

I couldn't help but secretly wondered, I didn't expect to see the sect's unique learning in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and I saw it from a pickpocket.

He restrained himself and pretended to be a low-level monk, and he didn't wear any accessories to prove his identity.As for this piece of jade pendant, it only has some calming effect, so I casually put it on my waist.Speaking of which, this thing is not a high-end and high-end product for me, but it can also be used for monks in the distraction stage or even the early stage of fusion.

It's just that the material used for this piece of jade is the 'Tongming Jade' from the demon world, which was originally produced in the inner world of the Dilong tribe.I also found it from the storage ring of Daoist Dilong back then.

Half of the monks naturally didn't recognize this thing, but they didn't expect to be targeted by a thief today.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian is quite concerned about this person, since he can't make a move in public, let him do it.Immediately, he just walked forward without moving his hands, and after three breaths, he found that the 'Tongming Jade' jade pendant on his waist had disappeared.Then he stretched out his divine sense and scanned to find that the cultivator of the Huangquan clan behind him was staggering with the people around him again, and then transferred the things in his hand.

"I didn't expect such trivial things to happen in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas," Yi Tian said in his heart, but his hands didn't stop, and his spiritual thoughts left marks on the two of them before walking away.

After walking a few streets forward, Yi Tian turned a corner and turned into the alley next to him, and at the same time his figure disappeared out of thin air.

After performing the Concealment Technique, Yi Tian spread out his spiritual sense to investigate the two people who had just been walking towards the north of Ten Thousand Buddhas City.Needless to say, it should be back to the old nest to share the spoils.

Yi Tian didn't want to disturb the monks in the integration period who stayed behind in the Daleiguang Temple, but he restrained himself and followed closely all the way.It didn't take long to come to the trading street in the north of the city, and then followed the direction locked by the divine sense to the door of a merchant named 'Sihai Pawn'.

Secretly amazed that these two boys are really familiar with the way, the things they got, they hurriedly found a place to escape.It's just that I don't know what the monks in the pawnshop think. Maybe it's ignorance that made Mingzhu secretly vote.

Yi Tian used his concealment technique to enter quietly through the side door of the pawnshop, and before entering the lobby, he only heard the sound of arguing.Soon, two monks from different races in the early stage of Nascent Soul came out with a storage bag each.Although he was cursing, his face was filled with a smug smile, and he must have gained a lot in the storage bag.

I am not afraid that these two people will get lost, anyway, the imprint of divine sense is still there.Then Yi Tian turned around and wanted to go to the 'Sihai Pawnshop' first to retrieve his things.Unexpectedly, I heard that the shopkeeper was taking out a communication jade talisman and writing something on it.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to activate the jade talisman and sent it out. Yi Tian stretched out his hand and set up another barrier in the 'Sihai Pawn' store, and stopped the jade talisman without disturbing anyone. .

After flashing his divine sense, he discovered that the shopkeeper of the 'Sihai Pawn' was trying to hand over the 'Communication Jade' pendant to the auction house in the city.

After a slight movement of his mind, he made a decision to remove the surrounding restrictive barriers and let the jade talisman of communication go away.Since the shopkeeper in the pawn shop wants to sell it for auction, I also want to see how many people know the goods in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

As soon as he moved his mind, he disappeared in the same place again, and the next moment Yi Tian chased the two thieves to the outside of Dongtian Paradise in the northwest of the city.

Easily locked the position of the two of them is the Tianzihao cave here, Yi Tian quietly walked forward to reach out a little, the forbidden light film outside the cave flashed and then returned to its original state.

Breaking through the restriction and sneaking into it, Yi Tian found that the spiritual power of the cave inside could almost be used by monks in the late Yuanying period to practice.The wealth of the two boys must not be able to rent such a luxurious cave for a long time, so they turned their ideas on themselves.

Walking into the cave, they found that the two of them had returned to their respective caves for retreat.But the restriction in front of the door is tantamount to a show for himself.Yi Tian stepped forward and lowered his head to smell it, and found that the hellish sulfur smell left outside the cave on the right was much stronger than the one on the left.With a joy on his face, he directly broke through the restriction and walked in.

When I came to the inside, I found a child-like monk sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cave, with five hearts facing the sky, practicing silently.Now that this person is in such a state of sedation, if he wakes up with a strong force, he will inevitably be in danger of going crazy again.

Thinking that this person still had secrets that he wanted to explore, Yi Tian didn't directly interrupt his practice.Instead, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice a spiritual light to trap him, then moved his lips a few times and said, "Why don't you wake up quickly, junior."

In the words, the Buddha's mantra and the sound of the Buddha were cast, and after this practice was introduced into the ears of the Huangquan monk, his complexion changed slightly, and then the spiritual pressure on his body fluctuated sharply, and then returned to calm.

After opening his eyes, he saw a [-]-year-old monk standing in front of him and looked at him playfully, and then he heard the man shout: "Who are you and why did you sneak into my mansion?"

"You, you junior, have a bad memory," Yi Tian teased, "Give me back what I have, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood." After saying that, he slowly let go of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and raised it to the level of transformation. period strength.

In this way, the face of the cultivator of the Huangquan tribe became extremely ugly. If it is said that he is still in the Nascent Soul Stage, there is still entanglement, but there is no need to say more about the difference in cultivation base by a whole level now.

I saw the kid's mournful face and said: "Your Excellency held your hands high and the little one offends you because you don't know Taishan. Please make amends."

"Apologize slowly, get up and answer carefully, if there is any hesitation, I don't mind killing it directly, although the soul search is a bit troublesome, but it won't take long," Yi Tian said with Smells of menace.

"What's your name?" Yi Tian asked coldly.

"The younger one is Yan Xiaosan," the Huangquan monk replied.

"As far as I know, the royal family of the Huangquan clan has 'Yan' as their surname, but the name 'Xiao San' is not grand. I don't think the royal family of the Huangquan clan would have such an unpopular name," Yi Tian asked.

Speaking of this, Yan Xiaosan's expression darkened, and he was immediately at a loss for words.Yi Tian told his background in a single sentence, as if it touched his heart.There was a stalemate on the scene, and Yi Tian said with displeasure: "Well, no matter whether Yan Xiaosan is your real name or not, it is an indisputable fact that you stole my jade pendant."

"Then what is the senior going to do with it? Speaking of which, the jade pendant is no longer on my body," Yan Xiaosan said with an aggrieved expression.

"You took it to 'Sihai Pawn' to exchange a lot of spirit stones," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"Senior, you have already tracked it down," Yan Xiaosan said with a look of surprise, "I am willing to return all the spirit stones I exchanged in my hand, and double the amount to redeem the jade pendant."

"Redeem it," Yi Tian said with a sneer, "You are too naive to think, that thing has already been sent to the auction house by the treasurer of 'Sihai Pawn'."

Hearing this, Yan Xiaosan's face turned ashen, even if he entered the auction house, it would be impossible to redeem him.

Yi Tian sneered and said: "I'll talk about this later, I just want to ask what kind of theft method you used, don't hesitate any longer, you should imagine what will happen if you mess with me."

Yan Xiaosan, on the other hand, hurriedly took out a tattered jade slip from the storage ring and sent it over from the air, saying: "The supernatural powers and exercises that I have learned are all found from this, and many of them have not been practiced yet. Dacheng."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take it, spread it out in his palm and swept it with his divine sense, and the next moment he couldn't take his eyes off the jade slip.After spending ten breaths hastily reading the jade slips, a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

This jade slip is actually written in two languages, one is 'golden seal script,' below are notes made in the language of hell.I am familiar with the 'Golden Seal Script', so I can see at a glance that the supernatural powers and spells recorded above are just a small part lost in Luo Tianxian Palace.However, the part of the text annotations in the hell world did not translate the essence of it.

It's no wonder that Yan Xiaosan in front of him looks a little different after practicing.

Then Yi Tian unfolded the jade slip and said: "The supernatural powers and spells left on this jade slip are left outside, and those monks in the distraction stage will break their scalps for it. Why did such an important thing appear on you?"

Yan Xiaosan hastily distinguished: "My little one said earlier that I am of the blood of the Huangquan clan, and this jade slip was brought with me by my mother after she escaped from the imperial city."

"So you are really of the royal blood of the Huangquan clan," Yi Tian said with a smile: "It's just that I expected things to change, and your mother should be gone, and now no one can prove your identity. And look at your appearance It's not the full blood of the Huangquan clan royal family, it should be a mixed blood of the royal family and other clansmen."

Yan Xiaosan's expression darkened when he heard the words, and he thought for a while before saying, "I can use the royal family's bloodline recognition spell to prove my identity."

I didn't expect to meet an interesting person. Although this Yan Xiaosan is not strong, his identity can be used to make a big fuss.Immediately, Yi Tian also showed a little strange color on his face, staring at Yan Xiaosan looking at him with trepidation in his heart.

 Thanks to Taoist Mingyueren, Yujian Ghost, Angry Adam, Power of Ten Directions, sieyes, and book friends 20190920224619163 for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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