
Chapter 2104 Habitable

Chapter 2104 Habitable
In Yan Xiaosan's cave, Yi Tian broke in and captured him, showing his strength a little, and the other party was so frightened that he shook his old bottom out.I didn't expect that Yan Xiaosan's identity was interesting, it turned out to be of the royal blood of the Huangquan clan.

You must know that Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe has always had trouble with himself when he was in the demon world, and if he had the opportunity to fill in, he would naturally not miss the opportunity to give him eye drops.

During this period of time, I was thinking about how to enter the hell world to solve the matter entrusted by Han Ruilin back then.If he single-handedly dealt with the tyranny of the Nether Emperor, it would be a bad idea. Not to mention that a strong dragon can't overwhelm a snake, his cultivation and strength are still a bit behind him.

If it is really going head-to-head, it is a strategy that is forced to a desperate situation. Although the hell world and the nether world are divided and ruled, the two worlds have close contacts.In addition, the power of the guards of the Yellow Springs spans the hell and the nether world, which is why the Nether Emperor dared not drive them all out.

After all, he has not been able to completely control the Nether Realm with his own power, and the people in the Huangquan guards also know about the fury, and they still don't recognize the Nether Emperor from the bottom of their hearts.

And since the guards in Huangquan are named after Huangquan, it means that the monks in their clan are also very important in it, so in the hell world, their family has created a dominance situation.

I heard that the first elder guarding Huangquan was born in the Huangquan clan. Although I have never met his real person, the second elder, Nie Ruilin, and the third elder, Wan Zhongliu, all know him.If you want to deal with Luankuang, you still need to join forces with the Huangquan guards, but the relationship between yourself and Yan Qiu is so deadlocked. If you want to figure it out, there is no basis for cooperation.

Originally, Yi Tian was still thinking about how to support the upper ranks of the barbarian tribe, but now the three elders guarding Huangquan have lost one of them.Wan Zhongliu, the third elder, would naturally improve his status, but if he wanted to deal with the madness, he still needed the cooperation of the Huangquan guards, and the Huangquan clan must pass this level.

Looking at Yan Xiaosan in front of him, Yi Tianji took heart and asked, "Well, since you say you have the blood of the Huangquan clan royal family, at most it is only half of it. Obviously you are not a pure Huangquan clansman, even if you are a general If the power of the bloodline is activated, it may not be able to cultivate the exercises of the Huangquan clan to the extreme, right?"

Hearing this, Yan Xiaosan said without any fear on his face: "Senior, I don't know something. I know that although the power of my bloodline is weaker than that of ordinary Huangquan people, the other half of my bloodline is from the royal family of the Nether clan. Let's talk about the primary and secondary." It is naturally much better than ordinary Huangquan monks."

Yi Tian's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that this Yan Xiaosan was really a rare commodity to live in. He turned out to be a child of mixed blood from the Huangquan clan and the Nether clan.If it is well cultivated and can possess the strengths of the two races, the future achievements must be limitless.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian slowly calculated in his heart, to maximize the benefits.But before that, I still need to make a final confirmation, and after thinking about it, I asked: "Since you said that you are the head of two bloodlines, can you name the people of the same generation in the royal family of the Nether clan?" ?”

This time Yan Xiaosan was questioned, and Yi Tian looked at him calmly, as long as he could give himself a satisfactory answer, it would naturally prove the truth of what he said.

After thinking for a while, Yan Xiaosan scratched his head and said, "I only remember a few cousins ​​whom I met once when I was young."

"Report your name, I will confirm it afterwards," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Cousin has Hen Wenchang and Hen Wenjing, and these two are the most prominent. When I saw them back then, everyone's cultivation was only at the Jindan stage. I don't know how strong they are now," Yan Xiaosan said.

Startled in his heart, Yi Tian secretly said: "It seems that the identity has been confirmed, this Yan Xiaosan is really a rare commodity to live in." '

Thinking about it, Yi Tian said, "So why don't you worship me as your teacher, maybe you will benefit endlessly in the future."

Yan Xiaosan's face was full of suspicion when he heard the words, and then he looked at him and said: "I'm afraid you are not qualified to be my master. With your strength, you can't even see through the little tricks I use. I'm afraid the cultivation base is not much stronger than that."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was also at a loss for words. At that time, it was just a temporary intention to let him go, but he didn't expect to be used as a handle. I am afraid that Yan Xiaosan still thinks that he is a low-level cultivator in the stage of transformation.

Reluctantly smiled bitterly for a few times, Yi Tian said, "Then what kind of person is your ideal master?"

"At least there is a distraction period," Yan Xiaosan said disdainfully, "you know, my two cousins ​​have been studying under the disciple of Wan Zhongliu, the third elder who guards Huangquan since they were young. If I were still in the royal family Although I can't join the disciples of such a big monk, at least I need a master who is in the early stage of fusion to escort me."

He still blows his nose and stares and looks down on him, Yi Tian doesn't talk too much and snorts coldly, secretly exercising his true strength.The sound exploded in Yan Xiaosan's ears like a thunderstorm, and he was dizzy, his body was almost tottering and he couldn't stand still.

After three breaths, Yan Xiaosan realized that even if the person in front of him was not that strong, he was far superior to him, and the situation was stronger than the person, so he could only bear with it.Later, Yan Xiaosan said tremblingly: "Since the senior insists on this, then the junior should be respectful rather than obedient."

"Don't worry, I just accept you as a registered disciple. When you figure it out and want to become my official disciple, please come to me again. At that time, you have to be sincerely convinced to have a chance," Yi Tian said with a faint smile.

"I don't know the name of the master, please tell me, so that the disciples can kneel down and worship," Yan Xiaosan said with a slightly playful face.

Speaking of which, the two of them had talked for a long time without reporting to their family, so it seemed a little hasty to take him in as an apprentice now.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled and said: "My name is Yi Tian, ​​and I am a spiritual cultivator. There is already a senior disciple under the sect who is in the foundation building stage, and his name is Xia Minyu. After you see him, even if he is stronger than him, he will still be able to do it. You have to respect him."

Yan Xiaosan twitched her lips and replied reluctantly: "Understood."

Then he stepped forward and knelt down slowly in front of Yi Tian, ​​bowed three times and kowtowed nine times before performing the master salute.

Yi Tian knew that he was not angry, but he was forced to bow his head because of the situation, but the future benefits of joining his sect, even if it was just a registered disciple, would be endless.It's just that he doesn't reveal his identity now, that's why Yan Xiaosan behaved like this.

With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, after he finished the salute, Yi Tian said: "Okay, since you worshiped me as your teacher and finished the salute, we will naturally be a family from now on. But your name 'Xiao San' is not grand, so let it out In the future, I will inevitably lose my reputation. Today, master, I will change your name for you, let’s call it Yan Wenxiong, and the ligature with your cousin will also show that you are of the same generation in the future.”

This kind of rhetoric made Yan Xiaosan's complexion calm down a little, as if he had also said what was on his mind.Based on his original experience, he would naturally regard bloodlines as an insurmountable barrier in his heart. As long as he grasped this point, he could slowly break through his psychological defense.

After thinking about it for a while, Yan Xiaosan nodded reluctantly and said, "The name is not bad, it is much better than my real name, and it can show my identity."

"Actually, my original intention was to add the generational character of my sect to your name if you are not satisfied," Yi Tian said with a raised brow.

"Satisfied, satisfied, I will be called Yan Wenxiong from now on."

Seeing that such aggressive rhetoric had an effect, Yi Tian also said with a smile on his face: "Okay, you just follow me, and leave this place to your companion."

Yan Xiaosan, oh no, Yan Wenxiong should be called now, his face tightened as if he was a little bit reluctant, but seeing the master in front of him, his face turned cold.Then he hurriedly replied: "In this case, the disciple should follow the master and leave."

"Okay, okay, leave all the spirit stones you exchanged in your hand to your companion, these things are really not popular," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

But Yan Wenxiong's face showed a bit of heartache when he heard it. It seemed that it was difficult to make a decision after picking up the storage ring in his hand and putting it down again.

Yi Tian snorted coldly and said: "Wenxiong, remember to be able to afford it and let it go. Although what you put down today is considerable, you will get more in the future. Don't give up the upcoming change just because of your own selfishness." Great benefit."

Yan Wenxiong shook his hands slightly when he heard the words, but then his face revealed a clear expression. He took out some spirit stones from the storage ring and put them into the storage bracelet, and then put the bracelet on the futon in the middle of the stone room.In the end, he took out a jade talisman and wrote down some information, then put it next to the storage bracelet.

After a while, the two quietly left the cave and came outside. Yi Tian saw that the sky had only passed for a few hours, and then walked towards the city.

Yan Wenxiong behind hurriedly caught up and asked, "May I ask Master where are we going now?"

"Go to clean up the aftermath, and get back the jade pendant you took from me is the right thing to do, otherwise the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas will be in chaos again," Yi Tian said angrily.

"Cut, what can a mere piece of jade pendant do," Yan Wenxiong said disdainfully.

Yi Tian naturally didn't want to explain anything to him, if the 'Tongming Jade' jade pendant appeared at the auction in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and was seen by interested people, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.I have always acted low-key, so I didn't want to reveal my identity early, so I wanted to take out a communication jade charm, quickly wrote some information on it, and then inspired it to send it out.

In the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, if I am not familiar with the place where I am born, I have to rely on the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce to do something. With Wanjiaolan's clever mind, it should be easy to find the problem from the lines of her own words and come up with a solution. .

"I sent that jade plaque to 'Sihai Pawn'," Yan Wenxiong said shyly, "If master wants to get it back, it seems that this is not the way to go?"

"Fortunately, you still have the face to tell, your eyes are nothing more than that," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "The shopkeeper of 'Sihai Pawn' is a real product with some discernment, and it has probably been delivered to the people in the city at this time." The auction house is gone. You are quite familiar with the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and lead the way, let's go directly there."

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong had no choice but to speed up his pace and lead the way. It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at the location of the largest auction house in the city.At the same time, Yi Tian noticed that Youdao's aura was flying towards his position, and he took a closer look at the jade talisman sent by Wan Jiaolan.

Stretching out his hand and lightly holding the jade talisman in his hand, Spiritual Invasion quickly read it through.After taking three breaths, his face changed several times before he sighed: "I didn't expect this matter to become really troublesome. It seems that we have to pay more attention to it."

"What about the information Master received?" Yan Wenxiong asked hastily.

"That jade pendant has already been included in the auction sequence dispute, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult to redeem it secretly." Yi Tian stared and continued: "It's all a good thing you did."

Yan Wenxiong replied nonchalantly: "Yes, yes, I don't know who wandered in the street and got my hands on it. Now I'm still blaming me."

Knowing that he couldn't continue talking with him, Yi Tian calmed down and thought about it, and then said: "Well, if that's the case, come with me to witness the grand occasion of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas auction."

"Tch, I've been to the auction here dozens of times if not a hundred times," Yan Wenxiong said disdainfully, "I really want to see how to see the world, master, your cultivation base is just a transformation of the gods. At best, you can enter the box on the second floor."

Of course, I don't want to have the same experience as him, but it's not empty talk when it comes to waiting for him to experience the scene.With Yan Wenxiong's previous cultivation base and status, at most he would hang out with those low-level monks in the auction hall.

From the message jade talisman, I learned that the auction in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is not held every now and then, usually only once every ten years.The previous one had just passed a few years ago, so it stands to reason that there are still a few years before the next one.

It's just that the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas has collected some rare and exotic objects for some reason recently, and the seller is eager to sell them, so they will temporarily add an auction.

Because the incident happened suddenly, after the notice was sent out, all major chambers of commerce requested that the auction be postponed slightly so that they could arrive in time to join in the auction.

The auction that is about to be held right now is scheduled to be held in ten days, and all major chambers of commerce will send people to participate.Moreover, many foreign chambers of commerce will also take out the good things they have on hand, and the things collected from the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas will be put out for everyone to bid for.

Yi Tian naturally entrusted the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce to enter, and in the communication jade talisman Wan Jiaolan gave before, he also used the VIP room chartered by the Chamber of Commerce all year round for his own use.That's why Yan Wenxiong opened his eyes.

And according to Wanjiao Lanyu Funei, the VIP room was originally reserved for Wan Zhongliu and others, and now it is perfect for greeting him.

At the door, Yi Tian showed Wanjiaolan's communication jade talisman, which naturally also bears the logo badge of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce.The deacons in this auction have a distracted cultivation level, and they are all stationed at the Great Leiguang Temple in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.After verifying the token and hearing the purpose of coming, he took the two of them directly to the top floor of the auction venue.

(End of this chapter)

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