
Chapter 2105 Waiting

Chapter 2105 Waiting
Yan Wenxiong and himself came to the official auction venue in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. After showing the keepsake jade talisman, the two went up to the top floor of the auction venue.Along the way, Yan Wenxiong was a little surprised at first, but after passing the lower floors, his expression became more and more strange.There are strict levels in the auction. I originally thought that with the strength of the master, I could go to the second floor to get a box, but I never expected that I would go directly to the top floor.

After coming up, Yan Wenxiong found that there were only seven private rooms in total, the middle one was reserved for the Da Lei Guang Temple, and the other six rooms also had different signs at the entrances.Going forward, I glanced over and saw that the sign on it was the exclusive VIP room for several large local chambers of commerce.

Later, after the two were led to the private room of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, the deacon hurriedly resigned.Entering the interior, Yan Wenxiong glanced over and found that the decoration here is extremely luxurious. The floor is covered with high-grade glazed bricks, and the walls are inlaid with high-grade spirit stones.

Sitting in this luxurious private room like this, you can feel the surrounding aura is compelling, which is hundreds of times stronger than Yan Wenxiong's shabby cave.I'm afraid he wasn't treated like this even when he was in the Huangquan clan.

The space in the box is about ten feet square, and the seven rooms on the top floor are arranged in such a way that they surround the rostrum of the conference hall below.There is an empty window five feet long and two feet high in front of you, but there is a white light film in front of it to prevent the divine sense from peeping in.

But those who stay inside can see the situation outside at a glance, and can even see clearly the situation on the rostrum in the middle of the bottom by just looking directly with their eyes without the need for divine sense detection.

At this point, Yan Wenxiong's face was slightly moved and said: "This is not bad, it looks interesting. But master, we have to wait for a long time before the auction starts."

"Yes, so you find an empty seat next to you to sit down and practice temporarily. The spiritual power here is more than a hundred times stronger than that of your cave." Yi Tian ordered: "I will wake you up when the time is almost up of."

Such words were spoken in an unquestionable tone, Yan Wenxiong's face darkened when he heard it, knowing that he could not refute, and then he looked at the face of the master in front of him, as if he wanted to ask something.But I saw that the master stretched out his hand and set up a forbidden barrier around him, and then disappeared. No matter how many questions Yan Wenxiong had in his mind, he could only hold back for now. Yungong runs a big week.

After dealing with Yan Wenxiong, Yi Tian slowly stretched out his divine sense to investigate.In the VIP halls on the top floor in the surrounding area, only his own room was lit up.It is estimated that other people who want to participate in the bidding of the auction will still be on the way, but I don’t know why this time the city of Ten Thousand Buddhas broke the previous rules and suddenly added an extra one.

Thinking of who is behind the operation, Yi Tian is naturally very concerned.Walking to the seat in the middle, he sat down slowly, stretched out his hand to open the auction list on the table in front of him, and then his divine sense slowly invaded and checked.

Needless to say, this time someone must be eager to get rid of some forbidden items, and the auction house in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas was able to take over this business. There is a reason behind it.

Yi Tian quickly glanced over the list, and soon found that his 'Tongming Jade' jade pendant was placed in the eighth position.There are only ten high-level spirit treasures put up for auction this time. Being able to have this ranking shows that the treasure appraisers here also have a very unique vision for such rare treasures from the demon world.And after 'Tong Ming Yu' is a black pearl named Hailan's Essence.This thing has a great effect on the monks who practice the cold system.I quickly searched the source of this thing in my mind.

The essence of Hai Lan's black pearls is produced at the bottom of the deep sea, and it is the essence condensed by the mussel mother for thousands of years.But it is not of much use to oneself, at most it is used to refine the spirit weapon of the cold attribute.

As for the finale item of this auction, it was directly omitted. Needless to say, this item must be extremely hot, and if it is announced in advance, it will cause some trouble.

At this point, Yi Tian put away the things in his hands and began to think continuously in his mind, making it clear that the mastermind behind the scenes had no good intentions to bring the last thing here for auction.But the Buddhist and spiritual world has always been famous for opening the gates of the mountains and being able to accommodate what others cannot.Naturally, this person wanted to stir up some trouble by doing this, and he might be targeting the entire Buddhist and spiritual world, but I don't know how the Great Leiguang Temple will deal with this matter.

With some doubts, Yi Tian also slowly closed his eyes and sat down quietly. He kept talking about whether the ten days would be long or not, and he couldn't let it go to waste.

After sitting quietly for several days, Yi Tian Shennian slightly noticed that the VIP halls around the top floor of the auction had opened the barriers and lit up the lights.The high-level monks behind the big chambers of commerce should also be present. I remember that when I came here before, I saw that many of them were local chambers of commerce, and some of them were marked with the logo of the demon world.

As for the door in the middle, there is the imprint of the Daleiguang Temple. If you want to come to the site of the master's house, you will still send people to maintain the next order.

Soon the people in the conference venue below entered the venue one after another, and Yi Tian's divine sense passed by quietly and found that they were all people of the Nascent Soul Stage.The VIP boxes on the second and third floors were also lit up one after another. It should be the principals and shopkeepers of the major companies who have arrived.They are also divided according to the strength of their respective chambers of commerce. Some small chambers of commerce can only rent rooms on the second floor.

Soon a voice came from outside the door: "Senior Yi is well, Jiao Lan is here to see you."

Wan Jiaolan, who was dressed in a military uniform, walked in after lightly stretching out her hand to open the ban.Seeing himself, he hurriedly stepped forward and said: "I have seen Senior Yi, this time, the patriarch of the Manjiao Clan, Wan Gang, is on his way to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and it should be here soon."

Frowning slightly, he wants to look like Wan Zhongliu. Although Wan Gang is the patriarch of the Manhorn tribe in the eyes of others, he really doesn't have enough weight in his own eyes.

After seeing her face, Wan Jiaolan hurriedly explained: "The ancestor knew that Daoist Yi should have come to meet him in person, but now the Huangquan guards are in troubled times, so he can only guard inside the guards and have no time to clone. But he also Please forgive Senior Yi for leaving a handwritten letter and entrusting the patriarch to bring it."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's complexion recovered a little bit, and then he asked, "Well, you can arrange everything outside, don't leak my whereabouts." After speaking, he pointed to Yan Wenxiong who was practicing meditation He said again: "He is a registered disciple I accepted in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and he has a great connection with the Huangquan and Nether tribes. In the future, he may have a unique role in business."

Wan Jiaolan hurriedly turned around and glanced over to find a Nascent Soul cultivator sitting cross-legged in the white forbidden halo, but his face seemed familiar and after thinking about it for a while, he blurted out: "This is not Yan Xiaosan, a casual cultivator from the Huangquan tribe in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas." Is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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