
Chapter 2106 Gathering

Chapter 2106 Gathering
In the VIP room of the auction venue, Wan Jiaolan came to visit before the auction started, and also wanted to listen to the teachings by the way.The 'Tongming Jade' jade pendant in this auction is dispensable to Yi Tian, ​​but it is a priceless treasure in the eyes of others.If the monks in the distraction stage wear it for a long time, they can resist the troubles of demons, even the monks in the early stage of integration have a lot of effect.

It's no wonder that Daoist Earth Dragon would carry this jade with him back then, and the things that can show him his fancy naturally have their own uniqueness.

And when Wan Jiaolan entered the VIP room, she naturally found that there was another person sitting cross-legged in the corner, but she opened her mouth and revealed his origin after a closer look.So Yi Tian put a faint smile on his face and then said: "Do you recognize him?"

Wan Jiaolan hastily restrained her surprised expression, and then replied respectfully: "This person's name is Yan Xiaosan, and it is said that he is a branch of the Huangquan clan. His cultivation base is only in the Yuanying stage, and he usually likes to hang out with foreign businessmen in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas." The area specializes in stealing and abducting."

"Oh, it seems that you still know a little bit about him," Yi Tian said with a smile, "The thing about the 'Tongming Jade' jade pendant in this auction is because of him."

"Is there any other purpose for Senior Yi to find this person? I guess it's because of your deliberate effort to get him," Wan Jiaolan asked hastily.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't tell anything about Luo Tianxian Palace, but changed the subject and said: "This person's identity is of great use to me, and I have already accepted him as a registered disciple."

Even if Wan Jiaolan gasped as soon as the words came out, she naturally knew the weight of such words.A look of envy flashed across the halo.This Yan Xiaosan has reached the sky in one step. If he can become a monk in the late stage of integration, he will be able to practice in the distraction stage at worst in the future. If he manages it, his future will naturally be limitless.It's not like she is now, although she seems to have a lot of glory in public, but the backer behind her is just at the beginning of the fusion, and she has no name as a master and apprentice, just the patriarch of the clan.

But Wan Jiaolan still has the experience of observing people in the shopping malls of various worlds for many years. It seems that Senior Yi discovered the secret of Yan Xiaosan, so he put him in the door.

Restraining her envious eyes, Wan Jiaolan hurriedly apologized with a smile, "It's a great blessing for Yan Xiaosan to be able to get into the eyes of Senior Yi."

"I have already changed his name for him, and he will be called Yan Wenxiong from now on," Yi Tian said lightly, "He is a hybrid of the Huangquan clan and the Nether clan, and he can still be called the Prince of the Nether clan, so his identity is naturally unknown. Fake it."

Wan Jiaolan hurriedly covered her red lips and said in surprise, "I don't even know the name of Prince Youming, and only those high-level guards in Huangquan know about this."

"Wan Gang, the patriarch of your Huangquan Clan, also knows, but he won't reveal such a secret matter easily," Yi Tian nodded.

"Speaking of the patriarch, this time he has entered the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and is now heading here," Wan Jiaolan said.

"Okay, then do you arrange to meet here?" Yi Tian asked.

"There are so many people entering the auction venue this time, I think it's better to arrange it in the chamber of commerce. Now the patriarch has entered the VIP hall downstairs," Wan Jiaolan said.

It turns out that the isolation effect of the spiritual sense here is not bad. The people who come here just need to restrain their breath a little or put on some breath restraining equipment, as long as they enter the VIP box, they can sleep peacefully.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian asked again: "How many monks in the fit period who came to participate in the auction this time?"

Wan Jiaolan bowed her head and pondered for a while before saying: "In addition to you and the patriarch, there are also Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe, the city lord in the Ten Thousand Buddhas City, the eminent monk Putian who guards the Daleiguang Temple, the special envoy of the Demon World Chamber of Commerce, and several other casual practitioners."

"Oh, it turned out to be them," Yi Tian showed a thoughtful look on his face.This Yan Qiu of the Huangquan clan had had many entanglements with him, so he did not expect to run into him here this time.Moreover, the main purpose of my trip was to deal with the tyranny of the Nether Emperor. As for the Huangquan tribe, I can put it aside for now. It would be best if I could win them over. No matter how bad it is, don't turn against them to avoid ruining the event.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian asked, "Who is the special envoy of the Demon Chamber of Commerce?"

"I don't know, I just saw a large group of people from the demon world coming from a distance, and they have already reached the top floor of the auction and entered the box opposite you," Wan Jiaolan replied.

Yi Tian turned his head, Zimang flashed in his eyes, his eyes passed through the protective cover of his own room, and he saw the opposite room.It's just that there was a layer of white halo outside the room that blocked his eyes, so he couldn't see the people inside.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and then Yi Tian said lightly: "It seems that this auction is extremely lively, I wonder if they are all here for the last bid?" The auction list was handed over through the air and he asked, "Do you know what is the finale of this auction?"

"Your junior doesn't know, but this time the organizer revealed that the finale is not trivial, and it was brought out from the interface of a space fragment," Wan Jiaolan said, "This junior is just a person who listens to the auction. Introduced, and the seller will be present today."

"Is that so?" Yi Tian's face gradually became serious when he heard the words, people who can take things out of those space debris and get out of the body are not cheap.I didn't expect to meet such a person in the world of Buddhism and spirits. It was a worthwhile trip. To be honest, Yi Tian really wanted to see the demeanor of that monk.Then he asked again: "Do you know the identity of that person?"

"It is said that he is a casual cultivator from the hell world, but I have never found out his true identity. I guess only a monk like the patriarch who has lived in the hell world for a long time will recognize him," Wan Jiaolan said.

"If this is the case, it will be difficult to handle. Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe is also present this time, so he is not allowed to be human." Yi Tian sighed: "For the time being, it is better not to let you and the Huangquan tribe confront each other. Good job, you can discuss this matter with Wan Gang later."

"The junior understands, so the junior will leave for the time being," Wan Jiaolan slowly walked out of the room after finishing speaking.

Unexpectedly, the auction in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas attracted so many monks in the integration period. It seems that the finale of this auction is really interesting.After Yi Tian secretly thought about it, he only heard some commotion in the hall below, and after lightly poking out his divine sense, his face showed a thoughtful expression.

This time, the organizer of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the Daleiguang Temple, unexpectedly sent a precept monk from the Arhat Hall to enter the venue.Some of these monks have at least the cultivation level of the god transformation stage, and they are all led by the precept monks of the distraction stage.

(End of this chapter)

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