
Chapter 2107 Open

Chapter 2107 Open

During the auction in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, a lot of precept monks from the Great Leiguang Temple suddenly entered to maintain order. It was as if there had never been such a battle before the auction.Immediately, the many monks sitting in the hall began to feel restless. They were all only at the stage of transforming gods and nascent soul stage. Facing the precept monks of Daleiguang Temple, they naturally had no power to parry.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a little strange, and many people who were afraid of getting into trouble stood up and prepared to fade away.Most of them are still mainly casual cultivators, and some monks from other worlds are also entrained.

At this time, a loud voice came from the middle of the box on the top floor, and "Amitabha," uttered with the lion's roar, resounded in everyone's ears.Then I just heard the voice say: "I am Pudian of the Great Leiguang Temple, I am here to sit here, I hope all my colleagues will give me some face, as long as you do things according to the routine, and don't have any extravagant thoughts."

As soon as this remark came out, the people sitting below felt at ease, after all, the name of Master Putian, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas City, was there.He is also a person that everyone can trust, this auction will be held by him personally, and with the blessing of these precept monks in the Daleiguang Temple, it is naturally foolproof.

Putian's voice naturally alarmed Yan Wenxiong, who was sitting cross-legged on one side of the box, and hurriedly stepped forward after putting away the halo of restraint around him.Shao Qing showed a look of dread on his face and said: "Master, did the auction this time be a bit big, even the 'Eighteen Precept Monks' from the Discipline Hall of Dalei Guang Temple came, and the city lord personally sat in the town Isn't something big going to happen?"

Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "You heard what Master Putian said just now, as long as you don't make trouble, you don't need to worry about being afraid."

Yan Wenxiong sighed for a while and said, "I didn't expect that in my life, I would be able to auction with the monks of the fusion period. It would be a great blessing if I could get in touch with them at close range."

"Look at how promising you are," Yi Tian said disdainfully, "If you were to sit on the same stage with a monk in the body-fit stage, I'm afraid you might not have the guts to do so."

Yan Wenxiong was full of awe when he heard the words, and said: "Master, you don't know that I have never seen a monk in the integration stage since I was born. When I was in the hell world, I could only see a few monks in the distraction stage at most. Dude, at that time, my heart was already very satisfied."

"Stop gossiping, this time I'm here to wipe your ass," Yi Tian scolded, "I've already asked someone for help, I believe that if there are no accidents, I should be able to get the things back."

"Why does master pay so much attention to that jade pendant? Does it have any special meaning?" Yan Wenxiong asked.

"It's better to take that thing back," Yi Tian replied with a serious expression on his face, without giving any reason, he just gave him a look and then closed his eyes and sat up quietly.

Yan Wenxiong felt bored after seeing it, so he found a seat opposite and sat down.Since I heard from the master that someone has been arranged to help, there is no need to worry too much.

At this time, the low-level monks in the outer hall became quieter, and suddenly many monks in the boxes around them hurriedly replied. Like the god transformation period.

Shaoqing only heard a joking voice coming from the box on the right side of the top floor: "It turns out that fellow Taoist Pudian came here in person, old man Yan Qiu is very polite."

The person who spoke was the patriarch of the Huangquan clan, and his name must have been heard by many monks in the venue.But since he dared to be the first to jump out and reply, he wouldn't be afraid of Pudian, it's just that he had to live with his face.

Then another voice came from the opposite box with a thick voice: "I didn't expect to see you again, Mr. Yan. Your temper has not changed after all these years."

Yan Qiu sneered coldly and said: "I don't know who is opposite, did we recognize it?"

"You don't have a good memory. I'm Xiong Erbao, the special envoy of the demon clan. Back then, you were making trouble in the demon world, but you didn't expect to be bumped into by me again in the Buddhist world."

I didn't expect to meet old friends in the demon world, but with Xiong Erbao's personality, he naturally wouldn't sit and guard the Iron Beast Clan. Being able to come across the border should also be because he found a suitable job in the demon world and came out for a walk. Bar.

Hearing this voice, Yi Tian, ​​who had originally avoided closing his eyes to rest his mind, slightly trembled his eyelids, and then returned to their original state.Yan Wenxiong in front of him didn't notice the slight change, but he asked: "Master, do you know the prestige of those two monks at the fusion stage? They are all very powerful figures, not to mention the patriarch of the Huangquan clan for Yan Qiu , that Xiong Erbao is a big figure who has flourished in the demon world for hundreds of years, and has visited other worlds many times as a special envoy of the demon clan."

"I've heard of it, but as long as you don't provoke them, it's fine." Yi Tian replied indifferently: "You should be very familiar with Yan Qiu, isn't there any reason for him to leave the Huangquan clan?"

"Don't mention it, Yan Qiu, as the patriarch, doesn't care about clan affairs," Yan Wenxiong said, "Actually, it's a matter of civil strife in the Huangquan clan, but all royal children with impure blood must leave before entering the Nascent Soul stage." Sovereign." After finishing speaking, Yan Wenxiong's eyes darkened, his mouth curled up, and he turned his head away angrily, and continued to look at the situation in the arena.

Yi Tian had a slight smile on his face, but secretly said in his heart, "I didn't expect that the Huangquan clan would have such a rule in order to maintain the orthodoxy of the bloodline," and then he snorted a few times and said nothing.

Five lights were lit outside the seven boxes on the top floor of the auction, indicating that five were in use.Apart from the three people just now, there were two other rooms that did not express their views, and the low-level monks sitting in the hall below all turned their eyes to these two rooms, hoping to see if anyone would respond.

For a long time, I only heard a voice coming from the room next to the special envoy of the demon world: "My lord Sanxiu Kun Lingzi has seen all fellow Taoists."

'Kun Lingzi' looks very familiar but he doesn't know where he came from, Yi Tian thought about it secretly but heard the monk Pudian in the middle room say: "So it's fellow Taoist 'Kun Ling', I heard that you are A well-known treasure hunter, this auction will naturally not lack your handicrafts, and my City of Ten Thousand Buddhas will naturally be full of brilliance if you can participate in this grand event."

When Yi Tian heard the words, he realized that the finale of this auction might be found by this person.Moreover, Putian also knows people very well, so he made this statement.

On the contrary, no one spoke for a long time in the room next to him, and Yi Tian naturally didn't want to say anything more, but just kept his mouth shut and stopped talking.

On the other hand, Yan Qiu of the Huangquan tribe said without reason: "Wan Dao is so friendly, he doesn't come out to say hello to the city lord."

As soon as this remark seemed to be intended to provoke a conflict, many monks below saw their eyes shift to the box of the barbarian tribe on the top floor, but after waiting for three breaths, there was still no response.

This appearance seemed a little awkward, but a voice sounded from a box under the top floor: "Old man Wan has just met Master Putian, please bear with me if he is not polite."

After the words fell, everyone's eyes shifted to his box in an instant, but Pu Dian said again: "It's good that you are here, Daoist Wan. I am grateful for the support of all fellow Daoists for this grand event."

Little did they know that at this time, Pu Dian was sitting cross-legged in the middle box with a puzzled look on his face. He stared at the box downstairs for a long time, and then turned his gaze to the barbarian VIP room on the top floor.He murmured softly: "Go and find out who is in the barbarian VIP hall, the person who can ask Wan Gang to give up his seat is definitely not an idle person," the disciples around him hurriedly heard the words exit door.

The auction below Shaoqing officially kicked off. In addition to the items in the catalogue, this main board meeting also specially brought out a lot of middle and low-level spiritual weapons as additions.After all, there were a lot of people who came to participate in the auction, and they naturally missed those high-level items, so it is also a good choice to get something to prevaricate.

First of all, there were a few good-quality ground-level flying sword spirit weapons, and then some pills and precious materials.These things are naturally insignificant in the eyes of high-ranking monks, but the competition among monks below the distraction stage is extremely fierce.

Yi Tian was not interested in this, but Yan Wenxiong watched it with gusto. Normally, he was just mingling among the crowd below, which could not compare to how relaxed and freehand he is now.

Half an hour later, after the transactions of the previous auction items were completed, the monk from the organizer walked up to the central auction stage with a one-foot-sized tray covered with a red cloth.

When the host lifted the red cloth on the tray to reveal what was inside, it was just a simple jade hairpin. It looked like it had been in the spirit world for some years, and the spiritual power contained on it was not strong. The weapon is at most suitable for monks in the stage of transforming gods.

Just listen to the host's introduction: "One of the earth-level spirit artifacts, the phoenix-headed jade hairpin, is missing the other half, so the car is 50 high-grade spirit stones, and the price will increase by [-] each time. Cultivators who need it, please bid."

As soon as the words fell, there were very few bidders, and even the price increase was the smallest unit.

Suddenly a voice came from the top floor: "60."

The speaker's voice trembled a little, as if he lacked confidence, but the people below looked up, especially those monks who were preparing to bid, showing a little doubt on their faces.I had never heard anyone in this room make a sound before, and it was a bit surprising that the sound suddenly came out now.

In the VIP room, Yan Wenxiong spoke directly without reason, which made Yi Tian a little unexpected.Then he opened his eyes and looked at it before saying, "Do you have 60 high-grade spirit stones on you?"

Yan Wenxiong shook his head in embarrassment and said, "I don't have any, but the auction item below is something left by my mother back then. I think about people when I see things, so I made a bid out of desperation."

"Speaking of which, 60 high-grade spirit stones are almost more than the entire net worth of a Nascent Soul cultivator like you," Yi Tian joked, "Could it be that you asked me to borrow it?"

Yan Wenxiong's eyes lit up, and he hurried forward and said, "Master, this time the apprentice has paid homage to the master, but the master is not interested, why don't you just give me the following auction items?"

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, it was his own negligence.Those who accept apprentices as masters always have to show it. Originally, they wanted to give him some spiritual weapons for self-defense afterwards, but now it seems that they don't need it.

He glanced at Yi Tian but said: "It's agreed that since you want this phoenix-headed jade hairpin, you won't have any share in other things."

Yan Wenxiong nodded without thinking, and replied: "It's hard to follow a word, but you won't fool me if you think about it, Master."

It was obvious that Yan Wenxiong was also thinking about himself, Yi Tian smiled lightly when he saw it, and then took out a communication jade slip and wrote down some content, then inspired and sent it out.

After Yan Wenxiong saw it, he asked in surprise: "Master, aren't you going to do it yourself?"

"It's just a phoenix-headed jade hairpin that needs to bother me, just find someone to do it for me," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

The bidding below Shaoqing continued. Although the VIP room above suddenly interrupted at an untimely time, there was no further bidding after that.On the other hand, the monks at the transformation stage sitting in the hall below directly raised the price, from eleven thousand to ten thousand each time, and quickly raised the price to more than 90.

In this way, Yan Wenxiong, who was sitting in the VIP room, also looked ashen, but when he glanced over, he saw the master sitting on the side, and the old god seemed to not take this matter to heart at all.

After a while, the auction price of this phoenix-headed jade hairpin has exceeded one million, even if it is already in the category of heaven-level spiritual weapons.But the two bidders didn't seem to let go of their mouths, and the people present around them were also suddenly respectful.

The two people sitting in the VIP room had different expressions, Yan Wenxiong was slightly worried, while Yi Tian looked relaxed.All of a sudden, a voice came from outside the gate: "The wisdom of Daleiguang Temple is here, please open the door to meet you."

Yi Tian's spiritual thoughts moved slightly and found that it was a monk in the transformation stage standing outside the VIP hall and knocking on the door. He shook his head helplessly and turned to Yan Wenxiong and said, "There are people from the Discipline Hall of Daleiguang Temple visiting, you go and receive them."

Yan Wenxiong's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and his divine sense stretched out to investigate, then his face changed greatly: "Then the person here is the deputy guard of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas here, master, are you making things difficult for someone strong?"

"Why do you have a feud with him?" Yi Tian laughed.

"It's not just a holiday, he's a soldier and I'm a thief, and we often deal with each other on weekdays. This time the master asked me to receive the visitor, I'm afraid I've found the wrong person," Yan Wenxiong said with an aggrieved expression.

"The past is over, now that you have joined my sect, it is a new life, afraid of what he will do," Yi Tian said: "Go and open the door."

Yan Wenxiong felt helpless when he saw it, but under the urging of his master, he could only bite the bullet and walked forward to open the door.

After the door opened with a sound of 'Yah', the monk Zhixing outside said, "Why are you?" Then his spiritual sense swept through the interior, and his expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Excuse me."

Yan Wenxiong didn't know why, then he closed the door and reopened the barrier, and walked back.

At this time, the bidding below has ended, and the winner is a cultivator at the transformation stage with thick eyebrows and big eyes.He happily walked up to the stage to deliver the spirit stones to the host, and then left through the side door with his things.

(End of this chapter)

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