
Chapter 2108 Bidding 1

Chapter 2108 Bidding One
Less than halfway through the auction, this guy Yan Wenxiong made something happen, although it was harmless, but Yi Tian knew that there must be a reason for him to do so.But I'm not unreasonable, and the auction of a ground-level spiritual weapon needs to make a sound in such a VIP hall.

Being seen by others is tantamount to being a live target and will be attacked by a crowd, and I will not expose my identity because of this little thing.So I just took out a communication jade slip and told Wan Jiaolan that she can only send people in the company to handle these matters.In this huge venue, the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce will definitely not send only a few people, and there are many subordinates from the Chamber of Commerce mixed in the hall below.

But there is no need for Wan Jiaolan to come forward for anyone who is interested in it, just order it, and the people below will rush to do it.

Half a moment later, the ban on the door of the VIP room sounded again, and this time there was only a delicate sound transmission: "Jiao Lan Shen."

"Go and open the door, your things have arrived," Yi Tian said lightly.

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong showed a little strange expression on his face. After staring at the master in front of him for a while, his eyes rolled and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Later, he went forward again to open the ban, and saw Wan Jiaolan, the president of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, standing at the door, dragging a black jade box on his left hand.

His face flushed slightly, and then Yan Wenxiong said hastily: "It turns out that shopkeeper Wan came in person, please come in."

"Brother Yan, this thing is for you," Wan Jiaolan smiled and handed over the jade box and said, "In this way, my work is considered complete. Brother Yan, please go back."

Seeing that she didn't come in, Yan Wenxiong was stunned for a moment, took the jade box, saw Wan Jiaolan salute him politely, and then left.

After closing the restraint on the door again, Yan Wenxiong opened the jade box in his palm and swept it with his divine sense.I saw a simple jade hairpin placed in it, which was the one that was auctioned below.A gleam of crystal flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to gently wipe away the tears. At this point, Yan Wenxiong, no matter how stupid he was, realized that he was lucky.

After closing the jade box, Yan Wenxiong hurriedly stepped forward to Yi Tian, ​​knelt down on the ground with a 'plop' and bowed his head, saying: "Master, the apprentice is sincerely convinced, and please take pity on me, master, to support the disciple more in the future." Yes. I was so disrespectful before and invited Master Haihan."

Yi Tian said lightly: "You are finally enlightened."

Yan Wenxiong hurriedly raised his head and smiled: "I saw the performance of the monk Zhixing and the appearance of the shopkeeper Wan just now. I guess the master must be the same as those big monks next door."

"Let's not gossip, you walked away with my jade pendant, do you know how much it is worth?" Yi Tian joked.

This time it was Yan Wenxiong's turn to show embarrassment, and after thinking for a while, he stretched out a finger and said, "Isn't that a high-grade spirit stone worth tens of millions?"

"Why don't we sit down and wait and see, you can directly bid the price later, and we'll see the situation," Yi Tian said, pointing to the vacant seat in front of him.

Hearing the words, Yan Wenxiong hurriedly stepped forward to sit down, then poked out his divine sense and found that the auction of the ten high-level spirit treasures had already started.

Previously, it was the monks sitting in the hall who bid for the auction, but when it was the turn of the heavenly treasure, these people all died down.There will be an unwritten rule in the auction here, the auctioneer's cultivation needs to match the level of the auction item.Therefore, when the phoenix-headed jade hairpin appeared before, those monks above the stage of transformation did not directly attack.

The auction items in front of Shaoqing were divided among the monks in the box below. Yi Tian secretly paid attention to the fact that the monks in the fit period did not start to sell until the fourth auction item appeared.Among them, Wan Gang from the Manjiao Clan, Yan Qiu from the Huangquan Clan, and Xiong Erbao, the special envoy of the Monster Clan, all made frequent moves.

As for the city guard Putian and that Kun Lingzi, they didn't seem to make a move.After repeated bidding, the price of the auction item was directly pushed to the price of more than 3000 million high-grade spirit stones, and many low-level monks sitting in the hall were hooked.

At this time, Yan Wenxiong, who was sitting next to him in the box on the top floor, seemed a little irritable, and the next piece was the 'Tongming Jade' jade pendant.Based on the prices of the previous auction items, I am afraid that the 1000 million offer may not be able to win.

But look at the master sitting on the side, but he doesn't seem to be interested in this at all. At this time, he is sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, and he has no interest in the following things.

Shaoqing only listened to the host on the auction platform below and said: "The eighth item in this auction is the top-quality spiritual artifact jade pendant found by accident, and the material is identified to be made of a whole piece of 'Tongming Jade' A complete jade pendant. If it is worn by the monks in the distraction stage, it can reduce the harassment of demons by more than [-]% during the tribulation, and it can also be used by the monks in the integration stage. "

After finishing speaking, the host waved his hand, and an ascetic monk came up to the auction stage with a square tray in his hand, placed the tray on the stone platform in the middle, and gently lifted the red silk and satin.

Yan Wenxiong, who was sitting in the VIP room, stared at the jade pendant for a long time with his pupils fixed, and then his expression became unnatural.I didn't expect this small thing to be used by monks above the distraction stage, and it has such a powerful effect, so what the host said should be true.

Turning around, Yan Wenxiong's eyes just glanced at the master beside him, and then he quickly restrained himself. He knew in his heart that the disaster that happened this time was not small.

Then the host said: "The base price of this 'Tongming Jade' jade pendant is 500 million high-grade spirit stones, and there is no cap on the price, and the price will increase by [-] each time."

As soon as the words were finished, Wan Gang's voice came from the barbarian box below and said: "The old man offered 500 million, I hope you will give me some face."

Unexpectedly, the voice of Yan Qiu in the box of the Huangquan clan sounded: "Old man Wan thinks that at such a price, that thing seems to be a bit too small for me, 550 million."

Before the words fell, a voice came from the room of the special envoy of the Yaozu: "This thing looks familiar, where did you get it?"

The complexion of the host below changed slightly but he didn't answer directly, and then an invisible coercion directly appeared from the Yaozu VIP hall and swept across all the people on the field in an instant.

Suddenly, the voice of the owner, the city lord Pu Dian, came from the center: "Fellow Daoist Xiong, don't be impatient. The auction here is still in progress. If you have any questions, you can ask later."

In this way, Xiong Erbao slowly withdrew the coercion of his spiritual thoughts and said: "Well, since Master Putian has spoken, I will naturally follow the rules. I, the old bear, paid 700 million, and if he doesn't give face, he will make trouble with me."

Speaking like this, the monks sitting in the whole scene showed strange expressions, and many of them secretly rejoiced that after waiting for so long, they finally got to the big scene.

Unexpectedly, there was another weak voice from the VIP room on the top floor: "1000 million high-grade spirit stones," the voice was obviously pulled onto the shelves with a crying voice to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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