
Chapter 2109 Bidding 2

Chapter 2109 Bidding II

The auction of the last three items was going on in the venue, and it was no longer the turn of those low-level monks to open their bids at this time.The ones who can speak out are the top monks in the upper box. There are only five monks in the combined period who are visiting today. Except for the city lord, Master Pudian, the other four may participate in the auction bidding.

According to the personality of Xiong Erbao, the special envoy of the demon world, the spirit stone is a matter of little face and a great deal of face. If you say it, the water that is spilled will naturally count.And after he raised the price, an unknown junior directly raised the price of the jade pendant by 300 million spirit stones, which simply didn't take him, the special envoy of the demon world, seriously.

It's just that Master Putian spoke beforehand and Xiong Erbao didn't want to lose face to the other party, but this face still needs to be recovered.I only heard a burst of wild laughter coming from the VIP room on the top floor: "It's been a long time since no one dared to disturb my old bear's tiger beard. Are you brave enough to be the boy on the opposite side? Don’t dare to be so rampant, report to your teacher and let me see who you are, otherwise I think my subordinates will definitely not mind asking you to compete in the ring here.”

As soon as this remark came out, the monks in the hall below naturally moved their eyes to the outside of the box on the top floor. Fortunately, there was a halo of restraint that blocked the situation inside, otherwise Yan Wenxiong might have been under the direct gaze of these people. Can't even stand still.

In the VIP box, Yan Wenxiong was sweating profusely and staring at the person sitting cross-legged next to him with a flushed face.There is panic in the eyes, you know it is not fun to be missed by a monk in the integration period.What's more, people have already provoked by name and surname. If Yan Wenxiong didn't speak out, he might lose his momentum, but now he doesn't dare to speak again no matter what.Big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he said in a trembling voice: "Master, I have already bid according to your request, and I will leave the rest to you."

When Yi Tian heard the words, he gave him a blank look and said: "Look at your cowardice, you are afraid of being like this after being threatened a few times."

"But the other party is an old monster in the fusion period of the special envoy of the demon world," Yan Wenxiong whispered.

"This is the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, are you still afraid that he will really make a move?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Besides, why would you allow someone to bully others at the venue even if the city lord, Master Putian, came today? "

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong calmed down a little, thought for a while and asked: "Then Master, I don't know how to deal with it next?"

"You solve the problem yourself, not to mention that people have already named you to talk to you," Yi Tian said lightly: "And I have already told you how to deal with it, and you will not let me down if you think about it." Bar."

"Then master, you want me to punish the special envoy of the demon world to death, right?" Yan Wenxiong said angrily.

"Where will it happen?" Yi Tian said with a relaxed face: "At this time, you can use your strength to fight, and occupying the righteousness will make that Xiong Erbao have nothing to do."

Yan Wenxiong showed disbelief all over his face, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet under the majesty of his master. Luck Dantian said in a trembling voice: "This time the auction price is the highest. I only act according to the price, let alone today. Since the Lord of the City is close, everyone must abide by the order of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas."

Yan Wenxiong said these words with all his strength, and after he finished speaking, he felt the soles of his feet fluttering.Then he sat there paralyzed, turned his head and said with aggrieved expression: "Master, I said this according to your wishes. You don't want to throw your arms around and leave me here alone."

"Look at your prospects." Yi Tian shook his head and said, "Your words today are well-founded. I think Master Putian, the guardian of Wanfo City, will definitely not let the special envoy of the demon world do anything wrong."

As soon as the words fell, a voice came from the box in the middle of the top floor: "This little friend is timid, but the poor monk thinks what you said is reasonable. Today, you are not right about people. Everything in the auction is made of spirit stones." I have said the bid, and I hope that you can restrain yourself for the rest of the words."

The words inside and outside the words are a bit helpful, and the people below all have a knowing look on their faces.As for Xiong Erbao, he didn't say anything more, the scene was silent for a while, and the host secretly got an opportunity to see the timing and shouted: "Well, it's the first time for 1000 million, is there any more bids?"

After the words fell, the voice of Yan Qiu in the box of the Huangquan clan came out again: "After being reminded by fellow Daoist Xiong, I also found that this thing came from something strange. It should be something worn by the real dragon of the dragon clan in the demon world. That Daoist Earth Dragon has long been cleaned up by the Huojiao Clan, and he never thought that his treasure would fall into the Buddha Spirit Realm. I'm offering 50 million, so I believe the price should be about the same."

"You have a bit of vision, well, I won't argue with you about this item anymore. Speaking of which, the price is already a little high, and I'm not a fool," Xiong Erbao said.

"Thank you so much, Chengren," Yan Qiu replied without losing his grace.

"60," Wan Gang's voice came out again in the barbarian box below: "I have a nephew who got into trouble recently, and I need a decent gift to send to the master to make amends. If you don’t mind, Yan Daoyou, please give up.”

These words were so eloquent that Yan Qiu couldn't argue anymore on the scene.Later, I heard him reply: "Since that's the case, I can't give you the face of Fellow Daoist Wan. Let's just expose this matter."

Just when everyone thought it was settled like this at this time, who would have thought that Kun Lingzi suddenly said: "I think this thing has a lot of background, and I will pay 100 million. I hope that Taoist Wan will forgive me."

In this way, the calm atmosphere on the scene became dignified again. For a mere piece of jade pendant called 'Tongming Jade', the four monks in the integration stage competed to bid. There must be something unknown behind this.

Everyone in the hall who was intercepted by Kun Lingzi expected that Wan Gang of the barbarian tribe was naturally upset, and they were all waiting to continue watching the good show.After all, Yan Qiu, Xiong Erbao, and the others have powerful clan forces behind them. If they got into trouble with the family background, he, a casual cultivator with no roots or foundation, would naturally not be feared by others.

It's just that Wan Gang didn't seem to intend to increase the price, but just replied lightly: "Since fellow Taoist Kun Lingzi likes it, then I should stop."

At the same time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the box next to the top floor, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the box where Kun Lingzi was for a long time, thinking secretly in his heart.Then he took out the communication jade talisman and wrote down some information, which was inspired and sent out.

(End of this chapter)

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