
Chapter 2110 The reason

Chapter 2110 The reason
The auction has reached such a point that the monks in the fit stage bid for a while, and Yan Wenxiong interrupted it, but in the end, Kun Lingzi came out on top.People have different attitudes towards this matter, in fact, a mere 1000 million high-grade spirit stones is just a drop in the bucket for them.But everyone has their own plans, as for those who don't know what's going on, they want to throw stones and ask for directions, and want to find out why the person who has been keeping Zhemo in the top box suddenly made a sound.

Moreover, a junior in the Nascent Soul stage would never open his mouth at will, and it would be even more impossible if there were no body-fit stage monks behind him.

Their original intention was to find out who was behind this, but who knew that the kid just used his strength to move out Master Pudian, the lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas City, to uphold justice, which made them lose their minds.

In the private room, Yan Wenxiong had a relaxed expression on his face, and now this matter has nothing to do with him, since someone came out with a sideways attack, it was naturally transferred to other places.

And Yi Tian stared at Kun Lingzi's box surprisingly, and didn't say a word for a long time.

Shaoqing only heard movement at the restricted area at the door behind him, then turned around and said: "Wen Xiong, go and open the door so that you can invite the other party to come in and sit down, don't be rude."

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong stood up hastily, then walked to the door, gently opened the restraint and pushed open the door, only to see a strong man who happened to be at the door and had not had time to knock on it.

A sharp gaze swept over Yan Wenxiong, only to feel that he had been completely seen through, and even the spirit body of the Nascent Soul hiding in the Niwan Palace was clearly seen by the other party.After being shivered all over, he could only bite the bullet and say: "Dare to ask your lord what is the matter?"

"It turns out that you are the one who messed up the situation, but it looks like your bones are quite strong," Yan Wenxiong's face changed suddenly when he said the words. The voice he heard during the bidding just now was the deity of the special envoy of the demon world, Xiong Erbao.

Yan Wenxiong, who was stared at by a monk in the fusion period for a long time, only felt that he seemed to have been a human being in two lives for a moment.

Shaoqing just listened to Xiong Erbao's spiritual thoughts and said, "Go in and talk," and walked in first after speaking.

Yan Wenxiong hurriedly closed the door and closed the restraint, followed in hastily, and then stood beside the master and waited respectfully.

Seeing that Xiong Erbao stepped forward carelessly, found a vacant seat in front of him and sat down like that, then looked him up and said: "I knew it was not easy, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Didn't you have a good time in the demon world during this time, and now you have changed your identity after practicing," Yi Tian joked.

"Don't talk about it," Xiong Erbao said angrily: "This special envoy of labor and capital to the demon world is all pushed by Jiuxianshan Xuanjizi to push me to the top. Speaking of it, I may not be willing to do it."

"It is estimated that your elder brother should be very happy to see this matter," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Xiong Erbao spat and said, "He's happy to see the success, but he's made me suffer."

"You are sloppy by nature, so it's for your own good to find something for you to do," Yi Tian said.

Unexpectedly, Xiong Erbao said disdainfully: "What's the point of being in the demon world all day long? It's not as fun as fighting at your place. I heard that the battle didn't last long. I guess you must be behind it." It will come to this point. And I haven’t heard many rumors about you, which is in line with your personality.”

Listening to Xiong Erbao talking with his master as brother and brother, Yan Wenxiong, who was standing aside, was naturally awe-inspiring.At this moment, he knew in his heart that his master should at least be at the same level as Xiong Erbao in front of him, but he didn't understand why he happened to bump into him at the market.Yan Wenxiong's actions under the slight change of complexion naturally couldn't be hidden from the two sitting.

Xiong Erbao raised his head and looked at Yan Wenxiong, who was in front of him, and asked, "Is he your new apprentice?"

"It's just a registered disciple. I have a founder disciple who is currently cultivating in the sect," Yi Tian replied indifferently.

Xiong Erbao turned to smile and said, "Your boy is really lucky to be able to worship under Brother Yi's name. Those who want to come to worship Brother Yi as a teacher in the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit can line up from the south gate of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to the north. The door is open."

Yan Wenxiong hurriedly replied respectfully: "That's the master, his old man's eyes are like a torch, please forgive me for how much I offended you earlier."

Yi Tian said: "Wen Xiong, go to the side and rest for a while, and I will notify you when I leave."

After Yan Wenxiong understood, he hurriedly walked to the position where he sat cross-legged before, sat down by himself, opened the restriction barrier and began to practice.At this time, his face was filled with excitement, and he generally knew that his master's strength and nature were at the bottom of his heart.

Seeing him like this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and waved his Dao halo to cover him, then turned around and asked, "Why did you come to the Buddha and Spirit World for no reason this time?"

"Isn't it for this auction?" Xiong Erbao replied helplessly, "Do you know what this finale item is?"

Yi Tian shook his head and took the auction catalog in his hand and said: "The auction has not been announced directly."

"That's for sure. They have done a good job of keeping secrets. If Yishun had not sent me a message, I would not have known about it," Xiong Erbao said angrily, "It is said that the finale item of this auction is the 'Kun Lingzi' The true soul of a spirit beast found in a different dimension."

"Does it still need to go to war for the true soul of a mere spirit beast?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Then you don't know something," Xiong Erbao took out a compass the size of a palm and held it in his hand with a serious expression. After lightly pouring demon power into it, a figure slowly emerged on the compass.

When Yi Tian saw the real face of that figure, his complexion changed slightly, and he showed an unbelievable expression on his face: "How could you have something to do with him?"

"There is a wisp of 'Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul' that was banned back then. It didn't change much at first, but after coming to the demon world, there was movement, and it became a little irritable. It seems that it sensed some other remnant souls of the same kind. exist," Xiong Erbao said: "You also know that these things are the most feared by the demon world, so Jiuxian Mountain sent me as a special envoy to deal with this matter."

"It is reasonable to say that the real body of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao has been banned long ago. Could it be that there are other remnant souls in the thing that Kun Lingzi brought out from the alien space," Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"I don't know about this, but it's true that the soul-controlling compass can sense it," Xiong Erbao said, "If it's not the rest of the remnants, how can we explain it? Besides, Senior Chibeard is also afraid that someone will use these remnants To cause trouble, so before leaving, I specifically asked me to treat this matter with caution and try to find out the truth of this."

This is really getting more and more interesting, Yi Tian thought to himself, but heard that the ninth auction item outside has been sold, and the next step is the highlight.

(End of this chapter)

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