
Chapter 2111 Mutation

Chapter 2111 Mutation
Since the items in this auction involve the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao from the previous dynasty of the Demon Realm, it is no wonder that Xiong Erbao came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas under the banner of righteousness.It's just that Yi Tian was quite puzzled as to why Kun Lingzi would find such a spirit beast's true soul after exploring different time and space.

And it doesn't make sense, if that's the case, why didn't he use it himself and instead took it to the auction here for auction.

With all kinds of puzzles in his heart, Yi Tian turned his gaze to the auction venue below.At this time, the atmosphere in the venue should be instigated to the highest point. A small cart with a radius of one foot was slowly pushed into the venue under the escort of four monks, until it reached the auction platform in the center.The small car was also covered with a red cloth, and the surrounding spirits were all isolated.

After the car came to a complete stop, the four monks simultaneously used the object control technique to move the objects on the car to the round platform, and the surrounding area had already been covered with a formation barrier, which should be a formation such as the Spirit Sealing Formation. After the 'bang', the entire auction stage shook, one could imagine the weight of the thing under the red cloth.

At the same time, a stream of white cold air slowly overflowed from under the red cloth, and the monks near the central auction stage retreated one after another. Wherever the cold air went, white frost condensed on the ground.

The host of the auction looked like he was in a state of distraction. At this time, he also had to cast a white halo to protect his body, and then said: "This is the last auction item. The head of the tenth-level ancient tyrannosaurus that the senior found from the alien space. Although the tyrannosaurus is dead, but it was sealed in the ice for thousands of years, so the head is very intact. Senior Kun Lingzi wants to exchange it There are two heavenly spirit weapons, preferably one for attack and one for defense."

After the words fell, the host stepped forward and gently lifted a corner of the red cloak, and a large amount of white cold air gushed out from it.At the same time, in the venue, several spiritual thoughts quickly swept across and then swept across the inside. I believe that within a short period of time, these spiritual thoughts can already check out the things placed inside.

Later, the host directly covered the red cloth in his hand and let the cold air overflow again.Then he turned to the top floor box and said, "Seniors, please bid."

After the words fell, the surrounding hall was silent, and now it was not the time for these low-level monks to take action.At best, they were just watching the excitement, and the host's intention was very clear to ask a few monks in the integration stage to bid.

After less than ten breaths of silence, only the voice of Wang Gang in the box below said: "This old man has released a heaven-level spiritual weapon 'Smashing Universe Hammer' and a protective spiritual weapon 'Ice Scale Armor'. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Kun Lingzi is interested? "

As soon as the words came out, the low-ranking monks in the hall began to whisper among each other, and many of them who knew the goods or knew the inside story showed envy.

It was Yan Qiu from the Huangquan clan who interjected: "Old man Wan, your protective spiritual weapon 'Ice Scale Armor' is only of mid-level heavenly grade, and it is still a little far from what Fellow Daoist Kun Lingzi asked for. My other members of the Huangquan clan It’s nothing, there are still a few heavenly-level spiritual weapons. The old man released two pieces, the ‘Ten Jue Dao’ and the ‘Inverted Scale Armor’, both of which are top-level spiritual weapons. I hope Fellow Daoist Kun Lingzi will consider them.”

What he said was also secretly using his true power, so Kun Lingzi, who was behind the defensive membrane in the VIP room, should have heard it clearly.

Before the master could reply, the voice of the monk Pudian came from the box in the center of the Daleiguang Temple on the top floor: "The poor monk brought out these two spiritual weapons, the 'Nine Scepters' and the 'Galan Bowl'."

Yan Qiu who was on the side suddenly interjected: "Master Putian miscalculated this time. I know that although the kung fu practiced by fellow Taoist Kun Lingzi does not conflict with the Buddhist kung fu, it can't be said that they complement each other. Although the quality of the master's spiritual weapon is It is superior but not as good as his skills."

This is also true, and many monks present can naturally understand that no matter what the quality of a spiritual weapon is, if the attributes match the skills, it will definitely double its power.As for the non-conflict between the attribute of the skill and the spiritual weapon, it is slightly better.

But Kun Lingzi seems to be still waiting, and now only the special envoy of the demon world, Xiong Erbao, has not spoken, so he must be waiting for him to speak.

Sure enough, after ten breaths of silence on the scene, I heard Xiong Erbao's voice saying: "Old Xiong doesn't have any good goods here, only a 'Kirin Soft Armor' and a pair of 'Kirin Claws'. This is a spirit that integrates offense and defense." Although there are three pieces of utensils, they can only be regarded as a complete set."

After hearing this, all the people at the scene showed anticipation on their faces. After all, no matter whether the product is good or not, the host still has to personally inspect the product to verify the authenticity, so as to convince everyone present and prevent black-box operations. possibility.

It's just that Xiong Erbao's voice didn't come from his Yaozu box, but from the room where the low-ranking monks who were bidding were on the top floor.

Many people showed doubts on their faces, but Wan Gang, who was sitting in the middle of the box of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce below, shook his head helplessly and said: "How can that idiot Xiong Erbao know how to refine weapons? Friends Yi Dao will help us There is no need to worry about anything.”

Wan Jiaolan, who was standing on the side, hurriedly agreed and asked, "Isn't the patriarch going to pay a visit?"

Wan Gang smiled and shook his head and said, "What's the rush? Since Daoist Yi took the initiative to seek our cooperation this time, there is no need to worry. But have you checked out the details of his new apprentice?"

Wan Jiaolan hastily replied respectfully: "He is a half-breed of the Huangquan tribe who has been in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas for a long time. His name is Yan Xiaosan, and now he is renamed Yan Wenxiong."

"Is that all?" Wan Gang said with displeasure on his face, "With his eyesight, he would never do such a thing lightly. There must be some secrets that we don't know."

"Then Jiaolan will go to investigate again," Wan Jiaolan hurriedly replied.

"No need, you go prepare a gift and find a chance to give it to that kid," Wan Gang waved his hand and said, "In any case, it will be useful to establish a good relationship before he grows up, and it will be useful if the kid's wings are hardened. If you want to get close to him again, you will have to spend more than ten times the cost."

"Jiaolan understands," Wan Jiaolan replied hastily.

And the auction bidding in the outside world seems to have come to an end, although everyone is quite interested in when Xiong Erbao changed the box.But most of everyone's attention was still on Kun Lingzi.A little later, I heard him say: "I am very interested in the bid of Fellow Daoist Xiong." With a final word, the ownership of this auction item was directly finalized.

Suddenly, in the hall below, there was a burst of spiritual pressure fluctuations, and the intensity reached the level of the fusion period.In such a short distance, he teleported to the stage, reached out and grabbed the head of the ancient tyrannosaurus and put it into the storage ring.In the hall, two other extremely strong spiritual pressure fluctuations flashed and flew forward to join the man, and after breaking through the door on one side, they went straight out.

(End of this chapter)

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