
Chapter 2112 Tracking 1

Chapter 2112 Tracking One
Everything in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the monks from all sides are also very disciplined.Everyone knows that as long as you don't make trouble and follow the established rules, you can live in peace here.

Therefore, the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas has always been orderly, but in order to maintain its reasonable status, the Daleiguang Temple still sent monks in the integration stage to lead many disciples to garrison here.

It's just that the monks sent by these precept halls are just decorations under the situation of always being orderly, and those monks from other races have no chance to witness the strength of Daleiguang Temple.

Although this auction was only organized temporarily, Master Putian who was stationed in the city personally visited and brought a group of monks from the Discipline Hall to create a safe and reliable situation for people.At the same time, it can also be regarded as a deterrent to Xiaoxiao, even those monks in the integration period among those alien races dare not break ground on the head of Tai Sui.

It was unexpected that such a dramatic scene appeared at the end of the auction this time.The spiritual pressure fluctuations on the three monks who sat in the hall suddenly exploded were extremely unstable.The people around looked at it and hurriedly hid aside, so as not to be affected by the fish in the pond.

And the monks in the Discipline Hall around them were all above the stage of transformation to the stage of distraction. When they saw someone blatantly jumping out to smash the scene, they naturally let go of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies and directly shot to stop it.

What I never expected was that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the three of them had increased infinitely, and their cultivation bases had skyrocketed from the transformation stage to the distraction stage, and there was no sign of stopping.It didn't stop until the spiritual pressure fluctuation stabilized at the state of the initial fusion.

Such a group of precept monks all around did not dare to act rashly. The development of the matter to such a bottom is beyond the scope of their control.

Immediately, they could only watch helplessly as he rushed forward to the auction stage and snatched the 'Ancient Tyrannosaurus Head' directly.In just three breaths, the center of the auction stage turned into a mess, and the wind from the three people directly knocked all the monks on the stage to the ground, and even the host of the distracted period Everyone was shocked back dozens of steps and fell directly off the stage.

Things have come to such a point, with Pudian's personality, he can't bear it any longer. A wave of spiritual pressure in the middle of the fusion leaked out from the middle box, and then swept across the audience, overwhelming the low-level monks below. gasp.

"He Fangxiaoxiao dares to cause trouble in my City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and you dare to use puppet charms to control three innocent casual cultivators. Why don't you dare to do it if you hide your head and show your tail?" Just as the words fell, a golden aura broke through the door in front of the VIP hall. The ban suddenly rushed out.

The three people below joined forces directly without looking back, breaking the restriction on one side of the auction venue between casting spells and filing out from it.Its speed didn't need to be slowed down much by Pu Dian, the spirit pressure fluctuation on the leader's body seemed to be slightly raised to the point of the middle stage of fusion, and the two behind him turned into Dao Escape Light and fled away quickly.

At this time, Xiong Erbao, who was sitting in the VIP room, shouted angrily: "These foreign monks have eaten up their hearts and leopards. If they dare to make trouble in front of the general guards in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, they may have found the wrong people. I, the old bear, can't suffer from this, let's catch up quickly."

"Wait a minute, don't you think it's a bit strange at this time?" Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "The strength of the three people just now is only at the stage of transforming gods, and they have been affixed with puppet charms and blended into a trace of the soul of the controller. The strength has skyrocketed like this."

"I don't need you to tell me, I know that this is all controlled by someone behind the scenes," Xiong Erbao said disdainfully.

"These three are just 'abandoned sons'," Yi Tian said solemnly, "I'm worried that something will happen after this."

"Then what should we do now?" Xiong Erbao asked hastily.

"Respond to all changes with the same," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the room where Kun Lingzi was. "This master is the most suspicious, and I want to have a good chat with him."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw that the light outside Kun Lingzi's room had gone out, which confirmed that this person had left.In today's auction, he has already got two favorite spiritual artifacts, and the auction items were lost in the hands of the monks of Daleiguang Temple, so it has nothing to do with him.Speaking of which, the worst loss this time was that Xiong Erbao should not be said to be Yi Tian himself, who took out a spiritual weapon to exchange for no reason, but unexpectedly, the bamboo basket fetched water in vain.

And the reputation of Daleiguang Temple was also damaged. It is natural for such a thing to happen under the command of its own territory.

If it is said that Master Putian was transferred, there are still many monks from Daleiguang Temple in the city. If you need high-level monks, you only need to send a message to the sect, and a large number of masters will come to help.

Yi Tian thought for a while and felt that something was wrong, and then hurriedly asked: "Do you know what is going on in Daleiguang Temple now?"

Xiong Erbao thought for a while and hurriedly replied: "It seems that Abbot Yizhen is giving a lecture at the altar, and it is the first time that such a grand occasion has been presided over by him after taking over as abbot."

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain," Yi Tian said without reason: "Will there be any ceremony in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas recently?"

"There are no special ceremonies going on in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas this time, and we are just going to watch the ceremony at the Leiguang Temple after Abbot Yizhen's lecture," Xiong Erbao said around his head. A monk in the integration period is probably also invited."

After hearing this, Yi Tian raised his brows slightly, and then took out a measuring instrument to fiddle with it a few times, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "That Kunling son has moved, and now he is rushing towards the east of Ten Thousand Buddhas City. I Take a step first, you help me take care of my apprentice."

"Wait, how can you do such a good thing without me, let's go together," Xiong Erbao argued hastily: "As for your apprentice, I will just ask my subordinates to take care of it."

Knowing his character, he finally came to the Buddhist world and suddenly encountered such a thing, so he naturally refused to let it go, Yi Tian also nodded helplessly, then took out the message jade talisman, wrote down the message, and sent it out.I have an urgent matter to leave now, but Yan Wenxiong also needs to find someone to take care of him.

It would be more appropriate for the Yaozu people to keep him in the Barbarian Horn Chamber of Commerce, otherwise a half-breed of the Huangquan tribe mixed up in the team of the Yaozu special envoy would be very eye-catching and attract others' attention for no reason.

After explaining the situation to Xiong Erbao, he naturally knew how to arrange it.After three breaths, a group of Yaozu monks rushed to the door of the room, opened the barrier and filed in, guarding Yan Wenxiong.

Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao looked at each other, and then disappeared in place in a flash of inspiration.At the next moment, the two of them used the concealment technique and went out of the auction venue directly. Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction and said, "Come and follow, the imprint I left on the spiritual weapon is hidden, but it cannot be sensed if it is thousands of miles away." .”

(End of this chapter)

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