
Chapter 2113 Tracking 2

Chapter 2113 Tracking II

Yi Tian has a habit of leaving hidden marks on the spirit weapons he has refined, and usually only people with higher cultivation bases than himself can discover its location.But it is not easy to eradicate it, and the monks who are lower than themselves naturally have no way of noticing it.In terms of one's own cultivation alone, the only ones who can remove these imprints are the Mahayana period or those monks of the same rank.

It's just that these imprints also have a limited range, and it is more difficult to sense them after thousands of miles.After leaving the auction venue, Yi Tian noticed that the induction strength of the imprint was rapidly weakening, indicating that the loose cultivator Kun Lingzi was moving away from his position.

Without even thinking about it, after a flash of inspiration all over Yi Tian's body, he flew up into the air and chased towards the sensing position. Xiong Erbao who was at the side also knew how to use the escape technique and hurriedly followed behind.

After ten breaths, the two flew out of the jurisdiction of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Yi Tian deliberately noticed that the flight path of Kun Lingzi was exactly the opposite of the direction that Pudian monk left.The truth of this is naturally self-evident, but the speed of the other party was found to be significantly faster during the investigation of the divine sense.

At the moment, Yi Tian is also secretly lucky to increase his escape speed by [-]%, so that he can catch up with the opponent in a short while.On the other hand, Xiong Erbao was not good at flying and was pulled down a lot in an instant, his face was so angry that he yelled and hurriedly said: "Don't be so fast, I can't keep up."

Yi Tian frowned slightly and had no choice but to comfort him: "I will leave a tracking mark along the way, you can follow along slowly, don't let that Kun Lingzi run away."

After talking about Yi Tian's body, the spiritual light appeared again, and the whole person turned into a light and flew straight forward, and Xiong Erbao was no longer visible behind him in ten breaths.

After meeting Kun Lingzi at the auction this time, Yi Tian felt something was wrong in his heart.It's just that I can't tell where the problem is.After flying in the air for about half a day, he suddenly found that Kun Lingzi, who was chasing ahead, suddenly lowered and slowed down.Immediately, Yi Tian took out the map and began to check the location. From the map, it can be seen that this place is millions of miles away from the sect of Daleiguang Zen Temple.

The map clearly marked a place called 'Crime Cliff' within a thousand miles ahead.

Looking at the name, it doesn't seem like a good place. After exploring the past with divine sense, Kun Lingzi seems to have penetrated into it.Flying to the sky above the 'Sin Domain Cliff', Yi Tian saw that the surrounding defensive restrictions had been broken, and many monks who were in charge of guarding were far away at this time, surrounded by the air and dared not enter. The frightened expression was obviously shocked by the sudden appearance of the monk Kun Lingzi in the fusion period.

Yi Tian took a closer look in the air and found that there was a passage in the crime cliff from the mountain to the ground.Three hundred miles around here are surrounded by mountains, but the surrounding of the 'Sin Yuya' is just a lonely peak of thousands of feet.

Needless to say, this is definitely not a good place. Obviously, many criminals from the Buddhist and spiritual world are imprisoned here.But Yitian was quite puzzled in his heart why there was not even a prison warden who was a monk in the integration stage.It was unexpected that Kun Lingzi was only a monk in the early stage of fusion, but he could run amok here.

After scanning the surroundings with his divine sense, he found that there seemed to be a large formation on the 'crime cliff'. At this time, the formation pattern had begun to flicker slowly from bottom to top.It should be that the formation was activated, and several formation nodes were shining in the surrounding mountains of [-] miles.Yi Tian fixed his eyes and sighed in his mouth: "What a great handwriting, here is a large-scale array blessing, it seems that the people detained below are very powerful."

Without any hesitation in his heart, he took out two messenger jade talismans and wrote down the message, then he stretched out his hand and sent them out, and then Yi Tian flashed a spiritual light all over his body to restrain the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, and then he fell headfirst.It flew straight along the passage leading to the bottom, and after three breaths, it came to the interior of the 'Sin Domain Cliff'.

Spiritual Mind slowly stretched out to investigate. At this time, there were not many monks left in the entire mountain, and most of these people gathered together and relied on the formation nodes to guard and defend.

That Kun Lingzi couldn't restrain the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body after sprinting in the mountains, so Yi Tian easily followed his trail all the way down.After walking down the mountain road, I came to the passage under the ground, and instantly felt the temperature around me began to drop sharply.

I thought to myself that this prison should be built in a huge icy cave, and walked quickly for a little while, guessing that I had already penetrated more than ten miles underground.

I passed by ice prisons in these four weeks, and there were various monks who were frozen in them.From the ascetic monks of the Buddhist sect to the monks of other worlds, the cultivation level ranges from the early stage of transformation to the late stage of distraction.

After reaching the bottom of the passage, it suddenly became clear that there was a ten-foot-large stone room, and a layer of white frost appeared on the surrounding stone steps.There are three passage entrances right in front, with the words 'Cold Prison, Ice Prison and Water Prison' written on them. '

At this time, the restriction on the door of the ice prison seemed to be forcibly broken, Yi Tian was about to follow up, and suddenly found that the traces around here were different, and carefully scanned with his spiritual sense to confirm that the color behind it changed slightly.In addition to Kun Lingzi's remaining aura, there is also an aura that is slightly weaker than his. Unexpectedly, he even found a helper.

Yi Tian subdued the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and walked up quietly, but he felt a slight vibration coming from below, which should be Kun Lingzi's attack.

Going down the stairs of the 'Ice Prison', Yi Tian didn't dare to walk in a hurry so as not to be noticed.After a short while, he finally reached the end of the passage, and a gust of extremely cold wind forced him to use his protective mask to resist.

Immediately, the divine sense found that in the ice room at the end of the passage, there seemed to be the impression left by the spiritual weapon on Kun Lingzi's body.

After going down, I walked out from the passage and found that there was a huge space inside, an ice room with a radius of about one hundred feet.At the end of the ice room stood two monks, one of whom was wearing unicorn soft armor was Kun Lingzi, and beside him stood a seemingly ordinary monk of a foreign race.But Yi Tian smelled a familiar smell from him, but he couldn't think of who he knew for a while.

On the ice wall, a skinny foreign monk was dumped and locked inside, leaving only a head and hands outside.

The worst cultivation among the three is that the foreign monk is as strong as the late stage of distraction, while the frozen foreign monk is as strong as the mid-stage fusion.

There was no sound transmission in the conversation between the three, so Yi Tian stepped forward quietly and listened quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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