
Chapter 2121 Reminiscing about the past 1

Chapter 2121 Reminiscing about the past one
This time I met Xiong Erbao in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and before the two of them had time to chat about the auction, drastic changes took place.Xiong Erbao was not running fast after cooperating with Kun Lingzi, so he could only let him come later, but he hurriedly used his evasion technique to catch up.

When he was at the 'Sin Yuya', Xiong Erbao had to practice with Kun Lingzi, but it was a pity that he directly restrained Kun Lingzi under his own control.

To put it bluntly, Xiong Erbao didn't seem to have had enough of that shot, but there was still monk Zhixing at that time, so Xiong Erbao didn't have any more chances to make a shot, so he could only watch helplessly as he took Kun Lingzi directly into custody.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cave, Yi Tian glanced over and saw Xiong Erbao staggering in, approaching the empty seat in front of him, and then stopped.After sitting down, Xiong Erbao raised his head and turned to stare at himself for a while before saying: "I haven't seen your strength improve by leaps and bounds for so many years, and you have reached the stage where I am far out of reach."

"Er Bao, don't be melancholy. I think you have been to Jiuxian Mountain. I guess Senior Chibeard has given you some advice, right?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

When mentioning the red-bearded spirit ape, Xiong Erbao's face turned serious, and then he smiled embarrassedly: "It's all thanks to you. When you were in the demon world, you and Jiuxian Mountain cooperated many times to solve the crisis of the demon clan. You returned to the spirit world with Great Sage Wu Ye, so you don't know the situation in the demon world."

"Oh, let me tell you about the changes in the demon world after I left," Yi Tian asked with a smile on his face.

"After Yan Peigong and Emperor Yuanhao's Remnant Soul Rebellion, the original structure of the demon world is no longer suitable for the current needs," Xiong Erbao said: "In the past, it was a situation where the two clans of the Huojiao and the Huofeng clan fought against each other, but after After Senior Red-bearded Spirit Ape came forward to mediate, the two major races also sat down and released their authority."

"That's right, it seems that Senior Red-bearded Spirit Ape also spent a lot of effort to get these two families to sit down and talk willingly," Yi Tian said.

"The territories occupied by the two clans remained unchanged, and the subordinate monster clans did not change too much," Xiong Erbao said, "Then the various races in the beast clan stepped onto the stage one after another, and began to develop the unexplored areas of the demon world. The Huojiao and Huofeng clans will not forcefully interfere with this."

"In this way, if these two families stay in the same place for tens of thousands of years, it will be difficult for them to form a dominant situation," Yi Tian sighed.

"Isn't that right, so regarding the prospecting and development of the new territory, the two suzerains agreed not to come forward, but the sub sects below took action. This way, the excessive power of the Huojiao and Huofeng clans can also avoid other beasts The family can't benefit from the situation," Xiong Erbao said with a smug expression on his face.

Needless to say, the iron-eating beast clan has benefited a lot from this transformation of the demon world, and Xiong Erbao has naturally learned a lot of vertical and horizontal skills after spending so long with him.

Yi Tian thought for a while and asked: "I guess if you don't make a move, you must have made a lot of money once you make a move, right?"

Xiong Erbao smiled embarrassedly and said, "How could that be? I just joined hands with the Red-bearded Spirit Ape Clan and the rest of the Spirit Ape Clan to explore the depths of the demon world."

"You did a good job on this. If you can pull the suzerain of the senior red-bearded ape, other clans will definitely be afraid of you in the future." Xiong Erbao looked at him with admiration, he didn't expect that he would now weigh the pros and cons and take advantage of the situation to indirectly pull all the senior red-bearded spirit ape onto the boat.

Speaking of this, Xiong Erbao said calmly: "This time I came to the demon world just to relax, but I didn't expect to meet you at the auction. I heard that you secretly took care of it when the evil disaster in the spirit world was in chaos. There are quite a few people, let’s hear what’s going on among them.”

Knowing that he was curious, Yi Tian explained some hidden details of how he took action in the disaster.Naturally, it was much more detailed than what Tong Wanjiaolan had said, and then he told about his transaction with the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, and also told the full background of the Yan Wenxiong he found.

After hearing this, Xiong Erbao also had a longing look on his face. With his personality, it would be his life to follow the rules all day long.After listening to it, Xiong Erbao patted his chest and said: "Since you are here this time to deal with the madness, then just ask me if it is useful to me."

Yi Tianbai took a look at him and smelled his words, and then said: "You can't stay in the world of Buddha and spirit all the time, right? What I'm doing now needs to go to the hell world and even go deep into the netherworld. If you follow I'm aiming too big."

"Don't you have an apprentice with you?" Xiong Erbao said disdainfully, "I'm not a burden like your apprentice. Speaking of which, I haven't been idle all these years."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to form a seal, and his whole body shone with dazzling light. After three breaths, the outline of the human figure shrank again, and finally became the same size as Lingxiu himself.After the halo faded, he revealed a young spiritual cultivator about 30 years old. If the evil spirit on his body was removed, he was almost no different from a normal human race.

Moreover, Yi Tian also noticed that there seemed to be faint traces of Buddha power golden light on him, although it was not obvious, it was already in its infancy.Immediately he asked, "Have you also worshiped in the Great Leiguang Temple?"

"No, like those monks eating fast and chanting scriptures all day long, I can't afford that crime," Xiong Erbao replied with a wave of his hands.

"Then how did you get the Buddha power in your body?" Yi Tian asked curiously.

"Actually, it's Tuo Yishun's blessing," Xiong Erbao said around his head, "I have met him a few times in Daleiguang Temple, and he gave me a copy of Prajna Kuchan and a copy of Beast Spirit Transformation exercises. , said that it can refine the monster energy on my body. I reluctantly used it to practice for a while, and the effect is not bad, and I can evolve the horizontal bone again. Now as long as I don’t make a move, no one can see that I am a monster clan.”

"That's true," Yi Tian nodded and said, "The Prajna Kuzen is so boring, but you are quite wise if you can read it down and practice it to a small degree."

"I heard that you taught Yishun the exercise. I just wanted to see it, but I didn't expect to practice it now and the effect was beyond my expectation," Xiong Erbao said with a smile.

"In this way, I will teach you another set of mystical powers of the 'Tianlei Eight Sounds', which may have unexpected effects when combined with your bear roar," Yi Tian reached out and took out a blank jade slip and quickly wrote on it Under the mysterious supernatural powers.After ten breaths, it was checked that it was accurate before handing it over.

(End of this chapter)

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