
Chapter 2122 Reminiscing about the past 2

Chapter 2122 Reminisce II

After talking with Xiong Erbao, Yi Tian faintly realized that it seemed that he was also secretly practicing the Buddha sect after being influenced by Yishun.Speaking of which, the Buddhist sect's skills also have merits. For the monster race, it can not only completely cover up the monster aura on their body, but also strengthen their innate supernatural powers.In fact, I am also very happy to see this matter. After all, the improvement of Xiong Erbao's strength will also be a great help to me.

That's why Yi Tiancai taught him the Buddhist supernatural power technique 'Tianlei Eight Sounds' that he had studied painstakingly for many years.

After Xiong Erbao took the jade slip, he spread it in his palm and passed it quickly, then raised his head and asked doubtfully, "Will you be able to recruit Yishun?"

"I didn't teach it to him, but I left the rubbing copy of this exercise in Da Lei Guang Temple," Yi Tian replied lightly, "Is there any problem?"

"That's good. I was just thinking that that guy Yishun has now entered the ranks of the eight-step Heavenly Dragon Protector of Daleiguang Temple, and his cultivation level has improved extremely fast. I don't want to be left behind by him," Xiong Erbao said. Said.

"Everyone has their own circumstances, and your future achievements may not be much worse than his." Yi Tian saw the worry on Xiong Erbao's face, and then he easily explained: "But you must not give birth to a heart of comparison, so secretly The evil spirit will have a great influence on your future advancement to tenth level."

After hearing these words, Xiong Erbao's face also changed a lot, and then he sighed and said, "Actually, I have met Yishun three times in the past hundreds of years, and I can notice a huge change in him every time. Speaking of which, I His strength is still above him, but now that his cultivation base has been promoted to the middle stage of integration, I have privately measured that he is on par with him. In another thousand years, I am afraid that his cultivation base will be far behind better than me."

It turned out to be this, but Yi Tian smiled and said: "Actually, don't worry too much. Although his practice of Buddhist sect skills will be a bit slow at first, after hundreds of years of accumulation, he will inevitably reach the stage of accumulation. If If you can uphold your original intention and progress step by step, your future achievements may not be worse than him."

"I hope I can lend you a good word," Xiong Erbao said with a smile after putting away the jade slip in his hand.

After the two sat down for a while, Yi Tian changed the subject and asked, "How much do you know about the madness in the Netherworld?"

Speaking of the business, Xiong Erbao was naturally respectful, bowed his head and thought for a while before saying: "Although this person is a Mahayana monk in the nether world, he is the most weird one among all the Mahayana monks."

Yi Tian frowned slightly and asked, "How weird?"

"Although this man is a Mahayana monk, no one has ever seen his real body," Xiong Erbao said, "And as far as I know, his avatar will appear in various worlds from time to time, as if he is looking for something. of."

"As expected," Yi Tian said with a solemn expression, "If I say that Luan Kuang is searching for the scattered souls living in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, do you believe it?"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it," Xiong Erbao said with a flash of light in front of his eyes: "I have visited the foreshadowing city lord and met the monk Zhixing, so I have heard and seen some things more or less, and now I hear you say it. No wonder."

That's the case, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "I suspect that the ultimate goal of Luankuang is to restore the real body of the previous Emperor Youming. Of course, the first step is to collect the original scattered souls."

"Isn't Luan Kuang himself the strongest spirit in the first place? It's just that he's evasive and cautious, so it's not easy for us to attack," Xiong Erbao said.

"Indeed, as you said, Luan Kuang will send his clone to attack every time, but his main soul is hidden in the depths of the nether world and cannot be found." Yi Tian thought for a while before saying: "So I want to find The location of his main soul needs someone to guide the way."

"Someone leads the way, his avatar will not be obedient." Xiong Erbao looked at him meaningfully, and then grinned: "It seems that there will be a good show this time. Tell me about your plan."

"Originally, I couldn't lead the snake out of the hole by myself. Fortunately, there is a huge opportunity in front of me," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Isn't that right, with my help, there will be no success," Xiong Erbao said with a smug expression on his face.

Yi Tian hastily corrected and said: "I mean, I met Master Zhixing, who was reincarnated from a more powerful bundle of scattered souls from the former Emperor Youming. Now that he has entered the Buddhist gate, his xinxing has been influenced, Naturally, you can cooperate with us."

"You want him to take him to find Luan Kuang, isn't that a sheep going into a tiger's mouth, and if he loses his life then it will be a waste of water with a bamboo basket," Xiong Erbao said puzzled.Turning around to look at Yi Tian's face, there was a determined look on Yi Tian's face, then he rolled his eyes and patted his thigh and said, "Could it be that you want Monk Zhixing to be a bait to hang the crazy clone out?"

"You've finally come to your senses?" Yi Tian said with a smile: "This time I took a timely action to stop the mad plan, but I believe he will not stop there. Although Pei Tie's soul has been absorbed by him, but Monk Zhixing, as a monk in the middle stage of integration, his soul power is far from comparable to that of a monk in the distraction stage like Pei Tie, so Luankuang will definitely think of a way."

Xiong Erbao shook his head and said: "But if he failed last time, then monk Zhixing must be surrounded by strict guards after returning to Daleiguang Temple, and Luankuang will definitely not act rashly."

"So this time we have to set up a scheme to lure him into the urn," Yi Tian gestured with his hand, "Since Monk Zhixing didn't give the chance to the madman in the Da Lei Guang Temple, then we will create an opportunity for him .”

Xiong Erbao's eyes flashed and he hurriedly asked: "The plan will be settled, so what should we do next?"

"I have already told Master Zhixing about the method of reincarnation tracing, and because of his personality, he will definitely seek the method of reincarnation in order to purify the soul and escape the shackles of the previous emperor Youming," Yi Tian said.

"Then you mean to wait until the frenzied avatar looks for him after the reincarnation of Monk Zhixing?" Xiong Erbao asked tentatively.

"That's almost what it means, and Master Zhixing will not fall into other planes after practicing the reincarnation tracking method, so what we have to do is to become his reincarnation protector and guarantee to send his deity back In the Great Leiguang Temple," Yi Tian explained.

"At the same time, design to capture the avatar sent by Luankuang to this world," Xiong Erbao added: "Then let his avatar try to find his true deity, right?"

"That's right, it's basically the same as what you said, but this matter requires the consent of the person concerned," Yi Tian suppressed the smile on his face and said, "I will personally go to Dalei Guangchan for this matter. The final decision can only be made after the temple talks with Master Zhixing."

"Then what do I need to do?" Xiong Erbao asked hastily: "I can't miss such a good thing."

Yi Tian thought for a while before looking solemn and said: "Second treasure, you should be familiar with those monks of other races, so you should release the news that Master Zhixing is going to Minglun Temple. I want to stay in the Buddhist world There is more than one eyeliner inside, and they will definitely do everything possible to pass the news back."

"Then what's the use of it?" Xiong Erbao asked puzzled.

"Although the technique of tracing reincarnation in Minglun Temple is a secret technique of Theravada sect, it is not a hidden thing," Yi Tian said with a flash of light in his eyes: "With the knowledge of madness, one or two of them will definitely be guessed. , I just want him to be aware of it before he can take the initiative to attack, so that we can reap the benefits."

"Then what if Luan Kuang didn't guess right?" Xiong Erbao said without reason: Aren't we wasting time setting up such a big game for nothing?
"Don't worry, I'm making two-handed preparations," Yi Tian waved his hands and said, "It's fine if Luankuang doesn't enter the urn, just take it as a ride to Master Zhixing, and then take him back to Daleiguang Temple safely." .We have nothing to lose, but let Daleiguang Temple owe a favor, so why not do it?"

Xiong Erbao thought about it again and again and nodded in agreement. This kind of planning is not his specialty, but Yi Tian also entrusted him with the task.With his status as the special envoy of the demon world, he naturally has many opportunities to deal with other races, so it is not difficult to pass the news to Luan Kuang who is far away in the nether world.

After sending Xiong Erbao away, Yi Tian stood up and went straight out of the cave.The original meeting with Wan Gang can be put on hold for now, there are more important things to be dealt with right now.

Yi Tian turned around and went directly to the City Lord's Mansion in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas after sending out the Dao Communication Talisman.There, I have Pudian waiting for me.

Figures flitted in the air one after another, Yi Tian's cultivation base can be said to be the strongest person in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.Even the distracted discipline monk who was in charge of vigilance in the city lord's mansion couldn't detect his whereabouts after using the concealment technique.

Flying through several checkpoints all the way, the figure finally stayed outside a cave in the depths of the city lord's mansion.As soon as he stepped down, he heard the barrier in front of the cave opened, and a common voice came from inside, saying: "Junior Brother Yi is here, please come in quickly."

Putting his hands together, Yi Tian hastily said: "Senior brother Pudian is really powerful, you noticed where the younger brother was when he arrived."

After speaking, he jumped into the restraint, and after three breaths, the restraint closed again, and there was no sign that anyone had been there.

Yi Tian entered the interior and walked through the promenade of the cave to the first stone room. At this time, Pu Dian was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the stone platform, looking at himself with his eyes.

Going up to Yi Tian, ​​Jishou said again: "I haven't seen Brother Pudian for many years, don't come here and be safe."

"Junior Brother, sit down," Putian said, pointing to the empty stone futon in front of him.

Yi Tian strolled forward and sat down on the stone futon, then glanced at Putian in front of him, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he bowed his hands and said: "Congratulations, brother, you have made a further step in your cultivation. Compared with but When I met Nian in the demon world, I went to a higher level."

In fact, Pudian has already touched the bottleneck of the later stage of fusion at this time, and with his cultivation base over the years, he can overcome it in one step as long as he encounters some opportunities.

But Putian sighed when he heard the words: "Compared with you, junior brother, my cultivation level has improved quite slowly. I still remember that when you came to Daleiguang Temple thousands of years ago, you were just distracted. Now his cultivation base is still above mine."

"Senior brother, don't be fooled. I have also experienced the journey to the devil world, nine deaths and a lifetime of tempering to enter the state of integration." Yi Tian replied with a humble look: "I have also gone through the civil strife in the Lihuo sect and the spiritual world. It was only after the Demon Disaster War that the cultivation level was raised to such an extent."

"Everyone's cultivation is due to their own chances, and this cannot be forced," Putian said with a smile, "I don't know why my junior brother came to my City of Ten Thousand Buddhas this time. You won’t leave the sect easily, will you?”

Speaking of business, Yi Tian revealed the original main purpose of the trip. When he talked about what the second elder of Huangquan guards, Huo Ruilin, did, Pu Dian frowned deeply, and his mouth also sighed for a long time.

Then Yi Tian briefly described all the things he encountered after he came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the most important of which was the meeting of Master Zhixing in the 'Sin Domain Cliff'.This thing also revealed all kinds of speculations about the madness of the Nether Emperor.

Pu Dian was a little surprised and surprised when he heard Pu Dian at the beginning, but his complexion became more and more serious as he went forward.It is very difficult to deal with a Mahayana cultivator. The biggest problem now is that he has not found out the secret of the savage deity.

After Yi Tian finished speaking, Putian thought for a while before saying: "Actually, I have also investigated what you said. In fact, the identity of the current Emperor Youming is suspicious, and he has never appeared in front of the world as his real body. , so this is also a mystery."

"Then with senior brother's knowledge, do you ever know the truth about that madness?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"It's hard to say," Pu Dian shook his head and said, "Even Master can't say anything about this, let alone me."

"Master Huisheng?" Yi Tian asked in awe when he heard the words: "Could it be that even the monks in the Mahayana period can't detect the frenzied deity entity?"

Putian nodded slightly and said: "I have also asked Master about the situation of Mahayana monks in all realms, and among them is the Emperor Youming of the Nether Realm. The original words of the Master are' this person is in the Nether Realm There must be a reason why he can't stay in a snail's nest. It's a pity that the nether world is the lowest layer among the nine worlds of the upper spirit. Even a Mahayana cultivator would not be able to find out the exact location of his deity when he came out.'”

"So that's the case, have any Mahayana monks ever been to the Netherworld?" Yi Tian turned around and asked.

Putian shook his head first, and then he seemed to remember something and said, "It seems that only the great sage of the demon world, Bao Tan, has ever set foot in the Netherworld. Others, such as your master or my master, have not been there."

"Really, Demon Saint Bao Tan has also been there," Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, but he began to think secretly.Unexpectedly, Uncle Wuxiang is so powerful that he has even been to the Netherworld, where no other Mahayana monks have ever set foot.It is also unknown that Luan Kuang will definitely have a private agreement with him.

 Thank you fellow daoist, Mr. Training Jue, book friend 20190920224619163, a big sun, book friend 20200102025726090, and deep sea 2013 for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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