
Chapter 2123 Meeting Guests

Chapter 2123 Meeting Guests
The turmoil at the auction in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas was quickly quelled. This place was originally a gathering place for monks of the Buddhist sect, and monks who dared to come here to make trouble had to weigh it carefully.

Not long after the incident, the City Lord's Mansion issued an announcement, stating that those foreign casual cultivators who took action were all executed on the spot.As for the stolen 'Ancient Tyrannosaurus Head', it was also recovered and returned to the special envoy of the demon world.

At that time, it was indeed Xiong Erbao who won the auction at the auction, so the ownership of this item was naturally indisputable.

However, there are gossips in the market that Kun Lingzi, a casual cultivator, has joined the Buddhist sect. Although this is not a big news, it has different interpretations in the ears of interested people.Usually those monks who have committed crimes will be included in the Buddhist sect, but they only claim to be worshiped in the sect to the outside world.

As for what happened to the recovered 'ancient tyrannosaur head', few people care about it, and most people have nothing to do with it anyway.

But in the depths of Yaozu's post station, Xiong Erbao sat on the hall and looked at the message in his hand, his face sank, and Mo Lai cursed: "Fuck it, everything is returned to the original owner, everything is given to you!" Emperor Youming took it away furiously. Pu Dian also likes to pretend too much at this time, so he will become a good man, and we will be the ones who suffer in the end."

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the side, was not surprised by this at all, but comforted him and said: "Don't be too persistent, I think what Brother Putian did is reasonable, so naturally you don't need to worry about it Pregnant."

"You made the thing, so the 'Ancient Tyrannosaurus Head' should also be given to you, so I'm arguing for you," Xiong Erbao said with an old-fashioned expression.

"If you lose something, you can find it again, and Kun Lingzi has already been sent to the Daleiguang Temple, and the unicorn soft armor on him has naturally been confiscated," Yi Tian said nonchalantly.

"You have a big family and a great career, and you don't even look down on a heaven-level spiritual weapon," Xiong Erbao said.

"There's no need to pursue this matter any further. Brother Topdian will take care of the rest of the matter. If there is news, we will leave immediately," Yi Tian said lightly.

The two were chatting, and suddenly the halo of the restriction outside the hall fluctuated, and Xiong Erbao hurriedly stretched out his hand and opened a gap in the restriction.There was an aura flying out of it, and then it fell straight into the air a foot away from Yi Tian's face and stabilized.

Reaching out to take the aura, Yi Tian spread it out in the middle of the length and looked it over carefully, and after taking three breaths, he frowned and said with relief: "It's done, Master Zhixing has left for the Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain. "

"Seeing that you are so happy, does the plan come to fruition?" Xiong Erbao asked hastily.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian smiled and said, "I'll let Brother Pudian talk to Master Zhixing first, as long as he goes to Minglun Temple, he can easily find the method of reincarnation of the gods, and then he can do it after performing reincarnation." Step two."

"Then how do we cooperate in this matter?" Xiong Erbao asked hastily, obviously finding out something interesting after hearing this.

"One word 'wait'," Yi Tian waved his hands and said, "Now we need to be a little patient. With Master Zhixing's comprehension, I expect that he will be able to thoroughly comprehend the magical secret technique in just one year. As for when to use it The art of reincarnation depends on his own determination."

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go to Minglun Temple now, ask him how to find his next life before he escapes into reincarnation, and then we can go directly," Xiong Erbao said eagerly.

"Don't worry, the rightful lord hasn't arrived yet," Yi Tian said calmly, "I want you to release the news, how are you doing?"

Speaking of this, Xiong Erbao also has a complexion and hurriedly replied: "You can rest assured that I have leaked the news from different channels in batches. This time, I found some suspicious hell monks in advance and exchanged information with them. news."

Hearing this, Yi Tian also nodded in satisfaction. Alien monks from the nether world usually buy them under the guise of alien monks from the hell world because their attributes are too restrained by the power of Buddhism.If the news is forwarded to the monks in the hell world, it is equivalent to indirectly informing the people in the underworld. It should not be difficult to obtain information from the savage eyes and ears of the emperor of the underworld.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian turned around, restrained the lazy look on his face, and said, "I have something to do for you."

"What is it, it would be great if we can make a move," Xiong Erbao said with excitement on his face.

"Release all your people to closely monitor those new faces who came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, especially the alien cultivators from the nether world and the hell world," Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "As long as you have a few supervisors, you don't want to startle the snake."

"I know about this," Xiong Erbao hurriedly replied, "But if there are too many ordinary monks, I don't have many manpower to mobilize to keep an eye on them."

"You just have to do your best," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while, "It's not easy to track down Luan Kuang, but I know someone will know. Maybe I can find out if I go to negotiate later." method of tracking."

"You're going to find someone from the Horn tribe to find a solution," Xiong Erbao tentatively asked.

"Didn't you see that I was in contact with the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce a long time ago, isn't it obvious," Yi Tian said.

"I guess you may have found the wrong person for this matter," Xiong Erbao frowned and said, "If you really want to search for people in the Netherworld, you should find the Huangquan clan. I haven't heard of it."

Yi Tian's face tightened when he heard the words, which was slightly different from his original idea.If it is true what Xiong Erbao said, then I have to think of a way.Moreover, Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe is not easy to get along with. He suffered a lot of secret losses from him back then, and according to the situation in the auction, it seems that Yan Qiu and Wan Gang from the Manjiao tribe are also a bit wrong.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian also sighed helplessly and said: "Try it, it's up to people to do it, it would be best if there is a tracking secret technique, if not, then we can just sit back and wait."

"I heard that the momentum of the Manjiao tribe's rise in the past few years is not weak. That Wan Gang has already reached the middle stage of integration, and there is a faint tendency to fight against the Huangquan tribe in the hell world," Xiong Erbao suddenly mentioned: "Although There is not much conflict between the two clans now, but I guess sooner or later there will be a big fight in the hell world."

It doesn't need to be said by Xiong Erbao. After summing up with Wan Zhongliu, he realized that the rise of the barbarian tribe was unstoppable.As the original overlord of the hell world, the Huangquan clan naturally would not sit back and watch them threaten their position just like that.Nowadays, the relationship between the guards of Huangquan is still maintained, so the two clans will live in peace, but once Han Wenjing grows up, the new heir of the Nether Dynasty will definitely lean towards the Barbarian clan, and the situation will become even worse. Complicated.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian only felt that the development of the matter was somewhat unexpected, but fortunately, he could still control it now.As long as you are furious in the world of Buddha and spirits, you can't do whatever you want. As for the relationship between the Manjiao tribe and the Huangquan tribe, it is very delicate, and you have to negotiate with Wan Zhongliu before you can make a decision.

Then he got up and explained to Xiong Erbao, then took out the communication talisman, activated it, and sent it out.The next moment, his figure slowly turned into nothingness, and after three breaths, the whole person disappeared in place.

A moment later, Yi Tian turned around and came to the 'Faci Temple' in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. This is the place specially set up by the Daleiguang Temple in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to receive high-ranking monks.The surroundings are handled by the monks of the Precept Hall, and no special invitation letter or token is allowed to enter.

On weekdays, there are no people here, only the ascetic monks from the commandment hall are stationed here, and it is also a place to receive many foreign wandering monks to place orders.

I have consulted with Senior Brother Putian before, and he strongly recommended me to come here.

Entering the temple, Yi Tian showed the token at the door, and the monks who were in charge of guarding the monastery naturally looked awe-inspiring when they saw it, and then hurriedly led the way.After ten breaths, Yi Tian came to a secluded and secluded courtyard, and after the precept monk had retired, he walked in leisurely, found a seat in the gazebo of the courtyard and sat down.

It didn't take a while for the spiritual thoughts to move slightly, and found that several people were rushing towards this place, and the spiritual pressure fluctuation on the leader's body was slightly worse than his own, so it should be Wan Gang from the barbarian tribe.

As for the spiritual pressure fluctuation with the strength of the Nascent Soul stage following behind him, it should be Yan Wenxiong.He had entrusted it to Wan Jiaolan before, and this time he followed suit.

Shaoqing saw that the monks in the temple greeted the two of them. When they came to the door, after Wangang's spiritual thoughts swept over, Jishou bowed to the people in the pavilion in the garden: "I have seen you, Daoist Yi."

"Friend Daoist Wan is here, please come in quickly," Yi Tian also stood up and saluted.

Yan Wenxiong, who was behind Wan just entering the room, was about to come in, when he suddenly heard Yi Tian's voice: "Master please take my disciple to rest somewhere else, I have something to talk to fellow Daoist Wan."

Hearing this, the Zhike monk hastily said: "I would like to follow the order of Sect Master Yi, and please follow me, Fellow Daoist Yan."

Yan Wenxiong was slightly startled, and then realized that this was an occasion for the monks in the integration period to negotiate, and it was not his turn to intervene.Now that the master had spoken out, he naturally didn't dare to disobey any more, and after stretching out his hand to worship, he could only retreat and leave slowly with the monk Zhike.

After Wan had just stepped into the gazebo, Yi Tian reached out and opened the barrier, and then took out a pot of peach wine and filled two cups.Picking up a cup casually, he made a toast and said, "I haven't seen Daoist Wan's cultivation improve a lot for many years, so I'm really happy to congratulate you."

Wan Gang hastily took another cup, then saluted and said: "Chengyi Daoist auspicious words, in comparison, your improvement in cultivation is astonishing, and now I am afraid that the cultivation in the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm can surpass yours." There is no one on the right."

"Friend Daoist Wan is amazing," Yi Tian said, pointing to the seat in front of him, signaling him to sit down first.It was only later that he asked, "Where is the unknown Wanzhongliu Daoist friend now?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wan Gang of course knew that he was referring to something. This time, he originally meant to meet Wan Zhongliu by name, but the real master didn't come.After hearing this, Wan Gang's face remained unchanged, and then he stood up, cupped his hands and saluted, "Forgive me, Daoist Yi, but at this time, the ancestor was in the guard of Huangquan and couldn't escape, so he sent me here."

"Oh, I wonder what happened to the guards of Huangquan?" Yi Tian asked in surprise.It stands to reason that among the guards of Huangquan, there are a few great elders who sit in the guard and should not be able to make any big tricks.It's just that Wan Gang's appearance doesn't seem to be fake, so Yi Tian's heart was shocked and he wanted to ask exactly what caused Wan Zhongliu to be dragged down.

On the other hand, Wan Gang's face remained unchanged, and then he took out two jade slips from the storage ring and flew over, saying, "Please Daoist Yi read through these two jade slips in turn, and then you will know the details of the matter."

"Why are there two copies?" Yi Tian asked in confusion, "Could it be that Wan Zhongliu wrote two things on it?"

"I don't know about this, but the ancestor said that Yi Daoyou knew it after reading the information in it," Wan Gang said seriously: "And it is sealed with a unique secret technique, so I haven't read it either. Pass."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian knew that Wan Gang was just running errands, but he didn't know what news Wan Zhongliu left him in the letter.

After taking the first copy, I glanced at the seal, only to see that the bright golden seal was intact on it.After gently sacrificing spiritual power to break the seal, Yi Tian put the jade slip on his forehead and quickly immersed his spiritual thoughts in it.

I saw that Wan Zhongliu roughly described in it that because the second elder, Huo Ruilin, died in the battle of the demon disaster in the spirit world among the guards of Huangquan, the internal forces of the guards of Huangquan became unstable.Now there is an urgent need for Wanzhongliu to sit in and stabilize the situation internally. In any case, Wanzhongliu is already invincible with the trump card of Yanwenjing in his hand. The most important thing at present is to maintain the overall situation.

Yi Tian also sighed after reading this Jade Slip Biography: "It's really difficult for Fellow Daoist Wan. I didn't expect that there would be such a situation among the guards of Huangquan. I just don't know where the great elder is now. Why didn't he come out to cooperate with Fellow Daoist Wan? ?”

Wan Gang shook his head and said, "Actually, no one has ever seen that great elder except for the ancestor, so I have no way to talk about it. There is still a letter for Yi Daoyou to read together. The ancestor said That’s the big deal.”

After listening, Yi Tian's eyes flicked to the next jade slip, and then a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.Obviously, the two jade slips were not written by the same person. The spiritual pressure fluctuations from the seal left on the seal of the second jade slip seemed familiar to me, and it should be the handwriting of someone who had seen it before.

After staring at it for a while, he was in a trance for a while before he recognized the source of this spiritual pressure fluctuation, which was the second elder of Huangquan Guard, He Ruilin.Needless to say, this jade slip must have been left by him and asked Wan Zhongliu to entrust it to him.

He stretched out his hand to break the seal on the jade slip, and then read it quickly with his spiritual thoughts immersed. During this period, Yi Tian's face did not change, but his eyes also flashed with a trace of brilliance.

After ten breaths, he sighed and said, "I know about this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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