
Chapter 2125 Information

Chapter 2125 Information
After hearing Wan Gang's words, Yi Tian's face became extremely heavy. Speaking of which, it was hundreds of years ago that he fought against the mad clone.Back then when I met him on the Wuleng Mountain in the Demon Realm, the two sides had a big fight, and I used attribute restraint to beat the opponent to nothing.

At that time, Liang Zi had already formed a knot, and it is absolutely impossible to be good now.I remember that when I fought against the first clone of Luan Kuang, the strength of the opponent didn't surprise me too much.It was not until the killing and frenzied main body noticed that he took back the divine sense on his avatar.

Yi Tian remembered that he had an indescribable feeling at that time, and now in retrospect, there are indeed some problems.Since Luan Kuang was one of the most scattered souls of the former Nether Emperor, his strength cannot be restored to the extreme before he has collected all the complete souls. Even if the souls are repaired completely, he still needs a matching physical body.

Yi Tian is also convinced of this, but he actually has as many as three clones.Moreover, the most powerful of the three clones can almost match their current state.From this point of view, the strength of Luan Kuang's true self is not trivial, but it is exactly like this why Luan Kuang just hides in the Netherworld.

There are also the guards of the underworld who can fight against them in the Netherworld. If you say that the majesty of the monks in the Mahayana period cannot be violated.This nether world is the lair of madness. As the saying goes, a couch bed cannot allow others to snore. If there is such a power of the underworld guards under your nose, how can you easily let them go.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help but fell into deep thought. To make the guards of Huangquan exist in the Netherworld for tens of thousands of years, this madness is big enough.

There must be hidden secrets that are unknown, or the Huangquan guards are so powerful that they can win a place under the ferocious eyes of the nether world.In other words, he himself is not as strong as he imagined, and his real body is restricted from being able to attack with all his strength, so he can only frequently ask his avatar to come forward to solve the problem.

And these avatars couldn't completely eradicate the Huangquan guards because of their lack of strength, which caused the current stalemate in the Netherworld.

Then he asked, "Have you ever met that savage clone?"

Mentioning this, Wan Gang seemed to have a look of fear on his face, and then he replied: "I have seen that Nether boy from afar, and I have not had any positive interaction with him. Instead, I have had a relationship with his second clone, Biluo Yaoji. A meeting. I remember that time because I was dragged by Yan Qiu of the Yellow Spring Clan to walk with that Biluo Yaoji for a while."

"Oh, that wild second clone turned out to be a daughter," Yi Tian hurriedly asked, "But I don't know how strong it is?"

"At least it is at the level of the middle stage of the fit. Compared with Yan Qiu, there are more than three points on the wall," Wan Gang sighed: "I remember that when we all went to the depths of the Netherworld to look for the 'Tears of Naraku', Biluo Yaoji once made a move." Twice. Its strength is still fresh in my memory."

"You don't need Daoist Wan to spoil your own prestige," Yi Tianhaosheng comforted, "Based on your current cultivation base, compared with that Biluo Yaoji, even if you are not far behind, it's not far behind."

Wan Gang turned his face straight and said: "To be honest, even with my current strength, I may not be the opponent of the Biluo Yaoji. I am afraid that only Jiazu can stabilize him. It is also slightly inferior, I am afraid that only a strong monk like Daoist Xiang Yi can deal with that Nether boy."

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard this, and then asked, "Is this your own guess?"

Wan Gang shook his head with a wry smile and said, "This is what my ancestor told me, so it's useless to deal with Luankuang with my own strength. We have to wait for Fellow Daoist Yi to help us."

"Could it be that Wan Zhongliu said it himself?" Yi Tian asked with a cold snort.It is estimated that Wan Zhongliu should have received the last message from Hearuilin, so he made this statement, but he took action against Yukuang just out of guilt for Hearuilin and did not want to crack his Dao heart.But one thing is one thing. Yi Tian doesn't want to be used as a gunman, so this kind of dealing with the madness is completely based on his own feeling, and he will never be like Wan Zhongliu. to go.

Sensing the subtle change in his tone, Wan Gang hastily explained: "My ancestors have something to say, Yi Daoyou is a close friend of the alliance of Huangquan guards, and one of the most important helpers in establishing a new Nether Dynasty. In the future, even me Whether the barbarian tribe can rise in the hell world will depend on the help of Yi Daoyou. So naturally, I will do my best to help Yi Daoyou achieve success, but I will do my best to handle it when I am assigned."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face softened a little, and after thinking for a while, he said: "As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy wins a hundred battles, since you have met that Bi Luo Yao Ji and You Ming Boy before, I'll trouble you to collect more information about them , it is best to find their whereabouts."

Wan Gang thought for a while but said: "Biluo Yaoji often appears in the Nether Realm. After all, she is now in name to watch this world on behalf of the savage. As for the Nether Boy, there is nowhere to find his traces, to be honest. No more than one slap in the face of the monks in the fusion period in the entire nether world have seen him."

"Then it seems that you have to spend some effort on Yan Qiu of the Huangquan clan," Yi Tianzhi said.

Speaking of Yan Qiu, Wan Gang's face darkened and he said: "Since I entered the middle stage of integration, I can obviously feel that Yan Qiu has begun to alienate, and the relationship between the two clans has also become increasingly tense."

"That's natural, your two clans were originally dominating the Hell Realm, and now your Horn Clan has already posed a threat to his Huangquan Clan. I believe that Yan Qiu is not a fool, so he won't give you a good face," Yi Tian said. laughed.

"This matter is the trend of the times. If our Horn tribe wants to rise in the hell world, we will definitely fight against the Huangquan tribe," Wan Gang said. Instead of showing decadence, his face was a little eager to try.

Yi Tian changed the subject and asked, "Since Wan Daoist has seen that Bi Luo Yaoji make a move, I wonder what kind of magical power she is using?"

"The Nether Ghost Fire," Wan Gang said in a deep voice, "It's just that I feel that the Nether Ghost Fire cast by the Bi Luo Yaoji seems to be somewhat similar to your Spirit Realm Lihuo Palace's kung fu, at least in terms of the method of casting it."

The pupils in his eyes froze, but Yi Tian asked tentatively, "I wonder if you, Wan Daoyou, have ever seen my supernatural power from the Fire Palace?"

"I've seen Lihuo's second elder Hanliu attack before, and it feels a bit similar to Biluo Yaoji's method," Wan Gang explained.

(End of this chapter)

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