
Chapter 2126 Arrangement

Chapter 2126 Arrangement
After Wan Gang left, Yi Tian was sitting alone in the guest courtyard in the Faci Temple. At this time, he couldn't help thinking of the imprint pattern left on the furious avatar. He took out the jade slip again and examined it carefully.After a long time, he let out a sigh, and thought in his heart, "This maniac must have obtained the legacy of Luo Tianxian Palace in his previous life. Just from the information on this jade slip, we can see what he has done and his own family's love." Zongmen has a great connection. '

Immediately, in his mind, he quickly searched out all the methods of cultivating the soul of the three sects in the spiritual world, and went through them over and over.It didn't take long before his eyes lit up, and after browsing through the catalog of Luo Tianxian Palace's jade books, he seemed to find some clues.

Then he took out the jade slip left by the ancestor of Feng Lingzi that he got in the Qionghua Pavilion back then, searched along the catalog and found an exercise called 'Wan Shi Gui Yuan'.

I didn't have time to study this exercise in detail before, and the supernatural powers recorded above are suitable for monks in the Mahayana period to condense their souls.Originally, I was unable to calm down to practice because of the disaster war, so after I got this jade slip, I just browsed through the catalog roughly and remembered it in my heart.

After opening the jade slips, Yi Tian's spiritual thoughts were immersed in it, and he read through this "Wan Shi Gui Yuan" exercise in detail.As time went by, a cloudy look appeared on his face. Finally, he closed his eyes and memorized the whole exercise in detail in his mind, and then used his divine sense to deduce it in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Little did he know that as he gradually entered the deduction technique, he began to practice gradually without knowing it.I don't know how long the whole process lasted until I finished deducing the whole exercise and opened my eyes to find that the seat next to me was covered with a thin layer of dust.It is expected that the other courtyards in the 'Faci Temple' are all cleaned up, and there will be no such situation.

And the restrictions around here are intact, obviously people from the outside don't dare to bother me and no one has come.After Luo Geng took out the sundial from the storage ring and checked the time, Yi Tiancai found that it had been more than half a year since Wan Gang left, which meant that he had spent a lot of time deducing the exercises here.

When he came back to his senses, Yi Tian hastily stretched out his spiritual sense to investigate, and swept across the entire 'Faci Temple' through the restriction of other courtyards.After ten breaths, a look of relief appeared on his face.

At this time, Yan Wenxiong was sitting cross-legged in the cave of the other courtyard hundreds of meters away from him, practicing. With his current xinxing, he had already realized that his identity was different from before.I must have seen a lot in the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce. The so-called rising tide raises all boats, and the things in my mind will naturally increase a lot after my vision improves.What's more, he was born in the Huangquan royal family, and he has seen a lot since he was a child.Now that he can worship under his sect, in the future, as long as he succeeds in cultivation, he will naturally be able to get back the grievances in his heart with interest.

At present, the most important thing for him is to improve his cultivation, presumably he has also been treated with courtesy by Wan Jiaolan's side, so he knows what the most urgent thing is right now.

In addition, what Yi Tian is most concerned about right now is that he doesn't know how far the things he planned are going.After thinking about it, he took out two communication jade charms to activate and sent them out respectively.These two talismans were sent to Senior Brother Xiong Erbao and Putian respectively. They performed their respective duties and stared at the foreign monks and monk Zhixing in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas respectively.

After waiting for a while, a ray of spiritual light flew back through the restriction outside the gate of the other courtyard.Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take it, spread it on the palm of his hand and checked it carefully, but it was Xiong Erbao's reply.

During this period of time, he was in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas together with the Discipline Academy of the Daleiguang Temple, and kept an eye on the monks from other races who were coming and going between this place and the boundary gate.Among them, no high-level monks were found to visit, and these foreign monks who came were relatively peaceful, and nothing happened to secretly sneak into the depths of the Buddhist spirit world.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also knew that the time had not yet come. It is estimated that the frenzied deity would not send his clone to the world of Buddha and spirit until monk Zhixing performed the method of reincarnation and reconstruction.

It's just that they don't know whether it will be the Nether boy or the Biluo enchantress. If the person who comes is too weak, of course they will not be able to welcome the reincarnation of Master Zhixing.

Immediately, Yi Tian put away the messenger jade talisman, closed his eyes and continued to wait. It took a full half a day before he found any movement at the entrance guard.The second message talisman arrived unexpectedly, and flew back to him. Yi Tian opened his eyes again, reached out to take it, and then swept it with his divine sense.It was discovered that it was Brother Putian's message, which mentioned that Master Zhixing had arrived in the Minglun Temple of Daxue Mountain half a year ago and began to comprehend the secret technique.

Now it is estimated that he has almost realized his comprehension, and is now preparing for his death.It is expected that the day of his passing away will not exceed half a year, and at that time, Senior Brother Putian will be the leader of his afterlife to find him out of the crowd and escort him back to Daleiguang Temple.

It is said that Master Huisheng was also alarmed this time. This Mahayana monk told him that when the reincarnation of the monk Zhixing returned to the Daleiguang Temple, he would be allowed to worship under the monk's door to help him eliminate the madness of the Nether Emperor. Secular origin.

Since even the monks in the Mahayana period have spoken, the matter cannot be messed up. It is expected that Master Huisheng has already seen the relationship between Monk Zhixing and Luan Kuang.Although Master Huisheng may not understand his current plan, it seems that there is no conflict at present.But it seems that senior brother Putian can't count on him. If he meets the savage clone this time, he still has to rely on himself.

But Yi Tian didn't want to really fight to the death with the mad clone, not to mention that the ultimate goal this time was to find a way to detect the deity from his body after capturing his clone.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian still calculated in his heart, and then sent out two communication symbols one after another.This time, after the jade talisman was activated and flew out of the door, it flew directly towards the Daleiguang Temple. Although there were Xiong Erbao and Senior Brother Putian, they also had tasks at hand, and they couldn't spare their hands to help.

This time I went to Daleiguang Temple to ask for help, and the talismans sent out were sent to monks Yishun and Jieding respectively.This time, in order to deal with the frenzied avatar, he also tried his best to find people. As long as his avatar enters the urn, there is absolutely no possibility of returning to the Netherworld.

Then he turned his gaze to Yan Wenxiong, a registered disciple not far away, and he will definitely have time to take care of him for some time in the future.But it's not appropriate to keep him in the 'Faci Temple' all the time. The attributes of the exercises he practiced are faintly restrained by the power of the Buddhist sect. Naturally, practicing here is half the effort with twice the effort.

After thinking for a long time, Yi Tian sighed, then stood up, and disappeared in place in a flash.After ten breaths, a light and shadow in the other courtyard where Yan Wenxiong was located slowly emerged from the void, and it was Yi Tian's true deity.After looking at Yan Wenxiong in front of him, Yi Tian said later: "Wenxiong, I have something to do recently, so I want to entrust you to Wan Gang from the Manjiao tribe. You can practice well in the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce until I come back."

(End of this chapter)

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