
Chapter 2127 Soul Boy

Chapter 2127 Soul Boy
A ray of light in the sky of the Buddha Spirit Realm flew out of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas silently, and then it chose a direction and flew towards the depths of this realm.The blue and red color of the escape light is Yi Tian's true deity.

It takes a few years to wait in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, but fortunately, for those who practice the Tao, the time for a retreat is longer than this.Originally, Yi Tian was sitting cross-legged in the other courtyard in the 'Faci Temple' to adjust his breath and practice, but after receiving a summons from Senior Brother Putian, he got up straight and rushed towards the agreed direction.

From Putian's message, I learned that Master Zhixing passed away five years ago, and now his reincarnated body has opened the aura.Before Zhixing passed away, he also left an induction talisman. At this time, senior brother Putian is using the induction talisman to pursue the past.

He informed himself of the general direction of the message, and at the same time went ahead to respond.Monk Zhixing is a person valued by Master Huisheng, a Mahayana period monk of Daleiguang Temple. Brother Putian did not dare to be careless because of this, and he did everything by himself.

After receiving the summons, Yi Tian hurriedly notified Xiong Erbao and Yishun, and rushed to leave tracking marks along the way for the two to identify their location.

Flying over the sky, Yi Tian's face was full of worries and joys. The reincarnation of Master Zhixing was naturally a great thing.But if Luankuang hadn't sent his clone to the world of Buddha and spirit to snatch his many years of planning, it would be in vain.If this is the case, it will take a lot of thought to deal with the madness.

According to the news obtained from Xiong Erbao, it seems that the two furious avatars, Biluo Yaoji and Youming Boy, did not appear in the world of Buddha and spirit.It may be that their gongfa attributes were too restrained by the Buddha's light here, so they didn't come. So far, Yi Tian seemed a little relaxed. It would be a good result if they could welcome Zhixing's reincarnation safely and soundly.

It is reckoned that Xiong Erbao and Yishun should have received his summons and set off at this time. At this time, he has already flown tens of thousands of miles away. Although the speed of the two of them is not as fast as his own, they will not be too slow.

Letting go of the divine sense covered the ten thousand li radius under the prying eyes of the divine sense, and then Yi Tian flew straight in the direction pointed by Senior Brother Putian.

After flying in the air for countless days, Yi Tian's divine sense detected Pudian's whereabouts.At this time, he seemed to be in place and did not move quickly.It should be based on the prepaid induction that he found the location of the reincarnation of the monk Zhixing.

It's just that he didn't know why he didn't take people away directly, but after thinking about it in his heart, the light on his body was strengthened by three points.The short distance of thousands of miles, Yitian only took half a moment to fly there. At this time, it is almost millions of miles away from the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Leiguang Temple.

Shaoqing, a comprehension town, came into view, which can be regarded as a relatively remote area in the world of Buddha and spirit.But what I didn't expect was that there was actually a comprehension town built here.

After quietly opening the divine sense to investigate, I found that this town is also three hundred miles in size, and the highest cultivation level in it is a monk of a foreign race.Apparently, this is a comprehension town established by casual cultivators of different races, and there is a branch station set up by the Daleiguang Temple in it. It is estimated that it is still under the control of Buddhism, but the casual cultivators here are stationed and autonomous.

After quietly lowering the cloud head, Yi Tian restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, disguised himself as an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, and entered the main entrance of the city.Look up and see the words 'Wansha City' written on the city gate, and there are many monks lining up at the gate to receive their identity jade cards and enter the city.

Nascent Soul stage monks who pretend to be themselves can naturally enter directly through the VIP passage.After passing through the city gate, Yi Tian Shennian quietly started to investigate again and found that the spiritual pressure fluctuation of Senior Brother Putian was appearing near the north of the city.Under the glance of the divine sense, Yi Tian found that it seemed to be the location of the mortal slums.

There was something in my heart, I kept stepping, and then I took a quick step towards that place.

After entering the slum, Yi Tian's spiritual sense locked on the position of Senior Brother Putian, and he was standing at the door of a residential house, not knowing what he was doing.

Patience, Yi Tian hurriedly searched for the past, and saw Senior Brother Putian wearing a tattered cassock and holding a rotten bowl in his hand, begging for alms.Although he didn't know why he did this, Yi Tian didn't dare to act rashly.Then he walked forward slowly to a foot behind Putian before stopping, then lowered his head and asked via voice transmission: "Why is this so, brother? Don't you need to find Master Zhixing's reincarnation?"

Putian was about to reply when he suddenly saw a five-year-old boy walking out of the room in front of him, holding a broken bowl filled with half a bowl of rice in his hand.He only heard him say in a childish voice: "The sloppy monk took the rice and left quickly, I don't have anything left here."

Yi Tian's divine thoughts flitted across the child in front of him, and he saw that he had delicate features and eyes, and there was a faint light of comfort on his body.And through his soul, he could see a golden Buddha seal flashing, and immediately whispered: "Is it this child?"

Monk Putian nodded slightly, and then replied via voice transmission: "Junior Brother Zhixing once said that he would use the method of an ascetic monk to lead him into the Tao, and he must not be forced. Only in this way can Senior Brother Zhixing escape from the madness of Emperor Youming faster. Influence."

After hearing this, Yi Tian could only pretend to be passing by and leave quietly. Now he can't help at all, and can only rely on Senior Brother Putian to guide this child into the Tao in an orthodox way.

Although people are already close at hand, but they can't play cards according to common sense, which makes Yi Tian helpless.But it doesn't matter if Senior Brother Putian is there, but he stays at the door and doesn't leave. It seems that he is protecting the reincarnation of monk Zhixing.

In the slum area, Yi Tian continued to walk down, suddenly his heart trembled for no reason.Then he hurriedly looked up and glanced at a skinny old man walking towards him.Although there was no spiritual pressure fluctuation on his body, when he saw him, he couldn't help being vigilant.

At the same time, the other party seemed to be aware of his gaze, but he turned his head away and turned directly into the alley next to him before meeting him face to face.

Yi Tian Shen Nian hastily reached out and searched, but could no longer find the whereabouts of the old man.Horrified, he hurriedly turned around and walked towards Putian's location.At the same time, while walking, the figure suddenly disappeared on the street, and after using the concealment technique, the figure disappeared directly.

Passing by where Putian was, Yi Tian hurriedly informed him of the matter through sound transmission, and suddenly noticed a slight spiritual pressure fluctuation in the house in front of him.Yi Tian didn't doubt that he directly teleported and rushed in.

I saw that there was a family of seven people in the house at this time, all of them were immobilized, and a gap in the void slowly opened.But the skinny old man was standing at the side and stretching out his hands.

It's just that an aura appeared for no reason and directly interrupted his spellcasting, and then all the seven people in the room fainted as soon as their eyelids closed.

(End of this chapter)

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