
Chapter 2128 Containment

Chapter 2128 Containment
Following the signal left by senior brother Putian, Yi Tian traced all the way to the small border town 'Wansha City' deep in the realm of Buddha and spirit.Speaking of which, this place is not too small, with a full span of three hundred miles, and the strongest monks in it are as distracted as they are, and the Great Leiguang Temple has set up a garrison here.

When Yi Tian felt that he was here, he didn't make much fanfare, but just restrained his cultivation base to the Nascent Soul stage and entered the city disguised as a casual cultivator in the spirit world.After arriving in the city, Yi Tian quickly found the position of senior brother Putian, and after the round, he also met the reincarnation of monk Zhixing.It's just that Putian warned that it should not be used forcefully, and that the child needs to be introduced to Buddhism in the orthodox way of Buddhist ascetics, so as not to violate the entrustment of monk Zhixing when he passed away.

Yi Tian naturally knew the stakes in it, and if he did it forcibly, it would definitely be detrimental to Zhixing's reincarnated soul boy.At that time, it will be difficult for me to explain to Master Huisheng and Monk Jieding, so I can only hold back temporarily and let Senior Brother Putian take action, while I just wait and see what happens.

Having nothing to do, Yi Tian wandered around the area where the soul boy lived. He wanted to catch a big fish this time, but he didn't expect that the bait was there, but the fish didn't take the bait.

When he was in desperation, he discovered that there was a skinny old man in the slums of the 'Wansha City' that caught his attention.Speaking of which, the other party seemed to be nothing special at first glance, but after staring at it carefully, I found that I couldn't see it through.

This is where the big problem lies, and the other party seems to have noticed that he deliberately chose a fork in the road to avoid.When he tried to lock with his divine sense again, the other party was nowhere to be found, and Yi Tian didn't know that something had happened to him at this point.He hurriedly turned around and went back to the soul boy's residence, and senior brother Putian naturally realized the problem when he saw that he was walking in a hurry.

After Yi Tian teleported and broke in, he still found that the suspicious old man he saw just now was appearing in the house, and after a faint aura flashed in his hand, he was about to forcibly open the gap in the Dao interface.This kind of method cannot be done without the cultivation base of the fusion period, Yi Tian immediately took a shot and directly interrupted his spellcasting.

At the same time, the vibration of the spiritual pressure directly stunned the seven mortals in the room.

Senior brother Putian also appeared at the right time and blocked the soul boy directly, and after looking solemnly at him, he said, "Your Excellency, who came here uninvited, seems to disregard my Great Leiguang Temple."

The skinny old man frowned slightly and glanced at the two people in front of him, realizing that they were caught in the middle.Facing Putian's questioning, the old man snorted coldly and said: "We don't violate the water of the river, I just came to retrieve my things, is there a problem with this?"

"The majestic Emperor Youming is determined to do such a dirty trick, but if you don't want to change your name, why don't you even have the courage to declare yourself?" Yi Tian joked: "Or maybe you are afraid I."

"Arrogant boy, it's you who spoiled my good deed again," the old man replied angrily.

"I thought it was Naluo Yaoji or Youming boy who made the move, but I didn't expect your fourth clone to look like an old man," Yi Tian sighed, "Your methods are indeed ever-changing and endless. , even I was almost hidden from you."

"Boy, I heard that you replaced Ji Xuanyuan in the Lihuo Palace. I didn't expect that when I was in the demon world, I was also mistaken." The old man hummed: "This old man is the fourth incarnation of the Nether Emperor, the compassionate old man."

"Compassionate old man, this name is a bit different," Yi Tian said with a disdainful smile: "I see that you have the name of compassion but do vicious things. The seven members of this family can enjoy family happiness, but your Appearing will cause their flesh and blood to be separated, how can they be merciful."

The monk Pudian on the opposite side also showed an angry expression: "The hypocrites and hypocrites want to confuse people's hearts in the name of compassion. Today, Lord Buddha, I will let you see how the Daleiguang Temple subdue demons."

After finishing speaking, Putian's golden light appeared all over his body and protected the seven people behind him. In the Buddha's light, there was a phantom, the real body, but it looked like an angry Buddhist Dharma protector.

Seeing this, the compassionate old man showed no fear at all, but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes and he couldn't help saying: "The Dharma protector of the Buddhist sect is glaring at Vajra, and the Daleiguang Temple is simply deceiving people too much."

Having said that, but his hands were not idle either. He folded his hands together and swiped past him. The environment in front of him was drawn out of thin air with a light mark, showing a gap in space.Immediately, the merciful old man dodged inside to avoid the attack of the real body of Universal Dharma.

After the sound of 'click', the space closed directly, as if it had never appeared before, and only Yi Tian, ​​Putian and a family of seven mortals were left in the room at this time.

Yi Tian hurriedly asked through sound transmission: "Is the soul boy safe?"

Putian hurriedly drove the Faxiang avatar behind him to protect the soul boy, checked carefully with his spiritual thoughts, and said with a calm face: "It's okay, I just passed out, but I ran away because of the savage clone of the Nether Emperor."

"I can't run away," Yi Tian said with a sneer, "Brother, please protect the soul boy. I'll meet that old boy later."

"Junior Brother, don't underestimate the enemy, that compassionate old man is also the fourth clone of the Lord Nether, and his strength should not be inferior to mine," Pu Dian said with a solemn expression.

"I've kept this matter to myself. This time, I also set up a big game to deal with the crazy clone. I think it's almost time to close the net at this moment." Yi Tian said calmly: "Although the space magic he uses is strong, it can But he couldn’t escape from my pursuit. And our people are all here, it’s just a matter of effort to capture him alive under the siege.”

After finishing speaking, his whole body turned into a green glow, and the next moment Yi Tian's figure appeared in the sky outside the east gate of the 'Wansha City'.Wherever the Divine Sense went, Yishun who had come to reinforce was found, and Xiong Erbao and others were rushing towards this place.

And five hundred miles away in the air to the east of the city, there was a weak Dao Chaling pressure wave flashing past, an opening was split in that place instantly, and a black shadow escaped from it and flew straight towards the east.

Yi Tian sneered on his face, took out the messenger talisman and activated it, and sent it out.Afterwards, with a flash of inspiration all over his body, he chased straight towards the direction that the compassionate old man was escaping from.

In Shaoqing's spiritual thoughts, he found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations of Xiong Erbao and Yishun had separated and circled around the direction where the compassionate old man was escaping.

After ten breaths, the three encircled each other within a space area of ​​[-] miles, and with the continuous squeeze of the surrounding space, the opponent could no longer leave calmly.

Suddenly Yi Tian only felt that the compassionate old man in the distance stopped in the air, and then the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body rose sharply.It is necessary to do a fight like this, but fortunately, it is far away from Wansha City here. Yi Tian's expression did not change, and after letting go of the spiritual pressure fluctuations all over his body, he went straight to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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