
Chapter 213 Customization

Chapter 213 Customization
It has been three days since Yi Tian returned to Zheng’s Artifact Refining Shop in Beishi, and this trip is considered to be very fruitful, at least the investigation of the ruins has made great progress, but at present, he is responsible for finding two helpers, which is still a headache Yes, in the end Yi Tian decided to look for it by himself first, and if it really didn't work, he would try to find a way to find Zheng's family.

Right now, Yi Tian's main focus is on cultivation. The 'Golden Sun Immortality Body' on his body has just reached the first level of cultivation. The later it will cost more, and this matter has to be discussed in the long run.For the collection of materials this time, I also instructed Xiashui Dongcheng by the way, telling him to help collect some level [-] Lingyang grass if he has the opportunity, anyway, it will be included in the cost of refining tokens.

As soon as he returned to the Zheng's Artifact Refining Shop in Beishi, he saw a few monks at the door arguing with the shopkeeper Zheng Fu about something.Seeing Yi Tian's return, Zheng Fu appeased everyone as if he was relieved, and then hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master Yi, I have summoned you several times, and I don't know that you just came back. There just happened to be a client in front of me." Want to customize a magic weapon, you see?"

Hearing Zheng Fu's words, Yi Tiancai realized that he forgot to look at the jade plaque, but after all, he was also a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage, so how could he give orders to a shopkeeper in the Qi Refining Stage.He casually ordered: "Tell me the whole thing, what are there so many people doing around the door of the store? Don't open."

After hearing this, Zheng Fu went forward to persuade everyone to disperse, and then led Yi Tian back to the inner hall. After Yi Tian sat down, Zheng Fu opened his mouth to tell the story.It turned out that the few low-level spiritual weapons that Yi Tian had repaired at random before turned out to be surprisingly effective, and the owner of the goods went back and tried it and found that it was even better than the original ones.There was another one inside that even fought against a fourth-level intermediate spirit weapon and destroyed the other party's spirit weapon. Now the other party quit, and later informed the refiner that he must come to ask for advice.

At this moment, Yi Tian realized that he had gone too far. What he was most afraid of when he first arrived was smashing other people's jobs, but the craftsman's profession is also based on real materials.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian ordered: "In the future, if you have this matter, you can push it to the main store, and say that you took it to the main store for repairs. Forgive those people who dare not really go to the Excalibur Sect to make trouble on the site. , we do business here in Beishi, but you have to watch over people, don't make trouble anymore," Yi Tian was about to go back to his room to rest after speaking.

"Wait a minute, Master Yi," Zheng Fu also continued to bite the bullet: "The last time your consignment was confiscated, the person left a message to order a high-level spiritual weapon, but I don't know if you have it. Is it time?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian is also excited. Those who want to customize high-level spiritual weapons are basically people with similar cultivation levels as himself, so it's not bad to make friends.After nodding his head, Yi Tian said: "So I'll see you later. If the other party is sincere, you can talk about it in detail. By the way, if this is the case, how will the store charge?"

Zheng Fu said with a smile: "This is a private order made by a craftsman, and the store only charges one thousand spirit stones as an introduction fee. If there is a need for materials provided by the store, then the market price plus [-]% will be settled."

Thinking that the method of making money in this refining shop is quite reasonable, so that you can save yourself the time of collecting materials, and regardless of the result of the refining, the Zheng family's refining shop has also cleared the relationship. It's a good thing to make too much publicity.

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian told Zheng Fu to arrange to meet the guests as soon as possible.After repairing the spirit weapon last time, it is estimated that Zheng Fu has learned a little bit about his own strength, so he became more respectful.Thinking of this, Yi Tian also smiled wryly in his heart. He wanted to hide his name and keep a low profile, but things always develop in unexpected places.

Three hours later, Yi Tian met with the customer who asked for customization in the private room in the back hall of Zheng's Refining Shop. After the two parties were divided into guests and hosts and sat down, Zheng Fu also took his leave after knowing about thousands of teas. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. , the next thing is out of his control.

After seeing the shopkeeper leave, Yi Tian just smiled, and then raised his hand to open a sound-proof barrier to wrap the two of them together.He sized him up and down, he looked like a young man, and he was wearing casual clothes, looking like a handsome boy.Ke Yitian didn't dare to underestimate the other party, but based on the control of this spiritual power fluctuation, the other party was at least a master in the foundation stage.

It is impossible to cultivate to such a level in eight or ninety years. Since the other party bought the black knife that he made, it seems that he is not a righteous person.But all of this has nothing to do with Yi Tian, ​​as long as the price can be negotiated.

After a while, the person also introduced first: "I am Duguao, last time I took a fancy to the Heisha blood blade sold in Zheng's refining shop and found it very useful, but the grade is a little low. Dare I ask if the master can refine high-level knives?" It is also acceptable to use a high-level spiritual weapon or upgrade to a lower level," he said before taking out the black-painted spiritual sword

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he was stunned, he really came here for this matter, but he didn't know the details of the place, if he rushed to help him rashly, he would get into trouble.Seeing that Yi Tian was silent for a while, Dugu Ao didn't know what the other party's plan was, but he was very anxious in his heart, and he was very unwilling to see a good thing that could not be of great use.

After a long time, Yi Tiancai said: "I think Fellow Daoist Dugu should be looking for a talisman that can match him, and fellow Daoist, isn't he related to Tianmomen?"

As soon as the words came out, Dugu Ao stared at Yi Tian with wide eyes in surprise, and after three breaths, his face softened and said: "Don't joke, you are just a casual cultivator. I don't know why you ask this question?"

Yi Tian sneered at this and said: "The attribute of the spirit weapon I refine is Lie Sha, and the materials I use include several kinds of magical materials such as century-old Hei Sha corpse blood and Xuan Yin Hao iron. Ordinary monks will not even take a look at it. .Even if you approach within three feet, you will be affected by the bloody aura emanating from this spiritual weapon. If you are not a person in the magic way, how can you use it?"

Unexpectedly, Dugu Ao was overjoyed and said: "Master has such vision, I admire it. It is true that I like this thing very much, but the grade is a bit low. There are not many refiners who can refine magic weapons. I hope Master can do it." I like it."

"It's easy for me to upgrade this Heisha Blood Blade to a fifth-level spiritual weapon with my skills alone," Yi Tian also looked at Duguao proudly and continued: "However, I need at least two fifth-level materials. If I need to maintain To contain the evil spirit in this blood blade, you need at least the demon core or blood of a fifth-level ferocious beast."

After listening to Dugu Ao, he also sat down and pondered, the monster core of the fifth-level monsters is not difficult to get, but it is more troublesome when it comes to the fifth-level monsters alone.It's hard to find a fifth-level beast, let alone destroy it to get its demon core and blood.

The atmosphere in the room became cold for a while, only the sound of Yi Tian tapping the table with his fingers.Duguao sighed after a while and said, "It's true that I can't find the spirit core and blood of the fifth-level beast immediately. I wonder if the master has a way?"

Seeing this, Yi Tian also paused for a moment, and then thought about it in his heart, "Forging weapons is a trivial matter, and it is a matter of finding helpers. Seeing that Dugu Ao's personality is extraordinary, he should be a member of Tianmomen, but the other party didn't say it clearly. After leaving this village, there will be no such shop. After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Dugu, can you listen to the next thing?"

Dugu Ao thought it was a dead end, but when he heard this sentence, he knew that there must be a follow-up, but the following conditions would definitely not be easy to agree to.In desperation, he had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Master, please clarify first, and then discuss it if you think it's appropriate?"

"I have a ferocious beast's blood in my hands, but I still lack a ferocious beast core. Fellow Daoists can look for it in Tianjian City, maybe there will be a chance."

"Thank you so much, I'll look around, and if there is any news, I will inform the master as soon as possible," Duguao said.

After looking at the other party's expression, although it was better than before, he still looked worried. Yi Tian couldn't say anything more, but just asked Duguao for a contact information.Next, I will wait for his news, but Yi Tian knows in his heart that he is definitely not a person who gives up easily, and he must be seeking to refine the natal spirit weapon.

Let this matter go slowly for now, and then find a way to make him owe him a favor, and then go to the ruins together to explore together.

After Duguao left, Yi Tian hurried to Zheng Fu and asked if the Zheng family had a refining station outside Tianjian City, preferably a refining room that could extract the Earth's Core Fire.Although I can directly use Xuanyang True Fire to refine weapons, that is only for my own use. It is better to refine weapons for others, so as to save those who are interested in noticing something, and then ask for trouble.

Zheng Fu can be regarded as an old man of the Zheng family, and he finally knows something about the crafting industry.After listening to Yi Tian's question, he thought for a while, and said with a smile: "It's not difficult for Mr. Yi to borrow the refining room with the fire in the center of the earth. The Zheng family has a refining room on Xiding Volcano, three hundred miles west of Tianjian City. Tool workshop, take out the real fire refining tool that can extract the core of the earth."

After listening to Zheng Fu's introduction, Yi Tian also smiled, and then handed over 1000 yuan of Lingshi to him, asking him to help apply to the Patriarch.Zheng Fu is also an old man, and he still has this vision.Ever since Yi Tian repaired those spiritual weapons, Zheng Fu knew that this was not someone who could be easily offended.Since there is still a lot of oil and water to be fished this time, why not do it.

After putting away the thousand spirit stones, Zheng Fu said with a smile all over his face: "Master Yi, please rest assured about this matter, I will go get it right away, you just wait for my good news."

Seeing that the other party was so knowledgeable, Yi Tian also smiled and waved his hand, telling him to go to work.But he hurried back to the refining room inside the shop, closed the stone door and opened the restriction.Then Yi Tian took out the jade bottle containing the beast's blood and looked at it, and now promised Duguao that he could give him some of the beast's blood.

Glancing at the jade bottle in front of him, it contained Xiong Batian's blood. Although it was not much, it was the blood of a sixth-level ferocious beast.This was originally used to refine dolls, and it is estimated that about [-]% of the refining equipment can be allocated.

Thinking of Yi Tian, ​​the doll stand-in, felt a burst of fire, this is a great thing, it's like an insurance for himself.Anyway, I have nothing to do, and luckily I have all the materials together, so let's refine my own things first, so that the next time I go to explore the ruins, it will be safe.Thinking of this, Yi Tian simply took out the sky silk, spirit wood core and spirit beast blood
(End of this chapter)

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