
Chapter 214 Replacement

Chapter 214 Replacement
The business of Zheng's Artifact Refining Shop on the North Street of Tianjian City has improved by [-]% in the past three months. It is said that there is a new master artisan in charge.All the magical artifacts that need to be repaired will be accepted here, and the goods can be picked up in about ten days.The quality of the repaired spiritual artifacts from here is even better than the original ones, so those low-end monks who wandered around North Street, and even those casual cultivators who established the foundation also came here intentionally.

As the shopkeeper, Zheng Fu has been very busy recently, and the orders in his hands are all full.Therefore, all pick-ups will be postponed for one month according to the time. Even with such a regulation, people still come in an endless stream.Most of them are designated to wait in line to wait for the master to practice spiritual weapons, and a few want to order privately. Zheng Fu also treats them differently.

After recording all their requests one by one, Zheng Fu handed them over to Yi Tian for review. If the materials are sufficient, or they can be dispatched from the main store, then they will be accepted together.If the materials are not enough, you have to put it on hold temporarily, and list all the required conditions, and let the client figure it out.

Three months later, at noon on a certain day, Duguao and Yi Tian were sitting opposite each other in the inner hall in the backyard of Zheng's smithery shop on North Street.A sound-proof barrier has been set up in the room, and the two of them can talk freely.

But Dugu Ao frowned all over his face, with a helpless expression on his face, he just shook his head after drinking the tea.Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't want to ask more questions, so he could only wait for the reply.I only heard Duguao said: "Master, I have gained something by cooperating with others to kill spirit beasts this time. I didn't know that I didn't hire assistants when I killed the monsters. The extracted monster crystal cores were damaged. I don't know what this thing is. Can it still be used?" After speaking, he took out two broken crystal nuclei from the storage bag and handed them to Yi Tian.

After taking the hand, he scanned it carefully with his spiritual sense. The whole crystal nucleus was three inches long and one inch in radius.The fractures of the two crystal nuclei are butt-jointed, and it fits perfectly. If there is no fracture, it is definitely a good material.

After a while, Yi Tian put the crystal nucleus on the table and said: "Fellow Daoist, do you know if there are any five-level monster crystal nucleus for sale recently? It's not a bad idea to buy one at a small price." The implication is that the broken crystal nucleus is unavailable.

Duguao was silent for a while and said: "I know that there is a person who has a fifth-level monster crystal core for sale, but what he wants to exchange is a pill."

"That's very good. I've also done some research on elixir. If you don't give up, please recommend it to Fellow Daoist Dugu. Maybe there will be a turning point."

Now Dugu Ao looked at Yi Tian with a face full of surprise, and then said with joy on his face: "This is not a solution. It is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Next, I will contact the other party. If the other party agrees, Master Yi Can you walk with me?"

Yi Tian said with a smile: "I listen to you, I will arrange the things in the store first, please sit down for a while."

Originally, Yi Tian also wanted to join in the fun. Anyway, he also knows how to practice alchemy, so it’s good to go and have a look. If the elixir requested by the other party is not difficult to refine, he can make it.If it succeeds, the other party will also accept favors, and my main purpose is to attract people into the group.

Yi Tian had thought it over before, Shui Dongcheng and Du Heiyi were the low-level people in Tianjian City after all, and if they really fought one-on-two, they could be easily dealt with.What we are looking for now are those powerful foundation-building monks. The space sealed in the eight-door golden lock formation and the coiled dragon formation is definitely not simple.

It is said that Duguao in front of him is also a direct disciple of Tianmomen, so his strength is definitely not much worse.Rather than looking for a bunch of bad guys, it's better to find some ruthless characters. Even if they turn their faces in the end, there is still a good chance of winning in three-on-five.

This time Dugu Ao found a fifth-level monster crystal core but could only exchange it with the other party. It seems that the opposite person is also a famous person.Yi Tian took a fancy to this point and decided to help temporarily.

The streets of Tianjian City are also brightly lit at night, and most monks don't need to sleep, so these shops are open all day.For the rest of the market, there is basically no difference between day and night, except for those cultivators who are restricted by exercises and need to practice within a specific time.

Three hours later, there were four people sitting in the lobby of a private house in Excalibur City. Duguao was dressed in a black robe, and there was always an evil spirit surrounding him.Ordinary foundation-building monks would feel uncomfortable standing next to him, and their cultivation base would be more or less affected.

Ke Yitian looked at the two people opposite him, they were actually disciples of the Excalibur Sect, and he was not afraid of Duguao's black evil spirit at all. All were suppressed, and there were faint signs of an outbreak.The woman sitting next to him had a pale face and looked a little injured. Yi Tian reckoned that this woman was supposed to be taking the pill that was going to be exchanged for refining this time.

When he came here just now, Yi Tian asked Duguao about the situation of the other party in the transaction, but he just smiled and shook his head and said: "The other party is Xing Yuan, an inner disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, and he is not easy to get along with. Let’s see the tricks.”

After the four of them sat down, the maids who served them brought tea. After everyone took a sip of tea, Duguao pointed to Yi Tianxian and said, "This is Master Yi, who lives in the Zheng Family Refining Shop in Tianjian City." The refining master. The next request this time is to find Master Yi to refine the fifth-level natal spiritual weapon for the later stage of foundation establishment."

Xing Yuan, who was sitting across from him, frowned after hearing this. The Zheng family's craft shop is owned by Shenjianmen, and the craftsman who wants to come to sit here should also be from Shenjianmen.Originally, Xing Yuan didn't have much interest in people from the Tianmo Sect, but the other party had a slight reputation during the foundation building period, so they should not be underestimated, so they still had to work on appearances.

Wanting to come to Xing Yuan, he smiled and bowed to Yi Tian: "I don't know that Master Yi is also a member of my Shenjian sect. I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, I also sit full-time in the refining shop, and rarely come out for activities."

Xing Yuan laughed and said, "I don't know which elder Master Yi is a disciple of?"

It seems that the other party is really ready to get to the bottom of it, Yi Tian said casually: "I was recommended by Elder Zheng, and now I live in Zheng Yong's place, and I am located in the branch of Zheng's Artifact Refining Shop on North Street."

Hearing that Yi Tian is the craftsman who sits in the branch, Xing Yuan couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Everyone knows that the direct descendants of Zheng's crafts shop are all in the main shop, and the area on North Street is equivalent to being released outside.

Seeing this, Dugu Ao also complained in his heart, this Master Yi spoke too straightforwardly, fortunately he still has some real skills, so he hurriedly stepped forward to change the topic and said: "Fellow Daoist Xing, this time we are here to exchange for the black dragon in your hand. If you have any needs, please tell me clearly, if I can do it, I will definitely do my best."

Xing Yuan looked at the two of them, then sighed and said, "I need to use this crystal nucleus to exchange for a elixir to cure my wife Tang Min's illness." After speaking, he and the woman stared at each other.

Dugu Ao tentatively asked: "I don't know what kind of pill it is, there are quite a few alchemists in my Heavenly Demon Sect, so I can ask a fifth-level alchemist to help me refine it because of my face."

As soon as these words came out, Xing Yuan also looked at Duguao with a look of surprise, who didn't know that these fifth-level alchemists were basically Golden Core cultivators, and it seemed that Duguao in front of him also had a background.

After thinking for a while, Xing Yuan still shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist Dugu, let's forget it, the elixir I want can't be made by a fifth-level alchemist."

"Do you want a sixth-level alchemist? Then I can't help it," Duguao looked at Xing Yuan unwillingly, and then looked at Yi Tian in a daze.

The latter said with a smile: "My view is that Fellow Daoist Tang's internal breath is chaotic. It should be because he strayed through his meridians during practice, or cultivated two types of aura with mutual restraint attributes. Afterwards, the two strands of true energy repelled so badly in the body that it looked like a madman."

After listening to Yi Tian's words, Xing Yuan's face twitched a few times, while Tang Min's face was sad.The words just now went to the point and analyzed the condition very thoroughly.

On the contrary, Dugu Ao looked at Yi Tian differently, he didn't expect that the craftsman would actually have research on the treatment of diseases, so he hurriedly said: "Then Daoist Yi, in your opinion, what method should be used to cure this disease?" Yi Tian in front of him was his last This time, Duguao put all his treasures on Yi Tian.

Now even Xing Yuan bowed his hands respectfully and asked: "Master Yi still has research on this, why don't you just say it bluntly, if you can find a way to heal your wife, I would like to reward you with a lot of money."

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said, "Even a fifth-level alchemist may not be able to refine the elixir mentioned by Fellow Daoist Xing, it's only [-]% sure at most, so don't fellow Daoists want to make such a thing?" Do you want to blog?" After speaking, he dipped his index finger in the tea and wrote the words 'Qian Kun Pill' on the table.

Now Xing Yuan's face was filled with joy, and he murmured in his heart that since the other party knew about the Qiankun Pill, it seemed that the other party also knew about it, maybe there was a way, so he stood up and saluted Yi Tian: "Friend Yi Daoist What I said is true, I would like to ask fellow Taoists to help me, I am very grateful."

Duguao who was on the side also had a brilliant face, he thought that the end of the world, but he didn't expect it to be bright again, now it's almost the same.But Yi Tian's idea is to find a helper to go on an adventure together. This can be regarded as a transaction that comes and goes, isn't there just two people in front of him.

Immediately, Yi Tian said sternly: "Fellow Daoist Xing, I don't know what is the alchemy rate of the alchemy master you invited? How much does it cost, and what is the quality of the alchemy?"

Seeing that Yi Tian brought the topic to the serious business, Xing Yuan didn't hide it and said, "I asked Xu Dewang, an inner alchemist of the Excalibur Sect, to refine the Yin-Yang Harmonization Pill, and the price was 20 spirit stones plus a fifth-level monster core." , the quality of the pill is middle-grade. However, according to Master Xu, the best pill to heal internal disorder is the Qiankun Pill, but this pill has been extinct in Xihuang for many years, how do fellow Taoists know?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian laughed, and then took out a sealed jade box from the storage bracelet and put it on the table, saying: "This thing can definitely cure Tang Daoyou's condition, and Xing Daoyou can ask the alchemy master who knows the goods to test it." one time."

Xing Yuan and his wife looked at the jade box on the table excitedly, then turned to look at Yi Tian with a casual look, and they communicated through voice transmission.Then Xing Yuan said: "Please wait a moment, I would like to invite friends from the inner sect to help check."

(End of this chapter)

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