
Chapter 215 Lingbao

Chapter 215 Lingbao
The Excalibur faction controls nearly [-]% of the explored area in the Western Wilderness, and the same goes for the other two factions. There are thousands of miles of land at the junction of the three rows as a buffer.The three factions have built bridgeheads in the buffer zone, and the role of Tianjian City is to serve as the first barrier of the Divine Sword Sect.There are tens of thousands of miles of wilderness area outside the area controlled by the three factions, which sometimes attracts many monks to go there for training or to explore deep into the wilderness.

With the easing of the relationship between the three factions in the past thousand years, these barrier buildings have gradually transformed into important places for commercial transactions. In addition, the middle and low-level disciples of each faction have private contacts and exchanges, and the high-level monks above are also The attitude of turning a blind eye and closing one eye is why Tianmomen disciples like Duguao can enter and leave Tianjian City at will.

After all, each school has its strengths, and private communication can also learn from each other's strengths to a certain extent.Besides, even if the higher-ups want to ban it, the people below will still trade secretly, so it's better to open the door to do business so that it can be monitored.

Fortunately, everyone still maintained due restraint, and people like Dugu Ao would have to cover up when they went to Tianjian City.Although everyone knew in their hearts that he was a member of Tianmomen, they didn't tell the truth on the surface.And Dugu Ao also knew the truth here, after entering Tianjian City, he changed his clothes, at least he would not wear the clothes of Tianmomen disciples to show off on the street.

The land boundary a thousand miles west of Tianjian City can be counted as the inner area of ​​the Divine Sword Sect.Xiding Volcano is one of the most holy places for alchemy refining in the world of Shenjian Sect. The Zongmen opened up the entire volcano here, drew out the real fire in the center of the earth, and built dozens of melting chambers, large and small.Then according to the area, the south of the mountain is designated as alchemy, and the north of the mountain is dedicated to refining weapons.

The entire Xiding Mountain is an active volcano with tumbling lava in the center. The surface of the whole mountain is pitch-black. Because the temperature is too high, there are basically few vegetation that can survive on the mountain.

Three days ago, Yi Tian and Dugu Ao exchanged the black dragon crystal core from Xing Yuan, and after returning to the Zheng family's crafting shop in Beishi, they got the token from Zheng Fu, and then they rushed to the West Top volcano here.Originally, Yi Tian also planned to show off his skills and tie Dugu Ao to his chariot, so there was such an arrangement.

When bidding farewell to Xing Yuan before, the other party was also very polite, and said that this time he owed a huge favor, and in the future, as long as Yi Tian asks something, it must be within Xing Yuan's ability to do so.Yi Tian also understands in his heart that the selection of this person has been settled, but there is still work to be done at hand, and when the staff is assembled, he will naturally ask Xing Yuan to help.

Ming people don't speak dark words, and Yi Tian also pointed to the end when he was leaving. He only said that he might trouble Xing Yuan in the near future. The communication method is left.

Yi Tian took Zheng Ruyong's token from the Zheng family to the refining area of ​​Xiding Volcano and went all the way unimpeded.The Elder Jindan who was in charge of registration at the foot of the mountain verified the token and only asked a few words. Yi Tian also answered truthfully. There is no need to talk big in front of high-ranking monks. His words and deeds are seen by the other party. Here, even the slightest unnaturalness will be strictly inspected.

On the contrary, Dugu Ao was swept up and down by a wave of divine sense several times, he was familiar with the way and knew that there would be such a thing, he stood there without moving and let the other party check.

A moment later, the elder said to Yi Tian: "Pay a deposit of 5000 yuan of spirit stones first, and a fee of 16 yuan of spirit stones. The No. [-] refinery room in the land character No. [-] will be used for one month. If you overdue, you will have to pay a double fine."

Before coming here, Zheng Fu also informed about the market here, and when he heard that it was not easy to get in and out, he casually handed over the prepared spirit stone bag.After counting the number of spirit stones, the elder took out an access token and threw it to Yi Tiandao: "Don't make too much noise when refining the weapon, any loss of items will be deducted from your deposit."

After the token was verified correctly, Yi Tian nodded and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's just a small fight." After speaking, he led Dugu Ao into the road to the refining area of ​​the local brand.

Flying is not allowed on the entire mountain, so the two had to walk up the mountain road on foot.The refining room of Dizihao was near the mountainside, and the two of them walked for about a quarter of an hour to find the gate of the cave.

After taking out the token, Yi Tian poured spiritual energy into his hand, and after a while, the gate and the token echoed each other, and then a hole was opened on the gate to allow one person to enter and exit.Yi Tian turned around and smiled at Duguao: "You wait outside, I will open the restriction and send the things out after I'm done."

"Master Lao Yi has everything," Duguao handed the storage bracelet with the crystal nucleus to Yi Tian after speaking, and then found a place to sit on the floor at the door of the refining room.

After taking the things, Yi Tian strolled across the restriction and got into No. 16 refining room.After entering the inside, Yi Tian scanned it with his spiritual sense, only to find that the temperature here is more than ten times higher than the outside, and there is a circular furnace in the center. To the right there is a seating area with a stone futon on top.

After looking around, Yi Tian nodded in satisfaction. The conditions here are not worse than those of the Chiyang Sect. He opened a barrier to cover the entire refining room. Every refining master has his own secrets. He is not willing to reveal his refining technology easily, even in the refining room, these protective barriers are still very necessary.

Sitting on the stone futon in the refining room, Yi Tian closed his eyes and rested his mind to adjust his state to the best. There are two purposes for coming here this time: one is to help Dugu Ao refine the natal spiritual weapon, and the other is to give it to himself. Refining a substitute doll.

Dugu Ao's spiritual weapon had been planned before, the technique of Tianmomen disciples was about killing, that's why he chose the Heisha Blood Blade.What Yi Tian wants to do is to use the 'Heisha Blood Blade' as the prototype, as long as it is mixed with deep-sea mysterious iron to reshape the blade, use the beast crystal core to upgrade the grade, and finally add the blood of the monster to condense the blood.

And my stand-in doll is a technical job, this thing is at least a fifth-level top-level, or even a sixth-level rudimentary spiritual weapon.Now Yi Tian had to spend 12 points to deal with it.Although it was clearly described in the remnant of artifacts that day, to make a stand-in doll, you only need a godwood core, monster blood and silkworm silk, but the key is the inscription on the spiritual weapon engraved on it.

For this reason, Yi Tian quickly analyzed the refining method of the stand-in doll word by word, and repeatedly deduced the inscription on the spirit weapon in his mind no less than dozens of times.

This deduction did not expect to take seven days at once. After deep meditation, Yi Tian showed a knowing smile on his face.Either do the best if you don't do it, this is your own belief.

Take out your own materials from the storage ring first, spread them out on the ground, and then put the materials for refining 'Heisha Blood Blade' on the other side.Relying on his strong spiritual sense, Yi Tian prepared to refine two spiritual weapons at the same time. First, he set up a high-level spirit-gathering formation on the ground, and then he walked slowly to the eye of the formation and sat down slowly.

With a sound of "present", four arms stretched out from under the armpits, and two heads emerged from the ears respectively.Yi Tian, ​​who showed the dharma body of Asura, had restrained wood and fire aura all over his body, much more stable than when he first came out of cultivation.

As the left hand began to smelt the deep sea black iron to strengthen the blade embryo of the 'Black Sha Blood Blade', the main hand held the Shenmu core, and the right fingertips lit a trace of Xuanyang real fire to place the Shenmu core on it Shape slowly.

Dugu Ao, who was waiting outside the cave, sat in meditation for a month. For a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, he could sit down and meditate casually for several years.But this month is more torment than waiting for him. He can hold his breath for more than 20 days at the beginning of the period, but after 30 days, Yi Tian has not opened the door control, which makes Dugu Ao a little worried.

Even Elder Jin Dan who was stationed at the foot of the mountain also sent his disciples to pass the message, saying that Yi Tian had used the refining room of the site name for more than the stipulated time, and he needed to pay a fine for late payment at the duty office after he came out.

Dugu Ao also looked helpless about this, he only hoped that Yi Tian could succeed, even if he had to pay some fines, it didn't matter, and then he privately gave a hundred spirit stones to send back all the disciples who came up for interrogation.

But time passed day by day, and the door of the cave was never opened.It wasn't until the elder Jin Dan on duty came up to inquire personally with a group of people on the seventh day, that Dugu Ao knew that he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward.Who knew that people would ignore him at all, but stood at the entrance of the cave and watched for a while, and then sent a summons to enter the ban.

A moment later, the door of the cave opened a small hole, and a storage bag flew out of it and landed in front of everyone.Then there was a sentence from Yi Tian: "Five thousand spirit stones in the storage bag are regarded as a fine. The ban will be opened at [-]:[-] noon, and the spirit weapon will be used to escape." After speaking, the ban was restored to its original state.

Now the disciples who are watching are eager to try it. This spiritual weapon robbery is not something that can be seen every day. For a junior foundation builder, being able to watch the spiritual weapon transcending the robbery at a close distance will definitely improve his refining skills in the future. Benefited a lot.

The happiest thing is Dugu Ao. Yi Tian's words just now clearly show that this time the weapon refining is successful, and the spirit weapon that can overcome the catastrophe is at least level [-] or above. This time, his wish has been fulfilled. It seems that it took a lot of money Point Lingshi is also worthwhile.

The elder Jindan's face froze, and then he picked up the storage bag on the ground with a hook of his fingers, and after sweeping in with his spiritual sense, his expression softened a little.After a while, he turned around and said to a group of disciples around him: "All the idlers go down first, and the craftsmen stay behind, each find a safe place to observe the robbery."

Then he turned around and said to Duguao: "Spiritual Artifact Crossing Tribulation, if any loss is caused to the Artifact Refining Area, you will have to pay for it."

After hearing this, Dugu Ao smiled disdainfully, he only cared about his own spirit weapon, he took out a storage bag from his waist and handed it forward, saying: "Put the [-] spirit stones here first, remember to return more Make up less."

(End of this chapter)

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